Color Atlas Of Oral PathologyPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:J.B.Lippincott Company
- 出版年份:1956
- 页数:188 页
Introduction 1
Histology 2
Skin 2
Mucous Membrane 3
Salivary Glands 4
Tongue 5
Enamel 6
Dentin 6
Periodontal Membrane and Cementum 6
Pulp 7
Cartilage and Bone 7
Fibrous Connective Tissue 8
Peripheral Nerve 8
Inflammatory Cells 8
Embryology 10
Human Fetus 10
Development of the Face 12
Branchial Arches 12
Development of the Tongue 12
Thyroglossal Duct 13
Tooth Development 14
Introduction 17
Clefts of the Lip and Palate 18
Auricular Tags and Macrostomia 18
Brachygnathia 19
Hemiatrophy 19
Hygroma Colli Congenitum 19
Branchial Cleft Cyst 20
Preauricular Sinus 21
Dermoid Cyst 21
Epidermoidal Cyst 21
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst 22
Lingual Thyroid 22
Oral Tori 23
Median Rhomboid Glossitis 24
Bifid Tongue 24
Ankyloglossia 24
Fissured Tongue 25
Fordyce Spots 25
Median Palatine Cyst 26
Globulomaxillary Cyst 27
Nasoalveolar Cyst 27
Nasopalatine Duct Cyst 28
Dentigerous Cyst 29
Lateral Periodontal Cyst 30
Primordial Cyst 31
Periapical Periodontal Cyst 32
Gemination and Fusion 33
Dens in Dente 34
Segmented Root 35
Dwarfed Roots 35
Microdontia nad Macrodontia 36
Supernumerary Teeth 36
Ectodermal Dysplasia 37
Concrescence 38
Hypercementosis 38
Enamel Pearls 39
Dilaceration 39
Odontoma 40
Enamel Dysplasia 42
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta 46
Cleidocranial Dysostosis 48
Introduction 49
Abrasion 50
Attrition 52
Erosion 52
Stains 53
Root Fractures 54
Internal Resorption 55
Apical Resorption 56
Cementoma 56
Radiation Effect,Teeth 57
Dental Caries 58
Secondary Dentin Formation 62
Pulp Healing 62
Pulp Calcification 63
Pulpitis 64
Sequelae of Pulpitis 67
Normal Gingiva 70
Marginal (Simple) Gingivitis 70
Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatitis 71
Necrotizing Gingivitis 72
Gingival Hyperplasia 73
Desquamative Gingivitis 76
Atrophic Senile Gingivitis 76
Periodontitis 77
Periodontal Pockets 78
Periodontal Disease Involving Interradicular Areas 80
Traumatism 81
Fibroid Epulis 83
Giant Cell Epulis 84
Granuloma Gravidarum 84
Introduction 85
Cheek and Tongue Chewing 86
Traumatic (Amputation) Neuroma 87
Self-Inflicted Trauma During Anesthesia 88
Hyperplasia from Denture Irritation 88
Traumatic Bone Cyst 89
Thermal Burns 90
Chemical Burns 90
Galvanism 91
Nicotine Stomatitis 91
Pigmentation 92
Radiation Effect,Soft Tissue and Bone 94
Drug Idiosyncrasy 96
Keratosis and Leukoplakia 98
Solar Cheilosis 100
White Sponge Nevus 101
Mucous Retention Cyst 102
Sialolithiasis 103
Sialadenitis 103
Recurrent Herpes 104
Periadenitis Mucosa Necrotica Recurrens 105
Tuberculosis 106
Syphilis 108
Histoplasmosis 110
Actinomycosis 111
Osteomyelitis 112
Granuloma Pyogenicum 113
Lichen Planus 114
Erythema Multiforme 116
Pemphigus Vulgaris 117
Lupus Erythematosus 117
Geographic Tongue 118
Hairy Tongue 118
Varicose Veins,Tongue 119
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia 119
Vitamin B Complex Malnutrition 120
Carotenemia 121
Pernicious Anemia 122
Mediterranean Anemia 122
Agranulocytosis 122
Primary Hyperparathyroidism 123
Eosinophilic Granuloma of Bone 124
Hand-Schüller-Christian Disease 124
Scleroderma 125
Fibrous Dysplasia 126
Acromegaly 127
Paget's Disease of Bone 128
Introduction 129
Benign Neoplasms 130
Adenoma 130
Papillary Cystadenoma Lymphomatosum 130
Papilloma 131
Fibroma 132
Lipoma 133
Myxoma 133
Benign Tumors of Osseous Origin 134
Schwannoma 136
Neurofibroma 136
Myoblastoma 137
Hemangioma 138
Lymphangioma 139
Neoplasms of Odontogenic Origin 140
Benign Mixed Tumors of Salivary Gland Origin 144
Malignant Neoplasms 146
Malignant Salivary Gland Neoplasms 146
Basal Cell Carcinoma 148
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 149
Cancer of the Nasopharynx 154
Multiple Myeloma 155
Malignant Lymphoma 156
Leukemia 157
Osteogenic Sarcoma 158
Chondrosarcoma 158
Fibrosarcoma 159
Melanoma 160
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