- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘小鹤,马仁志,李星国著
- 出 版 社:长沙:中南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787548717409
- 页数:361 页
Chapter Ⅰ Layered Hydroxide and Oxide Nanocones 1
Layered Cobalt Hydroxide Nanocones:Microwave-Assisted Synthesis,Exfoliation and Structural Modification 3
A General Strategy to Layered Transition-Metal Hydroxide Nanocones:Tuning the Composition for High Electrochemical Performance 17
High-Yield Preparation,Versatile Structural Modification,and Properties of Layered Cobalt Hydroxide Nanocones 34
Layered Zinc Hydroxide Nanocones:Synthesis,Facile Morphological and Structural Modification,and Properties 59
Chapter Ⅱ Inorganic Nanotubes 75
Selective and Controlled Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Yttrium Hydroxide/Oxide Nanosheets and Nanotubes 77
Rational Synthetic Strategy:From ZnO Nanorods to ZnS Nanotubes 96
Selective Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Uniform CoTe and CoTe2 Nanotubes 110
Shape-Controlled Synthesis and Properties of Manganese Sulfide Microcrystals via a Biomolecule-Assisted Hydrothermal Process 120
Conversion of Metal Oxide Nanosheets into Nanotubes 132
Chapter Ⅲ Cobalt and Nickel Oxide Nanorings 147
Cobalt Hydroxide Nanosheets and Their Thermal Decomposition to Cobalt Oxide Nanorings 149
Rationally Synthetic Strategy:From Nickel Hydroxide Nanosheets to Nickel Oxide Nanorolls 166
Chapter Ⅳ Rare-Earth Oxide and Oxysulfate Hollow Spheres 179
Controllable Fabrication and Optical Properties of Uniform Gadolinium Oxysulfate Hollow Spheres 181
Hollow Spherical Rare-Earth-Doped Yttrium Oxysulfate:A Novel Structure for Upconversion 197
Controlled Fabrication and Optical Properties of Uniform CeO2 Hollow Spheres 213
General Synthetic Strategy for High-Yield and Uniform Rare-Earth Oxysulfates(RE2O2SO4,RE=La,Pr,Nd,Sm,Eu,Gd,Tb,Dy,Y,Ho,and Yb)Hollow Spheres 225
Chapter Ⅴ Transition-Metal Oxide and Chalcogenides Hollow Spheres 241
Controllable Fabrication and Magnetic Properties of Double-Shell Cobalt Oxides Hollow Particles 243
Shape-Controlled Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt Oxides Hollow Spheres and Octahedra 257
Shape-Controlled Synthesis and Properties of Dandelion-Like Manganese Sulfide Hollow Spheres 274
Nickel Dichalcogenides Hollow Spheres:Controllable Fabrication,Structural Modification and Magnetic Properties 286
Biomolecule-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis and Properties of Manganese Sulfide Hollow Microspheres 300
Biomolecule-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Copper Sulfide Hollow Spheres 311
Chapter Ⅵ Other Hollow Spheres 323
Hollow Metallic Microspheres:Fabrication and Characterization 325
Selective Synthesis and Properties of Monodisperse Zn Ferrite Hollow Nanospheres and Nanosheets 339
Controllable Fabrication of SiO2/Polypyrrole Core-Shell Particles and Polypyrrole Hollow Spheres 351
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