- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)(C.香农)Clay Shannon编著;张勋等译
- 出 版 社:成都:电子科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7810653075
- 页数:397 页
关于本书 1
Error Messages(错误消息) 1
“.”Expected 1
$DENYPACKAGEUNIT<>cannot be put into a package 1
$DESIGNONLY AND RUNONLY both specified 2
$DESIGNONLY AND $RUNONLY only allowed in package unit 2
$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT<>cannot have initialization or finalization code 3
<>already exists 4
; not allowed before Else 4
$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT<>contains global data 4
<>can t be added to this package because another file with the same base name(<>)is already in the directory of the package 5
<>expected but <>found 5
<>has no index for fields<> 6
<>has the descendent<>in the Repository and therefore cannot be removed 6
<>is a read-only file 7
<>is a reserved word 7
<>is already in the Repository. Replace it? 8
<>is an invalid filename 9
<>is already in use by<> 9
<>is an invalid PageIndex value. PageIndex must be between 0 and<> 10
<>is not a type identifier 10
<>is not a unique name 11
<>is not a valid component name 11
<>is not a valid date 12
<>is not a valid date and time 13
<>is not a valid floating point value 14
<>is not a valid integer value 15
<>is not a valid identifier 15
<>is not a valid time 16
<>is not a valid value for field<>.The allowed range is <>to<> 17
<>must be saved before adding to Repository. Save now? 17
<>or<>expected but<>found 18
{$R*.RES}missing or incorrect 19
16-Bit segment encountered in object file<> 19
A CoClass must have at least one default interface 20
A CoClass must implement at least one interface 20
A component class named<>already exists 21
A component class named<>already exists in a descendent form 22
A device attached to the system is not functioning 23
A dispinterface type cannot have an ancestor interface 23
A dispinterface type requires an interface identification 24
A field or method named <> already exists 24
A module called<>is already installed 25
A page must be empty before it can be deleted 25
A reference to<>already exists in the Type Library 26
A required .DLL file,<>,was not found 27
A user transaction is already in progress 27
A value must be specified for<> 28
A Win32 API function failed 32
Abstract Merhod Error 32
Abstract Methods must be virtual or dynamic 33
Access Violation(General Protection Fault) 34
Ambiguous Overloaded Call to<> 38
Another file named<>is already on the search path 39
Another file with the same base name(<>)is already on the search path 39
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine(error<>) 39
Application is not licensed to use this feature 41
Arithmetic Overflow Error 42
Array type required 42
Assertion failed 43
Assignment to FOR-Loop variable<> 43
At End of Table 45
Bad global symbol definition: <>in object file<> 45
Bad packaged unit format: <>.<> 46
Bad unit format:<> 47
BDE Initialization Error $2501 47
Before you can deploy,you must complete the Web Deployment page of the Project Web Deploy Options dialog 48
Bitmap image is not valid 49
Bits index out of range 49
BLOb has been modified 50
Break or continue outside of loop 51
Breakpoint is set on line that may have been removed by the optimizer or contains no debug information. Run anyway? 54
Call to Application. CreateForm is missing or incorrect 56
Call to RegisterClass is missing or incorrect 57
Can t change value while socket is active 57
Can t load [complib.dcl,cmplib32. dcl,vcl30. dpl,vcl40. dpl] 58
Can t load package<>.<> 59
Can t write.EXE file. Disk full? 60
Cannot add a session to the form or data module while session<>has AutoSessionName enabled 61
Cannot assign to a read-only property 61
Cannot break,continue,orexit out of a finally clause 62
Cannot change the size of an icon 62
Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide 63
Cannot connect,<>must contain a valid ServerName or ServerGUID 65
Cannot connect to database<> 65
Cannot copy a Repository Project to a directory underneath itself 66
Cannot create cursor handle 67
Cannot create file<> 67
Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active 69
Cannot debug project unless a host application is defined. Use the Run|Parameters... dialog box 70
Cannot enable AutoSessionName property with more than one session on a form or data module 71
Cannot find<>on the search path 71
Cannot find Engine configuration file 72
Cannot find implementation of method<> 73
Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window 73
Cannot hide an MDI Child Form 74
Cannot inherit from form<>. It contains a component with a blank name property 75
Cannot initialize local variables 75
Cannot initialize multiple variables 77
Cannot Load IDAPI Service Library 78
Cannot load IDAPI[32].DLL 79
Cannot load language driver 81
Cannot load package<>.It contains unit<>which is also contained in package<> 82
Cannot locate ID API[01,32]DLL 82
Cannot make a visible window modal 84
