- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李紫娟著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:9787520323390
- 页数:261 页
Chapter Ⅰ Origin and Formation of Marxist State Theory 1
Section Ⅰ Ideological Origin of Marxist State Theory 1
1.Early western thoughts of state 2
2.The state theory of Utopian Socialism 6
3.Hegel's concept of rational state 10
Section Ⅱ Self-clarifying of Marxist State Theory 15
1.Clarifying of Hegel's rational state theory 15
2.Sublating of utopian socialist state theory 18
3.Critique to modern bourgeois views of state 21
Section Ⅲ Historical Formation of Marxist State Theory 23
1.Forming process of Marxist state theory 24
2.Maxist state theory forming features 31
Chapter Ⅱ Marxist State Nature Theory 38
Section Ⅰ Class Nature of Marxist States 38
1.Origin of state 39
2.Nature and type of state 46
3.Class ruling function of the state 52
Section Ⅱ The Thought of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 55
1.Concept of proletariat dictatorship 56
2.Paris commune and the dictatorship of the proletariat 62
3.Form of Soviet state power 67
4.The dictatorship and democracy of the proletariat 74
Section Ⅲ Theory on Democratic Dictatorship of the Workers and Peasants 80
1.Proposing of democratic dictatorship of workers and peasants 81
2.Worker-peasant dictatorship 86
3.Requirements on worker-peasant democracy and dictatorship 90
Chapter Ⅲ The Marxist State Public Function Theory 95
Section Ⅰ The Public Nature Of Marxist State 95
1.The attribute of the state's public nature 96
2.The relationship between public nature and class natrue 103
3.The social management functions of the state 110
Section Ⅱ The General Idea of“state-society”Management 116
1.The thought of the state returning to the society 116
2.Proletarian State Management Thought 122
3.Management Concept of Communist Society 128
Section Ⅲ The Specific Thought of Socialist Country Management 133
1.Social Economy Management Methods 134
2.Social Political Management System 140
3.Social Culture Management Strategy 146
Chapter Ⅳ Theory of the Demise of Marxist Countries 152
Section Ⅰ “State Demolishment”is the Future Trend of Development 152
1.Necessity of state demolishment 153
2.The possibility of state demolishment 156
3.The reality of the state demolishment 159
Section Ⅱ “the state demolishment”Historical Process 161
1.The“semi-state”of the proletariat vanished on its own 162
2.Socialist“non-political state”is dying out 166
3.No state communist society 169
Section Ⅲ the State Demolishment Takes a Long Time 174
1.Stage of the state demolishment 174
2.The dialectical nature of the state demolishment 178
Chapter Ⅴ Chinization of Marxist National Theory 181
Section Ⅰ Application of Marxist Country Theory in Revolutionary Practice 181
1.Mao Zedong discovered a new state system and regime 182
2.Mao Zedong's Theory of New Democracies 184
3.Mao Zedong's Theory of People's Democratic Dictatorship 187
Section Ⅱ The Innovation of Marxism State Theory in the Social Construction 190
1.The Development of Deng Xiaoping to the Marxist Theory of State 190
2.Jiang Zemin's New Development to theory of Marxist Country 192
3.Hu Jintao's New Abundance to Marxist Country Theory 194
Section Ⅲ Promote the Chinization of Marxist Theory 196
1.Accurately position China's basic national conditions at this stage 196
2.Endow Marxist state theory with Chinese characteristics 198
3.Fully assess the complex situation in special national conditions 200
Chapter Ⅵ Marxist State Theory and Current Chinese Governance 203
Section Ⅰ National Governance:the Latest Development of China's Marxist State Theory 203
1.Overview of National Governance 204
2.State Governance:A New Realm of Sinicization of Marxist Theory of State 208
Section Ⅱ The Current Predicament of Chinese National Governance 214
1.Westernized Perplexity in the Modernization of State Governance 215
2.Discussion on“People's Democratic Dictatorship”in the Process of National Governance Modernization 218
3.Political Constraints in the Repositioning of Governmental Functions 220
4.Difficulties in the general improvement of the national governance mechanism 222
Section Ⅲ Provisions of the Marxist Classical Author on State Governance 224
1.The dictatorship of the proletariat is the fundamental principle of state governance 224
2.Development is the fundamental task of state governance 225
3.Democratic management is an important way of state governance 227
4.Social governance is the future direction of state governance 228
Section Ⅳ Development Orientation of National Governance:Realizing the Modernization of National Governance 229
1.Promote the Modernization of Governance with the Orientation of Updating Value 230
2.Improve the Democratic Political System to Promote the Modernization of Governance 233
3.To Build a Service Government to Promote the Modernization of Governance 236
4.To Build a New Pattern of Social Governance and Promote the Modernization of Governance 238
Conclusion 241
Works Cited 243
中文参考文献 254
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