- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘毅编著
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7560515703
- 页数:219 页
1.What s up? 1
2.How are you doing? 2
3.What s up for today? 3
4.This place is beautiful. 5
5.I m hungry. 6
6.You re the boss. 8
7.My name is Jennifer. 9
8.Can I get you something? 10
9.I m easy to satisfy. 11
10.Let s eat. 12
11.It s delicious. 13
12.I m satisfied. 14
13.How much is it? 14
14.You re an ace. 15
15.You and I are similar. 16
16.I admire you. 17
17.Your watch is cute. 18
18.You are wonderful. 19
19.I can sense it. 20
20.A day without you is like a day without sunshine. 21
21.I need to take a leak. 22
22.I m full. 23
23.It s on me. 24
24.I owe you. 26
25.I feel refreshed. 27
26.I have good news and bad news. 28
27.I promise you... 30
28.I mean what I say. 31
29.It s time to go. 32
30.Nice meeting you. 33
31.It s not too hot. 34
32.Never give up. 35
33.You two are compatible. 36
34.Life is short. 37
35.Thanks. 38
36.I m lucky. 39
37.We are tough. 40
38.I don t agree. 41
39.Stick with me,the best is yet to come. 42
40.I m beat. 43
41.If you have money,you can easily make money. 44
42.You are lucky. 45
43.I saw a great movie last night... 46
44.I m soaked. 47
45.I have one weakness. 48
46.You look tired. 49
47.You ve convinced me. 50
48.Exercise daily. 51
49.Image is everything. 52
50.Women! 53
51.Your English is very good. 54
52.That ll be the day. 55
53.Pick your poison. 56
54.No hard feelings. 57
55.Nothing is standing in our way. 58
56.I tried very hard. 59
57.Let s cross the street. 60
58.I m only human. 61
59.Just in case... 62
60.I could do it blindfolded. 63
61.You re sharp. 64
62.I m coming. 65
63.I m really sorry. 66
64.I want to travel. 67
65.We re adjusting. 68
66.Do you like it here. 69
67.You brighten me up. 70
68.I know it. 72
69.I can t complain. 73
70.Don take me seriously. 74
71.I get the picture. 75
72.Thin is in. 76
73.Commit yourself. 77
74.How are we doing for time? 78
75.Believe in yourself. 79
76.He s a sweet talker. 80
77.I need a pick-me-up. 81
78.I blew it. 82
79.I can do it. 83
80.I can t argue with that. 84
81.I can t find my watch. 85
82.I want to discourage you. 86
83.First things first. 87
84.I have no comment. 88
85.Things are looking up. 89
86.That s good to hear. 90
87.Let s begin. 91
88.It s incredible. 92
89.It s too expensive. 93
90.When practicing English... 94
91.Let s get rowdy. 95
92.I often hear people say How can I learn English? 96
93.Let s hurry. 97
94.Let s delay it. 98
95.Let me compliment you. 99
96.I m ready. 100
97.I need a minute. 101
98.I m really hungry. 102
99.I m slowing down. 103
100.Go the extra mile. 104
101.You are what you eat. 105
102.Good morning,John! 106
103.Have you ordered yet? 107
104.Great to see you. 108
105.I don t care about money. 111
106.I m not an optimist. 112
107.You know what? 113
108.I know her well. 114
109.Let s play it by ear. 115
110.Look ahead. 116
111.O.K.Here we are. 117
112.Trouble is everywhere. 118
113.We are ripped off. 119
114.Save these seats. 120
115.She has her ups and downs. 121
116.The service was so-so. 122
117.What a hellhole! 123
118.She s smart. 124
119.She s a ten. 125
120.Work harder. 126
121.He is an expert. 127
122.What is it? 128
123.Let me be frank. 129
124.I m glad to know you. 130
125.Have we met before? 131
126.He s a real pain. 132
127.Let s walk down every street. 133
128.He is inept. 134
129.My motto is: Think and thank. 135
130.Let s not compromise. 136
131.My advice to you: 137
132.Beats me! 138
133.Be patient. 139
134.That s good advice. 140
135.I don t smoke. 141
136.It sucks. 142
137.You did a good job. 143
138.We are stuck. 144
139.Money comes. 145
140.Let s have some fun. 146
141.What a nice surprise! 147
142.People are a good investment. 148
143.What s going on here? 149
144.What a cute baby! 150
145.This is the best. 151
146.Where were we? 152
147.You re leaving soon. 153
148.Time flies by too quickly. 154
149.You re alert. 155
150.You devil. 156
151.You get what you pay for. 157
152.Try your best. 158
153.What s your opinion? 159
154.I m dead. 160
155.That s good to know. 161
156.I m in a jam. 162
157.Be passionate. 163
158.He s nice,but he s too starchy. 164
159.Don t be so polite. 165
160.Whatever you desire,I ll do. 166
161.Your zipper is undone. 167
162.The garbage is piling up on the street. 168
163.It s raining heavily. 169
164.What do you recommend? 170
165.It s too noisy here. 171
166.Today is an important day. 172
167.Wait a minute. 173
168.You look worried. 174
169.The TV doesn t work. 177
170.Don t go astray. 178
171.So far so good. 179
172.You can t find anybody like me... 180
173.Go for it. 181
174.He went nuts. 182
175.Ladies and gentlemen. 184
176.I work like a mad man. 185
177.To succeed,you must work like hell. 186
178.You know it... 187
179.We hit it off right from the start. 188
180.Time is important. 189
181.Money burns a hole in your pocket. 190
182.He has a good job. 191
A New Shortcut to Speaking Fluent English 192
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