Cannot modify a read-only dataset 85
Cannot modify SessionName while AutoSessionName is enabled 86
Cannot open component library
Cannot open file<> 87
Cannot open module because it is a dependent of <>,which is open as text 87
Cannot override a static method 88
Cannot perform this operation on a closed database 89
Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset 90
Cannot perform this operation on an active session 91
Cannot perform this operation on an empty dataset 91
Cannot perform this operation on an open database 92
Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset 93
Cannot perform utility while table is in use 94
Cannot read a write-only property 94
Cannot perform this operation with table open 94
Cannot Run a Unit or DLL 96
Cannot write EXE or DLL to disk 97
Cannot Write to Engine Configuration File 97
Capability Not Supported 98
Circular datalinks are not allowed 99
Circular Unit Reference[to<>] 100
Class,interface and object types only allowed in type section 101
Class <>not found.[Ignore the error and continue?] 102
Class already has a default property 103
Class does not have a default property 104
Class not registered 105
Class type required 106
Code Insight features are disabled while debugging 108
Code Segment Too Large 108
Clipboard does not support Icons 108
Column not a BLOb 109
Comma Expected 109
COINITIALIZE has not been called 109
Compilation terminated; too many errors 110
Component already installed 110
Connection error-no server available 111
Connection in use by another statement 111
Constant expression expected 113
Constant expression violates subrange bounds 114
Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter 115
Constant or type identifier expected 116
Constant out of range 117
Constants cannot be used as open array arguments 118
Constructing Instance of <>Containing abstract methods 119
Constructors and Destructors must have register calling convention 120
Constructors and Destructors not allowed in OLE automation section 121
CONTAINS clause is incorrect 121
A component named <>already exists 122
Control<>has no parent window 122
Controls cannot be added to a data module 124
Corrupt table/index header 124
Could not create output file<> 126
Could not find IDataBroker in type library 127
Could not find interface<>in type library] 128
Could not find object. Cannot load an IDAPI service library. File: ODBC32.DLL 129
Could not initialize IDAPI 129
Could not find interface IDataBroker in type library 130
Could not load<>.The OLE control may possibly require support libraries that are not on the current search path or are not present on your system 131
Could not load RLINK32.DLL 131
Could not load StdOle version 1.0 type library 131
Could not load Type Library 132
Could not load unit<>symbol information for <>Do you want to try to find this file yourself? 132
Data Segment Too Large 133
Data Base Error Database access resulted in error 133
Data Structure Corruption 136
Data Type too large: exceeds 2 GB 137
Database name missing 137
Dataset not configured for network access 138
Dataset not in edit of insert mode 139
DAX Error: Class not registered 139
DAX Error: Name not unique in this context 140
DAX Error: Unexpected failure 140
Debug session in progress. Terminate? 141
DCOM not installed 141
Debug process is already running 141
Debugger kernel error. Error code:<> 142
Declaration expected but<>found 143
Declaration of <> differs from previous declaration 143
Declaration of class<>is missing or incorrect 144
DEFAULT clause not allowed in OLE automation section 145
Default property must be an array property 145
Default values must be of ordinal,pointer,or small set type 146
Destination must be indexed 148
Directory is Busy 149
Directory is controlled by other.NET file 150
Disk Error 153
Disk full 154
Disk write error 154
Dispid<>already used by<> 155
Dispid clause only allowed in OLE automation section 155
Division by zero 156
Duplicate case label 157
Duplicate database name<> 158
Duplicate field name<> 158
Duplicate implements clause for interface<> 159
Duplicate resource 160
Duplicate session name<> 161
Dynamic method or message handler not allowed here 161
EAccessViolation 162
EBitsError 162
Dynamic method or message handlers not allowed in OLE automation 162
EClassNotFound 163
EComponentError 163
EConvertError 163
EDivByZero 164
EFCreateError 164
EFilerError 165
EGPFault 165
EInOutError 165
EIntOverflow 166
EInvalidCast 167
EInvalidGraphic 167
EInvalidGraphicOperation 167
EInvalidOp 167
EInvalidOperation: Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active 168
EInvalidOperation: Cannot make a visible window modal 168
EinvalidPointer 168
Element 0 Inaccessible—use Length or“SetLength” 168
END expected but<>found 169
END. missing at end of module 170
End expected but implementation found 170
EOleSysClass not Registered 171
EoleSys—Operation Unavailable 171
EOLEError 171
EOutOfMemory 172
EOutOfResources 172
