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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:赖世雄暨常春藤中外编辑群联合编著
  • 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7562441014
  • 页数:260 页

Chapter 1 Get on上车 2

Unit 1 Take It Easy别急 2

Unit 2 Need Some Help需要帮忙 3

Unit 3 Could You Help Me?你可以帮我忙吗? 4

Unit 4 Only Four Passengers at a Time限载4名乘客 5

Unit 5 Declining a Passenger(1)婉拒搭载(1) 6

Unit 6 Declining a Passenger(2)婉拒搭载(2) 7

Unit 7 Declining a Passenger(3)婉拒搭载(3) 8

Unit 8 Declining a Passenger(4)婉拒搭载(4) 9

Unit 9 Declining a Passenger(5)婉拒搭载(5) 10

Unit 10 Declining a Passenger(6)婉拒搭载(6) 11

Unit 11 Declining a Passenger(7)婉拒搭载(7) 12

Unit 12 Declining a Passenger(8)婉拒搭载(8) 13

Chapter 2 The Car's Condition车况 16

Unit 1 The Car's Condition(1)车况(1) 16

Unit 2 The Car's Condition(2)车况(2) 17

Unit 3 Taxi出租车 18

Unit 4 A Brand-new Taxi全新的出租车 19

Unit 5 Do You Rent This Cab?车子是租的吗? 20

Unit 6 Bad Car Condition车况不佳 21

Unit 7 A Stalled Car车子抛锚了 22

Unit 8 A Flat Tire爆胎 23

Unit 9 Stop for Gas加油 24

Chapter 3 Where to go?去哪里? 26

Unit 1 Where to?(1)去哪儿?(1) 26

Unit 2 Where to?(2)去哪儿?(2) 27

Unit 3 Where do You Want to Go?你要到哪儿去? 28

Unit 4 To the Train or Bus Station到火车站还是公交车站 29

Unit 5 A Short Cut抄捷径 30

Unit 6 Would You Like to Take the Expressway?你要走高速公路吗? 31

Chapter 4 Tell the Destination告诉目的地 34

Unit 1 Making Sure of the Address(1)确定地址(1) 34

Unit 2 Making Sure of the Address(2)确定地址(2) 35

Unit 3 Making Sure of the Address(3)确定地址(3) 36

Unit 4 Making Sure of the Address(4)确定地址(4) 37

Unit 5 Take Me to a Hospital载我到医院去 38

Unit 6 Take Me to the Post Office请载我去邮局 39

Unit 7 Finding a Good Hotel找家好旅馆 40

Unit 8 An Emergency紧急状况 41

Unit 9 Catching a Train赶火车 42

Unit 10 A Dental Clinic牙科诊所 43

Chapter 5 Make Sure of the Directions确定方向Unit 1 Making Sure of the Directions(1)确定方向(1) 46

Unit 2 Making Sure of the Directions(2)确定方向(2) 47

Unit 3 Making Sure of the Directions(3)确定方向(3) 48

Unit 4 Making Sure of the Directions(4)确定方向(4) 49

Unit 5 Making Sure of the Directions(5)确定方向(5) 50

Unit 6 Making Sure of the Directions(6)确定方向(6) 51

Unit 7 Making Sure of the Directions(7)确定方向(7) 52

Chapter 6 Asking for Directions询问方向 54

Unit 1 Asking for Directions(1)询问方向(1) 54

Unit 2 Asking for Directions(2)询问方向(2) 55

Unit 3 Asking for Directions(3)询问方向(3) 56

Unit 4 Asking for Directions(4)询问方向(4) 57

Unit 5 Asking for Directions(5)询问方向(5) 58

Chapter 7 Introduction相互介绍 60

Unit 1 Good Morning早安 60

Unit 2 Saying Hello打招呼 61

Unit 3 Welcome to Beijing欢迎到北京 62

Unit 4 Introduction(1)相互介绍(1) 63

Unit 5 Introduction(2)相互介绍(2) 64

Unit 6 Where Are You From?客从何处来? 65

Unit 7 Where Are You From你府上哪儿? 66

Unit 8 Nationality国籍 67

Unit 9 Southern Accent南方口音 68

Unit 10 Are You a Businessman?你是生意人吗? 69

Unit 11 First Time in Beijing首次造访北京 70

Unit 12 You Look Young你看起来很年轻 71

Unit 13 In a Bad Mood心情欠佳 72

Unit 14 Are You in Beijing Alone?你只身在北京吗? 73

Unit 15 How Long Do You Drive Your Cab Every Day?你每天开出租车开多久? 74

Unit 16 How Long Have You Been Driving?你开车多久了? 75

Unit 17 Driving Experience驾驶经验 76

Unit 18 Do You Like Your Job?开车甘苦谈 77

Chapter 8 Let's be more comfortable!让我们坐得更舒服!Unit 1 Turn up the Air-conditioner(1)将冷气开大(1) 80

