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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:铸造杂志社编辑
  • 出 版 社:中国机械工程学会铸造分会
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:259 页

第61届世界铸造会议壁报论文集 (Poster Session Papers Collection of the 61st World Foundry Congress) 1



石墨球和Mn含量对连续等温淬火工艺的影响 Effect of Graphite Nodule Conunt and Manganese Content on Successive Austempering Process OHIDE Taku, et al [日本],M NLLI Ahmadabadi(伊朗) 1

残余奥氏体对等温淬火灰铸换耐磨性的影响 Effect of the Retainde Austenite Content on the Wear Resistance of Austemperde Grey lron Ho-Chul Shin.et al[韩国] 5

铸铁基复合材料(CIMCs)Cast lron Marrix Composites(CIMCs) 9

球铁件的收缩模型及缩孔形成机理 Shrinkage Pattrn and Shrinkage CAvity Frmation in Ductile lorn Casting 黄斌[中国香港] 17

蠕墨铸铁在中国的研究、生产和应用 The Research,Produclion and Applications of Compacted/Vermicular Graphite Cast lron in China 张惟德等[中国] 23

厚大断面RE-Mg球墨铸铁件的凝固和组织控制 Solidification and Structure Control of Heavy Section RE-Mg Ductile lron Castings 丁霖溥 陈国庆等[中国] 25

亚临界温度下获得全铁素体可锻铁新工艺及机理研究 Research for New Technology and Principle Obtaining Ferritic Malleable lron Below Critical Temperature 30

5t/h冲天炉采用除湿送风提高熔炼质量 Improving the Quality of Cast lron in 5t/hCupola With Blatst Dehydration 邹维荣[中国] 39

用稀上氧化渣来净化铁水的实验研究和热力学分析 Experiment Research and Thermodynamic Analysis of the Purification of Molten Cast lron With RE-Oxided Slag 吴炳尧 九衍升 王凤良[中国] 42

镧镁球化剂的研究 Studies on La-Mg Spheroidizer 孙蓉珠等[中国] 47

脉协磁场对球墨铸铁的球化与衰退的影响 The Influence of lmpalse Magnetic Field on Spheroidization and Spheroidiazarlion Decayng fo Ductile Iron 崔天真等[中国] 53

球墨铸铁的激光表面铬合金化 Laser Surface Alloyirg of S.G.Iron with Chromiom 郭景杰 柳百成等[中国] 60

石灰氮在灰铸铁中的脱硫和强化机理及其加入方法 The Methods of Adding CaCN2to Grey Cast Iron and Its Desulphuriing and Strengthening Mehanisms 梁文心等[中国] 64

复合变质合金FeSiZrMiMgBTi对高铬合金白口铁组织和力学性能的影响 Researches on Effect of Complex Modifying Alloy FeSiZrNlMgBTi on the Strure and Physical and Mechanical Properties of High Alloyed White Cast lron with Chromium Danel Bunea, et al[罗马尼亚] 69


离共品铝铜合金的垂直向上和向下布里曼生长过程中自然对流的实验研究 Experirnental Investigation of Natural Convection During UPward or Downward Vertical Bridgman Growth of Off Eutectic Al-Cu Alloys YOON Eui-pak,et al[韩国] 72

在等离子电炉中熔制铸造新工艺 New Technological Processes for Making of Casting Alloys in Electric Furnaces with Plasrna Heaating Kostyakov V.N.,et al [乌克兰] 76

宏观掺杂复合材料——21世纪高耐磨材料 Cast macroheterogenous Composite-High Wear Resistant Material of 21st Century S.S.Zatulovsky,et al [乌克兰] 80

夹杂对铝硅合金热分析曲线特征值的影响 Influence of Inclusion on the Thermal analysis Characteristic Valuses of Aluminium Silicon Alloy 许庆彦等[中国] 84

铸造铝合金的遗传性 The Heredity in Cast Aluminium Alloys 程军等[中国] 87

铝硅合金准固态性能研究 The Heredity in Cast Aluminium Alloys 刘相法等[中国 91

铸造铬锰不锈钢的开发及其腐蚀磨损行为的研究 Study on Quasi-Solid Behavior of Al-Si Alloys 程军等[中国 97

微合金化元素对铸钢组织和性能和影响 Effects of Microalloying Elements on the Structures and Prdoperties of Cast Steels 马捷等[中国 100

熔模铸钢件净化技术的研究 The Research of the Purification Technique on Invetment Steel Castings 陈綵中 叶荣茂等[中国] 105

利用组织贵传性开发名合金熔铸新工艺 Development of New Technoloy of Melting and Casting Aluminium Alloys on Basis of Structural Heredity Phenomenon Application V.I.Nikitin,et al[俄罗斯] 110

化学粘结剂砂的高生产率造型制芯 High Production Moulding with Chemically Bonded San Systems A.D.Busby[美国] 113


非均匀液态金属的结晶特性及其在工艺过程中的应用 Pceuliarities of Crystallization of a Heterogeneous Molten Metal and Their Use in the Technological Processes B.A.Kirievsky[乌克兰] 123

通过控制铸造合金熔化工艺细化组织 Grain Fining by Controlling Melting Technique of Cast Alloys 徐达鸣等[中国] 126

凝固过程中双扩散对流现象的研究 Study on Double Diffusive Convection During Solidification 顾江平 陈玉明等[中国] 133

冲天炉底焦燃烧横断面温度场及炉气CO2浓度的微机彩色图象显示 The Computer Displasy of Gas Composition and Temperature Cross Sections in a Cupola 陈方 严卫红 陈立新等[中国] 138