ERangeError 173
EReadError 173
ERegistryException 174
EResNotFound 174
Error68—Circular Unit Reference 175
Error76—Constant out of range 175
Error0:RLINK32 Error opening file
Error4—Too many open files 175
Error2—file not found 175
Error204—Invalid pointer operation 176
Error203—Heap overflow error 176
Error202—Stack overflow error 176
Error201—Range check error 176
Error200—Division by zero 176
Error104—File not open for input 176
Error103—File not open 176
Error102—File not assigned 176
Error101—Disk write error 176
Error94— . Expected 176
Error105—File not open for output 176
Error219—Invalid Typecast 177
Error Creating Cursor Handle 177
Error227—Assertion failed 177
Error220—Invalid Variant Typecast 177
Error216—Access Violation 177
Error215—Arithmetic overflow error 177
Error210—Abstract Method Error 177
Error207—Invalid floating point operation 177
Error Creating Form: Cannot inherit from form<>.It contains a component with a blank name property 178
Error Creating Form: Cannot a Coponent <>that does not support inheritance 179
Error creating form: Cannot open file<>.DFM 180
Error Creating Form: Duplicate resource [Type:,Name:] 180
Error Creating Variant Array 181
Error creating Process 181
Error Creating Window 182
Error in module<>:Call to Application .CreateForm is missing or incorrect 183
Error in module<>:CONTAINS clause is incorrect 183
Error in module<>:Declaration of class<>is missing or incorrect 183
Error in module<>:END.missing at end of module 183
Error in module<>:Requires clause is incorrect 184
Error loading type library/dll 184
Error in module<>:USES clause is missing or incorrect 184
Error in module<>:Incorrect field declaration: class<> 184
Error in module<>:Implementation part USES clause incorrect 184
Error Opening Component Library 185
Error reading<>.<>:<> 185
Error reading
Error reading
Error reading symbol file 186
Error saving I(Interface):The parameter is incorrect 187
EThread 188
EStringListError 188
EStackOverflow 188
Error setting debug exception hook 188
EVariantError 189
Except or Finally expected 189
Expression expected but<>found 191
External exception C0000008 191
Failed to get data for<> 192
Fatal Error:<>:Required Package<>not found 193
Field<>cannot be used in a filter expression 193
Field<>.<>does not have a corresponding component. Remove the declaration? 194
Field<>is not indexed and cannot be modified 195
Field<>is not of the expected type 196
Field<>must have a value 197
Field<>not found 198
Field<>.<>should be of type<>but is declared as<>.Correct the declaration? 199
Field definition not allowed after methods or properties 200
Field in group by must be in result set 200
Field in order by must be in result set 201
Field index out of range 202
Field name already exists. Rename one of the fields 203
Field not found in table 203
Field or method identifier expected 204
Field types do not match 204
Field value required 205
File<>not found 205
File access denied 206
File extension <>is not valid. Expecting<> 206
File is Locked. Table:<>User:<> 206
File not assigned 207
File not found<> 208
File not open 209
File not open for input 212
File not open for output 213
File or directory does not exist 213
Fixed column count must be less than column count 214
File type not allowed here 214
Fixed row count must be less than row count 215
For Loop control variable must have ordinal type 216
FOR-Loop variable<>cannot be passed as var parameter 217
Form<>links to form<>which cannot be found in the current project. Do you wish to remove/redirect the links to another form? 217
Form<>references another form and cannot be saved until<>is loaded 218
Function needs result type 218
General SQL error. The [Commit,Rollback]Transaction request has no corresponding begin transaction 219
General SQL Error—FROM keyword not found where expected 219
General SQL Error—connection does not exist 219
General SQL Error: SQL is too complex 220
GOTO<>leads into or out of TRY statement 220
Grid Index Out of Range 221
GROUP BY is required when both aggregate and non-aggregate fields are used in result set 221
High cannot be applied to a long string 222
Higher table level required 223
I/O Error 105 225
I/O Error 104 225
Identifier expected but array found 225
I/O Error 103 225
I/O Error 102 225
Identifier expected but number found 226
Identifier expected but <>found 226
Identifier redeclared:<> 227
Illegal character in input file:<>(<>) 228
Illegal message method index 228
IMPLEMENTATION part is missing or incorrect 229
Implementation part USES clause incorrect 229
Implements getter must be register calling convention 230
Incompatible types:<>and <> 231
Incompatible types: Parameter lists differ 235
Incorrect field declaration: class<> 236
Incorrect method declaration in class<> 236
Index already exists 237
INDEX clause not allowed in OLE automation section 237
INDEX,READ,OR WRITE clause expected but‘;’found 238
Index does not exist 238
Index is out of date 239
Index is out of range 242
