- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)科斯特斯(Costales,B.)等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国电力出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7508303091
- 页数:456 页
I: A Tutorial 1
1: Introduction 3
1.1 MUA Versus MTA 4
1.2 Why Is sendmail So Complex? 4
1.3 Three Important Parts 5
1.4 Run sendmail by Hand 6
1.5 The Header 8
1.6 The Body 8
1.7 The Envelope 9
1.8 Things to Try 10
2: Hava a V8 13
2.1 Get the Source 13
2.2 Read the Documents 14
2.3 What s What in src 15
上卷 15
Perface 15
2.4 Preliminaries 16
2.5 Build 19
2.6 Test It 20
2.7 Things to Try 21
3: The Roles of sendmail 23
3.1 Role in the Filesystem 23
3.2 Role in Local Delivery 27
3.3 Role in Network Transport 29
3.4 Role as a Daemon 30
3.5 Thins to Try 31
4: How to Run sendmail 33
4.1 Become a Mode(-b) 34
4.2 Verbose(-v) 39
4.3 Debugging(-d) 43
4.4 Things to Try 44
5: The sendmail.cf File 47
5.1 Overview 47
5.2 The Minimal File 49
5.3 A Quick Tour 50
5.4 Things to Try 55
6: The Mail Hub and Delivery Agents 57
6.2 Define a Mail Delivery Agent 59
6.1 The client.cf File 59
6.3 The Local Delivery Agent 61
6.4 Add the Missing Parts to Mhub 66
6.5 Things to Try 67
7: Macros 69
7.1 Overview 69
7.2 Defining Macros 71
7.3 Predefined Macros 72
7.4 Things to Try 75
8.1 A Fictional Network 77
8: Addresses and Rules 77
8.2 Why Rules? 81
8.3 Rule Sets 83
8.4 Rules 85
8.5 The Workspace 86
8.6 The Flow of Addresses Through Rules 87
8.7 Wildcard Operators 89
8.8 Things to Try 94
9: Rule Set O 95
9.1 Introducing Rule Set O 96
9.2 The RHS Triple 96
9.3 Testing Rule Set O 99
9.4 The error Delivery Agent 100
9.5 Things to Try 101
10: Rule Set 3 103
10.1 Why Preprocess? 104
10.2 Rule Set 3 105
10.3 Missing Addresses 108
10.4 Nested Angle Brackets 109
10.5 Details of Rule Flow 111
10.6 Things to Try 113
11: Rule Sets 1 and S= 115
11.1 Flow of the Sender s Address 115
11.2 Rule Set S= 116
11.3 All Mail from the Hub 117
11.4 Rule Set Hubset 117
11.5 Testing So Far 120
11.6 Handling user?thishost 121
11.7 Rule Set 1 123
11.8 Things to Try 124
12: Class 127
12.1 The Class Command 128
12.2 The File Form of Class 135
12.3 Things to Try 138
13: Setting Options 139
13.1 Options: An Overview 139
13.2 Required Options 140
13.3 Testing the Options 146
13.4 Sending Mail 147
13.5 Things to Try 148
14: Headers,Precedence,and Trust 149
14.1 Headers 149
14.2 Headers Versus Delivery Agent Flags 153
14.3 Headers Learned So Far 155
14.4 Precedence 156
14.5 Sending Real Mail 157
14.6 Trusted User 158
14.7 Things to Try 159
15: Install and Test the client,cf File 161
15.1 Test the Configuration File 161
15.2 The Real Queue Directory 163
15.3 MX Records 164
15.4 Hub Accepts Mail for Client 166
15.5 Prevent the Daemon from Running 169
15.6 Install the client.cf File 170
15.7 Things to Try 171
16: The null,mc File and m4 173
16.1 The cf/cf Directory 173
16.2 The null.mc File 174
16.3 Run m4 175
16.4 Test the Result 176
16.5 Qualify All Addresses? 177
16.6 Things to Try 178
17: The Hub s Complex Rules 179
17.1 Rule Set 3 180
17.2 Rule Set 96 185
17.3 Rule Set 0 187
17.4 Rule Set 4 188
17.5 Things to Try 189
II: Build and Install 191
18: Compile and Install sendmail 193
18.1 To Use or Not to Use 193
18.2 Vendor Versus Compiling 194
18.3 Obtain the Source 195
18.4 Tuning Makefile 198
18.5 Run Make 203
18.6 Install sendmail 204
18.7 Pitfalls 205
18.8 Alphabetized Reference 206
19: V8 m4 Configuration 241
19.1 The m4 Preprocessor 241
19.2 Build with m4 244
19.3 The Minimal mc File 246
19.4 m4 Macros by Function 251
19.6 Alphabetized m4 Macros 256
19.5 Pitfalls 256
20:The Checkcompat O Cookbook 285
20.1 How checkcompat O Works 286
20.2 The Cookbook 288
20.3 Alphabetized V8.8 Subroutines 297
III: Administration 303
21: DNS and sendmail 305
21.1 Overview 305
21.2 How sendmail Uses DNS 309
21.3 Set Up MX Records 314
21.4 How to Use nslookup 320
21.5 Prepare for Disaster 322
21.6 Pitfalls 326
22:Security 327
22.1 Why root? 327
22.2 The Environment 329
22.3 SMTP Probes 330
22.4 The Configuration File 333
22.5 Permissions 338
22.6 The Aliases File 343
22.7 Forged Mail 344
22.8 Security Features 347
22.9 Pitfalls 355
23: The Queue 357
