激光表面改性处理合金的耐腐蚀性能 影印版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Chi Tat Kwok
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787560364094
- 页数:384 页
Part Ⅰ Improving corrosion and cracking resistance 1
1 Laser surface modification of steel and cast iron for corrosion resistance&R. VILAR,Instituto Superior Téchnico and ICEMS,Technical University of Lisbon,Portugal 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Laser surface treatments enhancing the corrosion resistance of ferrous alloys 4
1.3 Transformation and microstructure of laser-treated steels and cast irons 5
1.4 Applications:steel 13
1.5 Applications:cast iron and other materials 30
1.6 Acknowledgements 34
1.7 References 34
2 Laser surface melting(LSM)to repair stress corrosion cracking(SCC)in weld metal&K.SHINOZAKI,Hiroshima University,Japan and T. TOKAIRIN,Babcock-Hitachi K.K.,Japan 41
2.1 Introduction 41
2.2 Materials and experimental procedures 43
2.3 Laser surface melting(LSM)treatment conditions for repair procedures 47
2.4 Corrosion resistance of the laser surface melting (LSM)treatment zone 52
2.5 Effect of residual stress on stress corrosion cracking(SCC)susceptibility 72
2.6 Conclusions 75
2.7 References 77
3 Laser surface melting(LSM)of stainless steels for mitigating intergranular corrosion(IGC)&W.K. CHAN,C.T. Kwok and K.H.Lo,University of Macau,China 79
3.1 Introduction 79
3.2 Merits of laser surface melting(LSM) 80
3.3 Laser surface modification of stainless steels for mitigating intergranular corrosion(IGC) 81
3.4 Experimental details 87
3.5 Metallographic and microstructural analysis 90
3.6 Intergranular corrosion(IGC)behavior 96
3.7 Conclusions 106
3.8 Acknowledgments 107
3.9 References 107
4 Pulsed laser surface treatment of multilayer gold-nickel-copper(Au/Ni/Cu)coatings to improve the corrosion resistance of components in electronics&N. SEMMAR and C. BOULMER-LEBORGNE,University of Orléans,France 109
4.1 Introduction 109
4.2 Experimental arrangements 111
4.3 Experimental results 114
4.4 Numerical results 118
4.5 Conclusions 122
4.6 References 122
5 Laser surface modification of nickel-titanium(NiTi)alloy biomaterials to improve biocompatibility and corrosion resistance&K.W. NG and H.C. MAN,Hong Kong Polytechnic University,China 124
5.1 Introduction 124
5.2 Fundamental characteristics of nickel-titanium(NiTi) 126
5.3 Laser surface alloying of nickel-titanium(NiTi)with molybdenum(Mo) 130
5.4 Conclusion 143
5.5 References 146
Part Ⅱ Improving erosion-corrosion resistance 153
6 Laser surface modification of metals for liquid impingement erosion resistance&M. DURAISELVAM,National Institute of Technology,India 155
6.1 Introduction 155
6.2 Experimental procedures 157
6.3 Coating characteristics 161
6.4 Liquid impact erosion characteristics 168
6.5 Eroded surface morphology 169
6.6 Correlation between mechanical properties and erosion resistance 171
6.7 Conclusions 173
6.8 Acknowledgments 174
6.9 References 174
7 Laser surface modification of steel for slurry erosion resistance in power plants&R.C. SHIVAMURTHY,M. KAMARAJ and R. NAGARAJAN,Indian Institute of Technology Madras,India and S.M.SHARIFF and G. PADMANABHAM,International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and Newer Materials(ARCI),India 177
7.1 Introduction 177
7.2 Surface engineering of hydroturbine steels 180
7.3 Materials and processes 188
7.4 Metallurgical performance of coatings 192
7.5 Slurry erosion performance of coatings:an overview 213
7.6 Impingement angle 219
7.7 Effect of erodent size 247
7.8 Effect of slurry velocity 260
7.9 Effect of slurry concentration 270
7.10 Erosion tests with river sand 272
7.11 Development of correlation for erosion rate 277
7.12 Conclusions 278
7.13 Acknowledgements 282
7.14 References 283
8 Laser surface alloying(LSA)of copper for electrical erosion resistance&P.K.WONG and C.T.KWOK,University of Macau,China and H.C.MAN and F. T. CHENG,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,China 288
8.1 Introduction 288
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