Index is read only 243
Index not found 243
INSERT and UPDATE operations are not supported on autoincrement field type 243
Insufficient memory for this operation 244
Insufficient SQL rights for operation 245
Insufficient table rights for operation 245
Integer constant too large 246
Interface mismatch. Engine version different 247
Internal error:<> 248
Interface type required 248
Internal Error; Near: query shellmgr 249
Invalid argument to date encode 250
Invalid argument to time encode 251
Invalid Batch Move Parameters 251
Invalid Bind Type 252
Invalid BLOb handle[in record buffer] 252
Invalid BLOb Size 252
Invalid class string 253
Invalid class typecast 253
Invalid compiler directive:<> 254
Invalid field size 255
Invalid field name 255
Invalid field type 256
Invalid file name 256
Invalid floating point operation 257
Invalid function result type 259
Invalid GUID format 259
Invalid index/tag name 259
Invalid index descriptor 260
Invalid message parameter list 261
Invalid index expression 261
Invalid package file<> 262
Invalid Parameter 262
Invalid path 263
Invalid pointer operation 263
Invalid property value 264
Invalid property value on line<> 265
Invalid typecast 266
Invalid Type Conversion 266
Invalid type 266
Invalid resource format 266
Invalid use of keyword 267
Invalid variant type conversion 269
Key Violation 270
Label<>is not declared in current procedure 271
Label already defined:<> 272
Label declaration not allowed in interface part 272
Label declared and referenced,but not set 273
Left side cannot be assigned to 274
Label expected 274
Line number must be between 1 and <> 276
Line too long [more than 255 characters] 276
List capacity out of bounds(<>) 276
List index out of bounds(<>) 277
Local class,interface or object types not allowed 279
Local class or object types not allowed 279
Lock file [has grown]too large 280
Local procedure/function<>assigned to procedure variable 280
Lock time out 281
Lock Violation 282
Lookup information for field‘<>’is incomplete 283
Low bound exceeds High bound 283
Master has detail records. Cannot delete or modify 284
Master has detail records. Cannot empty it 285
Master record missing 285
Memo too large 286
Maximum Validity Check Failed 286
Metafile is not valid 287
Method<>hides virtual method of base class<> 287
Method<>not found in base class 288
Method<>with identical parameters exists already 289
Method identifier expected 289
Microsoft Transaction Server is not installed 290
Minimum Validity Check failed 290
Mismatch in datapacket 291
Missing Data Provider or Data Packet 292
Missing comma 292
Missing ENDIF directive 293
Missing operator or semicolon 293
Missing or invalid conditional symbol in<$>directive 295
Missing parameter type 295
Missing right quote 296
Missing TableName property 296
Module <>s time/date changed.Reload? 297
Module header is missing or incorrect 297
Multiple Net Files found 298
Multiple Paradox Net files found/in use 301
Name conflicting 301
Name not unique in this context 301
Never-build package<>must be recompiled 302
No address specified 302
No argument for format<> 302
No code was generated for the current line 303
No MDI forms are currently active 304
No MDI Parent Active 304
No definition for abstract method<>allowed 304
No Provider Available 305
No SQL statement available 305
No user transaction is currently in progress 306
No Web browser could be located 307
NODEFAULT clause not allowed in OLE automation section 308
Not enough actual parameters 308
Not in cached update mode 310
Not enough file handles 310
Not initialized for accessing network files 311
Number is out of range 312
Number of elements differs from declaration 313
One or more lines were too long and have been truncated 313
Only register calling convention allowed in OLE automation section 314
Operation not allowed on sorted string list 314
Operation not applicable 315
Operation not supported 315
Operator not applicable to this operand type 316
Order of fields in record constant differs from declaration 318
Ordinal type required 319
Out of memory 320
Out of system resources 321
Overflow in conversion or arithmetic operation 321
Overloaded procedures must be marked with the overload directive 322
Overriding automated virtual method<>cannot specify a dispid 322
Package<>already contains unit<> 322
PACKED not allowed here 323
Package<>can t be installed because another package with the same base name is already loaded(<>) 323
Page Fault in module<>at<> 324
Page name cannot be blank 324
Param<>not found 325
Parameter<>not allowed here due to default value 325
Passthrough SQL connection must be shared 326
Path not found. File<> 326
Path too long 327
Pointer type required 327
Printing in Progress 328
Procedure cannot have a result type 329
Procedure FAIL only allowed in constructor 329
Procedure or Function name expected 330
Program or unit<>recursively uses itself 330
Project<>raised exception class<>with message<>.Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue 331
