Proceedings of The Third Medical Conference of Muscular Dystrophy Associations of AmericaPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Inc.
- 出 版 社:The Williams & Wilkins Company
- 出版年份:1954
- 页数:324 页
Preface.&H.D.BOUMAN,M.D 1
The Third Medical Conference Sponsored by the Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America,Inc.Opening addressees.&ADE T.MILHORAT,M.D.,AND JOSEPH C.HINSEY,PH.D 3
A SYMPOSIUM.Recent Advances in Basic Muscle Chemistry,Physiology,and Pharmacology.&WALLACE O.FENN,PH.D.,Chairman 8
The Proteins of Muscle and Their Participation in the Process of Contraction.&W.F.H.M.MOMMAERTS,PH.D 11
Value of Models for Understanding of Muscular Contraction.&ANNEMARIE WEBER,M.D 19
Mechanisms of Impulse Transmission across Neuromuscular Junctions.&DAVID NACHMANSOHN,M.D 33
Modern Concepts of Structure of Striated Muscle.&H.STANLEY BENNETT,M.D 46
Relation of Mitochondria to Enzymic Processes in Muscle.&JOHN W.HARMAN,M.D 68
Muscle Electrolytes.&GILBERTLING,PH.D 89
A SYMPOSIUM.Clinical Management of Patients.&JOHN B.GRIGGS,M.D.,Chairman 102
The Diagnosis of Muscular Dystrophy.&ADE.T.MILHORAT,M.D 103
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation:Its Value and Limitations in Progressive Muscular Dystrophy.&MORTON HOBERMAN,M.D 109
Participation of the Family and Patient in a Program of Rehabilitation.&ELLZABETH AUSTIN,M.D 116
Emotional Reactions in Muscular Dystrophy.&MARIE-LOUISE SCHOELLY,M.D.,AND ALAN W.FRASER,M.D 119
Personal and Social Adjustments of Children with Muscular Dystrophy.&CLEON JOHNSON TRUITT,M.A 124
Assessment of Drugs for Therapeutic Efficacy.&JANET TRAVELL,M.D 129
Symposium on Clinical Management of Patients,General Discussion 141
A SYMPOSIUM.Contracture of Muscle.&HERBERT S.GASSER,M.D.,Chairman 143
Contracture Responses of Skeletal Muscle.&ALEXANDER SANDOW,PH.D 145
Contractures at the Nerve-Muscle Junction:the Slow Muscle Fiber System.&STEPHEN W.KUFFLER,M.D 161
Medical Management of Contractures in Muscular Dystrophy.&W.D.PAUL,M.D 172
Symposium on Contracture of Muscle,General Discussion 180
A Study of Contractions of Skeletal Muscle Myofibrils by Phase Microscopy,Motion Picture Demonstration.&JOHN W.HARMAN,M.D.,AND HOMER C.MONTAGUE 182
Recording Progressive Muscular Dystrophy by Split-Frame Cinematography.&P.PLATO SCHWARTZ,M.D.,KARL E.MASON,PH.D.,AND TYLER TINKER 183
The Wulzen Calcium Dystrophy Syndrome in Guinea-Pigs.&HUGO KRUEGER,PH.D 185
A SYMPOSIUM.Degeneration,Regeneration,and Growth of Muscle.&D.DENNY-BROWN,M.D.,Chairman 210
Changes in Protein and Enzymes in Muscular Degeneration Subsequent to Denervation.&ERNST FISCHER,M.D 212
Degeneration and Regeneration in Experimental Muscular Dystrophy.&WILLIAM.T.WEST,B.A.,AND KARL E.MASON,PH.D 223
Degeneration and Regeneration in the Muscles of Cortisone-Treated Rabbits.&JOHN T.ELLIS,M.D 240
Cellular and Chemical Components in the Growth of Embryonic Muscle Tissue.&HEINZ HERRMANN,M.D 244
Symposium on Degeneration,Regeneration,and Growth of Muscle,General Discussion 251
A SYMPOSIUM.MDAA Chapters and the Patient Service Program.&ARTHUR S.ABRAMSON,M.D.,F.A.C.P.,Chairman 257
A Psychiatric Study of Muscular Dystrophy.The Role of the Social Worker.&THOMAS F.HENLEY,M.D.,AND BERTHA ALBAM,M.S 258
The Need for Patient Service Programs in Muscular Dystrophy.&MORTON D.SCHWEITZER,PH.D 265
Community Services in the Patient Service Program.&VERA M.BURKE,PH.D 269
Symposium on MDAAA Chapters and the Patient Service Program,General Discussion 274
A SYMPOSIUM.Recent Advances in Knowledge of Metabolic Alterations in Muscular Dystrophy.&RALPH W.GERARD,PH.D.,M.D.,D.SC.,Chairman 279
Electrolyte and Endocrine Studies in Muscular Dystrophy.&T.S.DANOWSKI,M.D 281
Metabolic Exchange of Human Muscle in Situ.&REUBIN ANDRES,M.D.,GORDON CADER,M.D.,AND KENNETH L.ZIERLER,M.D 286
Metabolism of Glycogen in Experimental Muscular Dystrophy.&ANNE E.MILMAN,PH.D 291
Effect of Hormones on Muscle Glycogenolysis in Hypophysectomised Animals.&SAMUEL L.LEONARD,PH.D 297
A Study of Adrenocortical and Testicular Physiology in Dystrophia Myotonica.A Preliminary Report.&A.KAPPAS,M.D.,A.T.MILHORAT,M.D.,C.P.RHOADS,M.D.,AND T.F.GALLAGHER,PH.D 303
Pentosuria in Neuromuscular Disorders.&ARTHUR L.DERW,M.D 303
Pentosuria in Neuromuscular Disorders.&ARTHUR L.DREW,M.D 309
Glycogenolytic Enzymes in Human Progressive Muscular Dystrophy.&GEORGES SCHARIRA,M.D.,PH.D.,JEAN-CLAUDE DREYFUS,M.D.,PH.D.,FANNY SCHAPIRA,M.D.,AND JACQUES KRUH,M.D.,PH.D 313
Alterations in Oxidative Metabolism in Experimental Muscular Dystrophy.&I.M.WEINSTOCK,PH.D 320
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