医学人文英语 上PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨劲松,罗永胜总主编;高玮,张俐华主编;路婧,黄东妮,文瑞玲等副主编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:7309131741
- 页数:215 页
Unit 1 Autism 1
Ⅰ.Info-storm What is autism? 1
Ⅱ.Watching-in Autism&Asperger 2
Ⅲ.Defining the concept Defining autism 4
Ⅳ.Critical reading Further reading about autism 10
Ⅴ.Speaking out Review your perception about autism 19
Ⅵ.Pros/Cons Celebrities with autism 23
Ⅶ.Outcome Do you accept autistic people? 26
Unit 2 HIV/AIDS 28
Ⅰ.Info-storm HIV/AIDS Basics 28
Ⅱ.Watching-in 29
Ⅲ.Defining the Concept Defining HIV and AIDS 31
Ⅳ.Critical Reading 35
Ⅴ.Speaking Out 47
Ⅵ.Pros/Cons HIV and AIDS:Language and the Blame Game 50
Ⅶ.Outcome 54
Unit 3 Surrogacy 55
Ⅰ.Info-storm Two blog posts 55
Ⅱ.Watching-in I can't have a baby 56
Ⅲ.Defining the Concept Defining surrogacy 58
Ⅳ.Critical Reading What do you know about"surrogacy" 61
Ⅴ.Speaking Out 69
Ⅵ.Pros/Cons Commercial surrogacy:Is it really so bad? 71
Ⅶ .Outcome Does gay husbands choose adoption or surrogacy? 75
Unit 4 First Aid 76
Ⅰ.Info-storm What is First Aid? 76
Ⅱ.Watching-in Code Blue 77
Ⅲ.Defining the Concept Defining first aid 79
Ⅳ.Critical Reading Further reading about first aid 86
Ⅴ.Speaking Out Read and say 97
Ⅵ.Pros/Cons First aid techniques learnt from medical show help 99
Ⅶ.Outcome Is it necessary for students to take first aid courses? 101
Unit 5 Allergy 102
Ⅰ.Info-storm Web news on allergies 102
Ⅱ.Watching-in 103
Ⅲ.Defining the Concept Defining allergy 105
Ⅳ.Critical Reading 1 Pet allergy 109
Ⅴ.Speaking Out 122
Ⅵ.Pros/Cons Preventing Food Allergies:To avoid or to expose?That's a question 125
Ⅶ.Outcome What to do with peanuts? 129
Unit 6 Plastic surgery 130
Ⅰ.Info-storm A plastic surgery web page 130
Ⅱ.Watching-in Plastic surgery 131
Ⅲ.Defining the concept.Defining plastic surgery 133
Ⅳ.Critical Reading What do you know about plastic surgery 137
Ⅴ.Speaking Out Why do people have plastic surgery 146
Ⅵ.Pros/Cons Plastic surgery:beauty or beast? 150
Ⅶ.Outcome Plastic surgery 154
Unit 7 Influenza 156
Ⅰ.Info-storm Latest News on Influenza A 156
Ⅱ.Watching-in When docs get sick 157
Ⅲ.Defining the Concept Defining influenza 159
Ⅳ.Critical Reading What do you know about"influenza"? 165
Ⅴ.Speaking Out Read and say 176
Ⅵ.Pros/Cons Flu vaccine,to get a shot or not,that'a question 180
Ⅶ.Outcome Factors concerning influenza 183
Unit 8 Organ Transplant 185
Ⅰ.Info-storm Web news on organ donation 185
Ⅱ.Watching-in Inhale—Some people only have one option 186
Ⅲ.Defining the Concept Defining organ transplant 188
Ⅳ.Critical Reading What do you know about"organ transplant"? 195
Ⅴ.Speaking Out Understanding Organ Donation 206
Ⅵ.Pros/Cons Make an Informed Decision!Know the Pros and Cons of Organ donation 210
Ⅶ.Outcome How do you view organ transplant? 214
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