Property<>does not exist in base class 332
Provider name was not recognized by the server 333
Published field<>not a class nor interface type 333
Published property<>cannot be of type<> 334
Published real property<>must be Single,Double,or Extended 335
PutObject to undefined item 335
Query Is Too Complex 336
Query makes no sense 336
Range check error 337
Read failure. File:<>.val 337
Read or Write clause expected but identifier<>found 338
Record/Key Deleted 338
Record Locked by another User 339
Record,object or class type required 339
Redeclaration of <>hides a member in the base class 340
Redeclaration of property not allowed in OLE automation section 340
Required package<>not found 341
REQUIRES clause is incorrect 341
Selection contains a component introduced in an ancestor form which cannot be deleted 342
Server Execution Failed 343
Session name missing 344
Share not loaded. It is required to share local files 344
Slice standard function is only allowed as open array argument 345
SQL is too complex 346
Stack overflow 346
Statement expected,but expression of type<>found 347
STORED clause not allowed in OLE automation section 348
Stream Read Error 348
String constant truncated to fit STRING[] 348
String [literal]s may have at most 255 elements 349
Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause 350
Table cannot be opened for exclusive use 350
Table does not exist 351
Table corrupt-other than header 351
Table does not support this operation 352
Table is busy 353
Table is full 355
Table is read only 356
Table is not indexed 356
Table or View does not exist 357
TActiveFormX declaration missing or incorrect 357
The <>method referenced by <>.<>does not exist. Remove the reference? 358
Text after final END 358
The <>method referenced by <>.<>has an incompatible parameter list. Remove the reference? 360
The Edit Buffer of<>is marked read-only 361
The Master Source property of <>must be linked to a DataSource 361
The OLE control may possibly require support libraries that are not on the current search path or are not present on your system 361
The package already contains unit named<> 362
The package already requires a package named<> 362
The path entered does not exist 363
The project already contains a form or module named<> 363
The selected bitmap is larger than 24×24 364
The search string cannot be blank 364
The transaction isolation level must be dirty read for local databases 365
The type library has syntax errors 366
This form of method call only allowed for class methods 366
This package already contains unit named<> 367
This type cannot be initialized 368
Token not found 368
Token not found. Token: dbo. line number:1 369
Too many actual parameters 369
Too many files open 370
Too many connections 370
Too many locks on table 371
Too many open cursors 372
Too many open files 373
Too many parameters 373
Translate error,value not of bounds 374
Tried to search marked block but it is invalid 374
Type<>is not yet completely defined 375
Type<>must be a class to have a PUBLISHED section 375
Type<>has no type info 375
Type<>must be a class to have OLE automation 376
Type<>needs finalization-not allowed in file type 376
Type expected but<>found 377
Type expected but real constant found 378
Type of expression must be BOOLEAN 379
Type of expression must be INTEGER 379
TYPEINFO standard function expects a type identifier 380
Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical 380
Type mismatch [in expression] 380
Unable to load GDS[32].DLL 381
Unable to load RPTSMITH.EXE 381
Undeclared Identifier;<> 382
Unexpected end of command 384
Unit<>was compiled with a different version of <> 384
Unit version mismatch;<> 385
Unknown Column 385
Unknown database 385
Unknown directive:<> 387
Unknown picture file extension:<> 389
Unknown Identifier 389
Unknown user name or password 390
Unknown SQL Error 390
Unsatisfied forward or external declaration:<> 391
Unsupported 16bit resource 392
Unterminated string 392
USES clause is missing or incorrect 392
Variable<>inaccessible here due to optimization 393
Variable required 393
Variant is not an array 394
Variant does not reference an OLE object 394
Vendor initialization failure: ORA[NT]7[1,2,3].DLL 395
Windows Socket Error:(10060),on API connect 395
Write error on<> 395
You cannot add a <>to the current project because it is not an ActiveX library. Click OK to start a new ActiveX library project 396
You cannot specify a size for a field of this type 396
You must open a project before you can add an Automation Object 396
You must select a VCL class 397
Your application is not enabled for use with this driver 397
- 《近代旅游指南汇刊二编 16》王强主编 2017
- 《甘肃省档案馆指南》甘肃省档案馆编 2018
- 《区块链DAPP开发入门、代码实现、场景应用》李万胜著 2019
- 《近代旅游指南汇刊 31》王强主编 2014
- 《近代旅游指南汇刊二编 10》王强主编 2017
- 《危险化学品经营单位主要负责人和安全生产管理人员安全培训教材》李隆庭,徐一星主编 2012
- 《手工咖啡 咖啡爱好者的完美冲煮指南》(美国)杰茜卡·伊斯托,安德烈亚斯·威尔霍夫 2019
- 《近代旅游指南汇刊 13》王强主编 2014
- 《近代旅游指南汇刊 28》王强主编 2014
- 《近代旅游指南汇刊 23》王强主编 2014