冲天炉程序熔化过程的微机模拟研究 Computer Strdy on Procedural Melting Process of Cupola 陈方 袖山忠一 施恩玉等[中国] 144

阶梯式浇注系统的充量分配计算及实验研究 Calculation and Experimental Study on Flow Distribution of Step-Gate System 常庆明等[中国] 149

汽车球铁件凝固过程三维有限元法数值模拟 3-D Finite Elements Numerical Simulation for Solidifying Process of Automotive Nodular Casting 王金国 张绍海等[中国] 153

铸件充型和凝固数值模拟及应用 Numerical Modelling of Mould Filling and Solidification for Castinns and lts Practical Application 李培耀 [中国] 158

铸造材料热物怀参数数据库 Datadbase of Thermal Physical Properties for Casting Materials 江华等[中国] 162

不同条件下压铸金属液充型过程的数值模拟 Computer Simulation of the Effect of Die-Filling Conditions on Flow Pattern in Diecasting 卢宏远 李荣彬等[中国] 165

用计算机对铸造工作者进行模具设计和铸造CAD/CAM培训和再培训的方法和经验 Methods and Experience in Computerized Training and Re-Training of Foundryemn using Tooling Design and Casting CAD/CAM V.V.Ishcenko.et al [俄罗斯 170

一种用于铸造充型过程中流动和传热的三维计算机模拟技术 Methods and Experience in Computerized Training and Re-Training of Foundryemn using Tooling Design and Casting CAD/CAM V.V.Ishcenko.et al [俄罗斯] 173

葡萄牙然造工业中的快速成型技术和计算机凝固模拟 The Rapid Prototyping Thchnology and Computer Somputer Solidification Simulation in the Chain Process of Portuguese foundry Industry J.M.G.Carvalho Ferreira,et al[葡萄牙] 177


挤压铸造铝合金的凝固特性 Solidification Characteristics of Alumrium Alloys in Spueeze Casting In-Sung Cho, et al [韩国] 182

局部复合铸件的制造及其应用 Fabrication of Partial Composite Castings and Its Application junji SUGISHIT,et al [日本] 187

盐浴渗氮改善压铸型及其应用 Salt Bath Nitriding of Die Casting Dies and Tooling Elements to Improve Properties Harald R. schmauer[德国] 192

用电子表束装生产Ni、Ti、Zr基合金铸件 Production of Ni-,Ti.Zr,-Based Alloys Cast Parts in Electron Beam Units Sergey V.Ladokhin[乌克兰] 198

型砂高温粘聚力及内磨擦角的研究 Investigation of the Apparent Cohesion and Angles of Shearing Resstance of Moulding Sands at Elevated Temperature 张家泉 于震宗 丁能续等[中国] 201

石膏型精密铸造模具新技术的应用 Application of New Technology of Plaster Precision Casting Dies and Moulds 陈政新[中国] 204

用浇口盆补缩法设计熔模铸件浇注系统的研究 Research on the Gating System of Investment Castings Dastings by the Basin-Feding Method 徐云相 王健民 孙如松等[中国] 207

铝活塞镶嵌铸铁环的永久型铸造 Permanent Mould Casting of Alumioum Piston Inserted with Cast Iron Rion 陈科德[中国] 211

超重力场铸渗表面合金化研究 Cast Surface Alloying by Centrifugal Casting Method 张 军等[中国] 215

CAstate41 车活塞的溶剂化物 态模锻 Squeeze Casting for Piston of CA141Car 邢敏儒[中国] 224

ISO9000系列标准在铸钢质量控制中的应用 Applixation of ISO 9000 Series to Control Quality of Steel Castings 虞立箴[中国] 227

一种新型造型材料—湿态手工覆膜砂 A New Type of Moulding Material - Green Resin Coated Sands for Hand Moulding Process 秦升益[中国] 233

带有固定随形自耗电极的电渣转铸工艺的研究 Sstdy on the Electroslag Rotation Casting Process with Fixed Shape Self-Exhausted Electrode 耿承伟等[中国] 236

沥青混凝土用高分散增强剂混合料的制备 Proxessing of Moulding Mixture into High-Dispersion Strengthener of Asphalt-Concrete ISSAEVITSCH leonid.et al [白俄罗斯] 241

有前途的粘土砂造型机的开发 Future Oriented Development of the Production of Bentojnite Bonded Moulding Sands Iburg J.,et al [德国] 242

生产能焊接和热处理的铝压铸件技术 Requirements for the Production of Weldable and Heat Treatable Aluminium Pressure Die Castings Helmut Wohlfahrt, et al[德国] 247

采用直接充型法(无浇道)提高铸造厂的效益 Improved Profitability for the Foundry by Pourign Directly into the Heart of the Casting W.Simmmons[英国] 255

·提要·题录· ABSTRCT·TITLE 258

热浆法——显示铸铁显微组织的一种金相技术 Heat Tining——A Metallographic Technique for Revealing Microstruture of Cast lron GangulyD.S.S.(印度) 258

炉内气氛对电加热元件的影响 The Effect of Furnace Atmosphere on the Electric Heating Elements Ganguly D.S.S [印度] 258

发动机缸体在屏幕上的铸造和优化 Casting and Optimization of Engine Blocks on screen Weber R.[德国] 259


加入少量硼对灰铸铁组织的影响 Effect of Small Additions of Boron on the stuctrue of ctey lorn Singh L.B.[印度] 259