23.1 Overview of the Queue 358
23.2 Parts of a Queued Message 359
23.3 A Bogus qf File (V8 only):Qf 364
23.4 Printing the Queue 366
23.5 How the Queue Is Processed 369
23.6 Cause the Queue to Be Processed 371
23.7 Process Alternate Queue 376
23.8 Pitfalls 378
23.9 The qf File Internals 379
24:Aliases 393
24.1 The aliases(5)File 393
24.2 Forms of Alias Delivery 397
24.3 Write a Delivery Agent Script 402
24.4 Special Aliases 404
24.5 The Aliases Database 408
24.6 Prevent Aliasing with-n 411
24.7 Pitfalls 413
25: Mailing Lists and~/.forward 415
25.1 Internal Mailing Lists 415
25.2 :include:Mailing Lists 416
25.3 Defining a Mailing List Owner 420
25.4 Exploder Mailing Lists 421
25.5 Problems with Mailing Lists 422
25.6 Packages That Help 425
25.7 The User s~/.forward File 426
25.8 Pitfalls 432
26: Logging and Statistics 435
26.1 Logging with syslog 435
26.2 Statistics 446
26.3 Signaling the Daemon 449
26.4 Log Transactions with-X 453
26.5 Pitfalls 454
IV:Reference 457
下卷 457
27:Tbe Configuration File 459
27.1 Overall Syntax 460
27.2 Comments 461
27.3 V8 Comments 461
27.4 Continuation Lines 462
27.5 The V Configuration Command 462
27.6 Pitfalls 464
28.1 Overview 465
28: Rules 465
28.2 Tokenizing Rules 469
28.3 The Workspace 472
28.4 The Behavior of a Rule 472
28.5 The LHS 473
28.6 The RHS 475
28.7 Pitfalls 486
29:Rule Sets 487
29.1 The S Configuration Command 487
29.2 Rule Sets and m4 492
29.3 The Sequence of Rule Sets 494
29.4 Rule Set 3 496
29.5 Rule Set 4 500
29.6 Rule Set 0 501
29.7 Rule Set 5 505
29.8 Rule Set 2 506
29.9 Rule Set 1 507
29.10 The check-…Rule Sets 507
29.11 Pitfalls 513
30: Delivery Agents 515
30.1 Configuration File Syntax 515
30.2 The Symbolic Name 516
30.3 m4 Configuration Syntax 517
30.4 The Equates 519
30.5 Internally Defined Names 538
30.6 How Executed 542
30.7 Pitfalls 544
30.8 Alphabetized F= Flags 545
31: Defined Macros 569
31.1 Preassigned Macros 570
31.2 Command-Line Definitions 570
31.3 Configuration File Definitons 572
31.4 Macro Names 574
31.5 Macro Expansion: $ and $ 576
31.6 Macro Conditionals: ?,$|,and $ 580
31.7 Categories of Macros 581
31.8 Macros with the m4 Technique 582
31.9 Pitfalls 583
31.10 Alpahabetized Reference 584
32: Class Macros 609
32.1 Class Configuration Commands 609
32.2 Access Class in Rules 613
32.3 Class with m4 617
32.4 Pitfalls 618
32.5 Alphabetized Reference 619
33: Database Macros 625
33.1 Enable at Compile Time 626
33.2 Create Files with makemap 627
33.3 The K Configuration Command 630
33.4 Use Maps with $(and $)in Rules 638
33.5 The User Database 642
33.6 Database Maps and m4 645
33.7 Pitfalls 646
33.8 Alphabetized Reference 647
34: Options 663
34.1 Command-Line Options 664
34.2 Configuration-File Options 667
34.3 Configuring with V8 m4 Options 668
34.4 Alphabetical Table of All Options 671
34.5 Option Argument Types 673
34.6 Interrelating Options 676
34.7 Pitfalls 679
34.8 Alphabetized Reference 680
35: Headers 773
35.1 The H Configuration Command 773
35.2 Header Names 775
35.3 Header Field Contents 776
35.4 ?flags? in Header Definitions 780
35.5 Header Behavior in conf.c 781
35.6 Headers by Category 784
35.7 Forwarding with Resent-Headers 788
35.8 Precedence 790
35.9 Pitfalls 791
35.10 Alphabetized Reference 792
36.1 Alternative argv[0]Names 811
36: The Command Line 811
36.2 Command-Line Switches 815
36.3 List of Recipient Addresses 817
36.4 Processing the Command Line 817
36.5 sendmail s exitO Status 819
36.6 Pitfalls 827
36.7 Alphabetized Reference 828
37: Debugging With-d 845
37.1 The Syntax of-d 845
37.3 Interpreting the Output 847
37.2 Debugging Behavior 847
37.4 Pitfalls 850
37.5 Reference in Numerical Order 850
38: Rule-Set Testing with-bt 949
38.1 Overview 949
38.2 Configuration Lines 951
38.3 Dump a Macro 953
38.4 Show an Item 955
38.5 Complex Actions Made Simple 957
38.6 Process-Specified Addresses 966
38.7 Add Debugging for Detail 970
38.8 Batch Rule-Set Testing 971
38.9 Pitfalls 972
V: Appendixes 973
A: The client.cf File 975
B: Host Status File Internals 977
C: The Berkeley DB Database 981
D: Sun Enbancements 985
Bibliography 991
Index 997
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