Unit 2 Turn up the Air-conditioner(2)将冷气开大些(2) 81

Unit 3 Turn up the Heat将暖气开大些 82

Unit 4 Roll up the Window(1)摇上车窗(1) 83

Unit 5 Roll up the Window(2)摇上车窗(2) 84

Unit 6 Slow Down不要开快车 85

Unit 7 Turn on the Radio打开收音机 86

Unit 8 Turn Down The Radio把收音机音量关小 87

Unit 9 The Windshield挡风玻璃 88

Unit 10 The Door Is Not Shut Tight车门没关紧 89

Unit 11 Locking the Door锁车门 90

Unit 12 Having the Brights On开远灯 91

Unit 13 Moving the Front Seat移动前座椅 92

Unit 14 Turn the Light on in the Cab打开车内灯 93

Unit 15 Honking the Horn按喇叭 94

Unit 16 A Broken Antenna天线断了 95

Unit 17 No Smoking(1)禁止吸烟(1) 96

Unit 18 No Smoking(2)禁止吸烟(2) 97

Unit 19 A New Muffler新的消音器 98

Unit 20 New Shocks新的避震器 99

Unit 21 Do You Feel Comfortable?你觉得舒服吗? 100

Chapter 9 Road Conditions 路况 102

Unit 1 Road Conditions(1)路况(1) 102

Unit 2 Road Conditions(2)路况(2) 103

Unit 3 Road Conditions(3)路况(3) 104

Unit 4 Road Conditions(4)路况(4) 105

Unit 5 Bad Traffic恶劣的交通 106

Unit 6 Bad Road Conditions(1)恶劣的路况(1) 107

Unit 7 Bad Road Conditions(2)恶劣的路况(2) 108

Unit 8 Bad Road Conditions(3)恶劣的路况(3) 109

Unit 9 Bad Road Conditions(4)恶劣的路况(4) 110

Unit 10 Bad Road Conditions(5)恶劣的路况(5) 111

Unit 11 Bad Road Conditions(6)恶劣的路况(6) 112

Unit 12 Bad Road Conditions(7)恶劣的路况(7) 113

Unit 13 Bad Road Conditions(8)恶劣的路况(8) 114

Unit 14 Bad Road Conditions(9)恶劣的路况(9) 115

Unit 15 Bad Road Conditions(10)恶劣的路况(10) 116

Unit 16 Traffic Conditions(1)交通状况(1) 117

Unit 17 Traffic Conditions(2)交通状况(2) 118

Unit 18 Traffic Conditions(3)交通状况(3) 119

Unit 19 Slow Traffic交通不顺畅 120

Unit 20 A Traffic Jam(1)交通阻塞(1) 121

Unit 21 A Traffic Jam(2)交通阻塞(2) 122

Unit 22 A Traffic Accident车祸 123

Unit 23 Please Drive Faster请开快一点 124

Chapter 10 Weather谈天气 126

Unit 1 Weather(1)谈天气(1) 126

Unit 2 Weather(2)谈天气(2) 127

Unit 3 Weather(3)谈天气(3) 128

Unit 4 Weather(4)谈天气(4) 129

Unit 5 Weather(5)谈天气(5) 130

Unit 6 Weather(6)谈天气(6) 131

Unit 7 Weather(7)谈天气(7) 132

Unit 8 Weather(8)谈天气(8) 133

Unit 9 Weather(9)谈天气(9) 134

Unit 10 Weather(10)谈天气(10) 135

Unit 11 Weather(11)谈天气(11) 136

Unit 12 Weather(12)谈天气(12) 137

Unit 13 Weather(13)谈天气(13) 138

Unit 14 Weather(14)谈天气(14) 139

Unit 15 Weather(15)谈天气(15) 140

Chapter 11 Beijing City北京市 142

Unit 1 Beijing City北京市 142

Unit 2 Fruit in Beijing北京的水果 143

Unit 3 The Children in Beijing北京的儿童 144

Unit 4 Junior High School Graduate初中毕业生 145

Unit 5 Tsinghua University清华大学 146

Unit 6 Peking University北京大学 147

Unit 7 The Subway Stations地铁站 148

Unit 8 Beihai Park北海公园 149

Unit 9 Stadium体育场 150

Unit 10 Beijing Soccer Stadium北京足球场 151

Unit 11 Tall Buildings高楼大厦 152

Chapter 12 Talking about the Views on the Way谈论沿途风光Unit 1 A Tourist Attraction观光景点 154

