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镁合金冶金基本原理  影印版
镁合金冶金基本原理  影印版

镁合金冶金基本原理 影印版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Mihriban O.Pekguleryuz
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787560363912
  • 页数:368 页
《镁合金冶金基本原理 影印版》目录

1 Primary production of magnesium&R. NEELAMEGGHAM,IND LLC,USA 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Raw materials and production methods 3

1.3 Chemistry of extraction of magnesium from raw material 7

1.4 Fused salt electrolysis 11

1.5 Impurity removal chemistry in thermal processing 12

1.6 Process equipment 15

1.7 Melting,refining and casting magnesium 21

1.8 Magnesium alloy powder 23

1.9 Future trends 24

1.10 Conclusion 27

1.11 References 27

2 Physical metallurgy of magnesium&A.A.KAYA,Mugla University,Turkey 33

2.1 Introduction 33

2.2 Crystal structure and its consequences 34

2.3 Plastic deformation behaviour of magnesium and its alloys 41

2.4 Critical resolved shear stress(CRSS),slip and twinning 42

2.5 Fatigue behaviour 49

2.6 Creep behaviour 52

2.7 Recrystallization and grain growth 66

2.8 Future trends 73

2.9 References 73

3 Thermodynamic properties of magnesium alloys&S.L.SHANG and Z.K.LIU,Pennsylvania State University,USA 85

3.1 Introduction 85

3.2 Fundamentals of thermodynamics 86

3.3 Thermodynamic properties of Mg alloys and compounds 92

3.4 First-principles thermodynamics of Mg alloys and compounds 96

3.5 Future trends 115

3.6 Acknowledgements 116

3.7 References 116

4 Understanding precipitation processes in magnesium alloys&C.L.MENDIs,Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht,Germany(formerly of National Institute for Materials Science,Japan)and K.HONO,National Institute for Materials Science,Japan 125

4.1 Introduction 125

4.2 Precipitation from supersaturated solid solution 126

4.3 Precipitation hardening magnesium based alloy systems 138

4.4 Role of precipitation hardening in the development of high strength magnesium alloys 145

4.5 Conclusions and future trends 146

4.6 Sources of further information and advice 148

4.7 References 148

5 Alloying behavior of magnesium and alloy design&M. PEKGULERYUZ,McGill University,Canada 152

5.1 Introduction 152

5.2 Alloy design:solid solution alloying of magnesium 153

5.3 Alloy design:compound formation in magnesium alloys 161

5.4 The effects of second phases on the mechanical behavior of magnesium 173

5.5 Alloying with surface-active elements 177

5.6 Alloying elements and their effects 184

5.7 Summary:magnesium alloy design to enhance properties 187

5.8 References 189

6 Forming of magnesium and its alloys&M.R.BARNETT,Deakin University,Australia 197

6.1 Introduction 197

6.2 Testing for formability 199

6.3 Deformation mechanisms and formability 200

6.4 Yield characteristics and drawability 205

6.5 Work hardening and stretching 212

6.6 Failure strain behaviour,compression,rolling and bending 217

6.7 Superplastic deformation and hot forming 223

6.8 Hot cracking and extrusion 224

6.9 Conclusions:key issues affecting the formability of magnesium 225

6.10 Future trends 226

6.11 References 226

7 Corrosion and surface finishing of magnesium and its alloys&S.BENDER,iLF Institut für Lacke und Farben e.V. Germany,J.G?LLNER,Otto von-Guericke University of Magdeburg,Germany,A.HEYN,Federal Institue for Materials Research and Testing(BAM),Germany,C.BLAWERT and P. BALA SRINIvAsAN,Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht,Germany 232

7.1 IntrOduction 232

7.2 Magnesium corrosion in aqueous media 233

7.3 Surface finishing 242

7.4 Implications for improving corrosion resistance and future trends 256

7.5 Conclusions 257

7.6 References 258

8 Applications:aerospace,automotive and other structural applications of magnesium&A.A.LUO,General Motors Global Research & Development,USA 266

8.1 Introduction 266

8.2 Material properties 267

8.3 Alloy development 274

8.4 Manufacturing process development 282

8.5 Aerospace applications 287

8.6 Automotive applications 289

8.7 Other applications 301

8.8 Future trends 303

8.9 Acknowledgements 310

8.10 References 310

9 Applications:magnesium-based metal matrix composites(MMCs)&H.DIERINGA,Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht,Germany 317

9.1 Introduction 317

9.2 Reinforcements for magnesium metal matrix composites(MMCs) 318

9.3 Processing of magnesium composites 323

9.4 Interfaces,wetting and compatibility 326

9.5 Properties of magnesium-based MMCs 328

9.6 Conclusions and future trends 339

9.7 References 339

10 Applications:use of magnesium in medical applications&F. WITTE,Hannover Medical School,Germany 342

10.1 Introduction to biodegradable implants based on metals 342

10.2 Fundamental concepts of biodegradation 345

10.3 Magnesium-based biodegradable metals 348

10.4 Recent research and future product development 350

10.5 Sources of further information and advice 352

10.6 References 353

10.7 Appendix:list of abbreviations 355

Index 357