Unit 2 Fine Arts Museum美术馆 155

Unit 3 National Science Museum国家科学博物馆 156

Unit 4 Orchids玉兰花 157

Unit 5 Airport机场 158

Unit 6 Natural Hot Springs天然温泉 159

Unit 7 Sunset日落 160

Unit 8 Poor Eyesight眼力差 161

Chapter 13 Shopping买东西 164

Unit 1 Shopping for Some Jade(1)购买玉器(1) 164

Unit 2 Shopping for Jade(2)购买玉器(2) 165

Unit 3 Shopping for Flowers买花 166

Unit 4 Shopping for Souvenirs(1)购买纪念品(1) 167

Unit 5 Shopping for Some Souvenirs(2)购买纪念品(2) 168

Unit 6 Shopping for Souvenirs(3)购买纪念品(3) 169

Unit 7 Go Shopping去购物 170

Unit 8 Shopping for Shoes购买鞋子 171

Unit 9 Shopping for Books买书 172

Unit 10 Shopping for Furniture购买家具 173

Unit 11 Shopping for Tea购买茶叶 174

Unit 12 Shopping for Paintings买画 175

Unit 13 Buying A Newspaper买报纸 176

Chapter 14 Food and Drink餐饮 178

Unit 1 A Good Place to Eat小吃 178

Unit 2 The Food in the Night Market夜市小吃 179

Unit 3 Night Market夜市 180

Unit 4 A Good Restaurant一家好餐厅 181

Unit 5 A Fast Food Joint快餐店 182

Unit 6 The Hyatt Hotel凯悦饭店 183

Unit 7 Chinese Restaurants中国餐馆 184

Unit 8 Vegetarian Restaurants素食餐厅 185

Unit 9 A Good Coffee Shop一家很棒的咖啡厅 186

Chapter 15 Family家庭状况 188

Unit 1 Family(1)家庭状况(1) 188

Unit 2 Family(2)家庭状况(2) 189

Unit 3 Family(3)家庭状况(3) 190

Unit 4 Family(4)家庭状况(4) 191

Unit 5 Family(5)家庭状况(5) 192

Unit 6 Family(6)家庭状况(6) 193

Unit 7 Family(7)家庭状况(7) 194

Unit 8 Family(8)家庭状况(8) 195

Unit 9 Family(9)家庭状况(9) 196

Unit 10 Family(10)家庭状况(10) 197

Unit 11 Family(11)家庭状况(11) 198

Unit 12 Family(12)家庭状况(12) 199

Unit 13 Family(13)家庭状况(13) 200

Unit 14 Family(14)家庭状况(14) 201

Unit 15 Family(15)家庭状况(15) 202

Chapter 16 Chat闲聊 204

Unit 1 The Biggest Holiday最重要的假日 204

Unit 2 A Bad Driver恶劣的驾驶员 205

Unit 3 Someone Left His Wallet in the Cab有人将皮夹子留在车里了 206

Unit 4 A Misunderstanding误会 207

Unit 5 A Nice Tie一条很棒的领带 208

Unit 6 Not Easy to Find a Parking Place找车位不容易 209

Unit 7 Reading the Paper to Pass the Time看报打发时间 210

Unit 8 Wearing Helmets戴安全帽 211

Unit 9 Renting a House租房子 212

Unit 10 Working Hard努力工作 213

Unit 11 New York City纽约市 214

Unit 12 What Time is It?现在几点? 215

Unit 13 Studying Chinese学中文 216

Unit 14 Be Patient耐心点 217

Unit 15 Movies谈电影 218

Unit 16 What Date Is Today?今天几号? 219

Unit 17 Betel Nut槟榔 220

Unit 18 Short Hair留短发 221

Unit 19 Making a Cell Phone Call打手机 222

Unit 20 Someone Is Following Me有人跟踪我 223

Unit 21 Don't Ask So Many Questions别问这么多问题 224

Chapter 17 Giving Advice给予忠告 226

Unit 1 A Piece of Advice(1)一个忠告(1) 226

Unit 2 A Piece of Advice(2)一个忠告(2) 227

Unit 3 Giving Advice(1)给予忠告(1) 228

Unit 4 Giving Advice(2)给予忠告(2) 229

Unit 5 Giving Advice(3)给予忠告(3) 230

Unit 6 Giving Advice(4)给予忠告(4) 231

Unit 7 Giving Advice(5)给予忠告(5) 232

Chapter 18 Taxi Fare出租车费 234

Unit 1 A Misunderstanding误会 234

Unit 2 How Much Is the Fare?车费是多少? 235

Unit 3 Paying the Fare付车费 236

Unit 4 Taxi Fare(1)出租车费(1) 237

Unit 5 Taxi Fare(2)出租车费(2) 238

Unit 6 Taxi Fare(3)出租车费(3) 239

Unit 7 Taxi Fare(4)出租车费(4) 240

Unit 8 Taxi Fare(5)出租车费(5) 241

Unit 9 Taxi Fare(6)出租车费(6) 242

Unit 10 Taxi Fare(7)出租车费(7) 243

Unit 11 Taxi Fare(8)出租车费(8) 244

Unit 12 Change(1)找零钱(1) 245

Unit 13 Change(2)找零钱(2) 246

Unit 14 Change(3)找零钱(3) 247

Unit 15 Chang(4)找零钱(4) 248

Unit 16 Chang(5)找零钱(5) 249

Unit 17 A Receipt收据 250

Unit 18 A Complaint车资纠纷 251

Chapter 19 Get Off & Say Good-bye下车和道别 254

Unit 1 Getting out of the Cab下车 254

Unit 2 Watch Your Step(1)留心脚步(1) 255

Unit 3 Watch Your Step(2)留心脚步(2) 256

Unit 4 Reminding a Passenger of His Umbrella提醒乘客要记得拿伞 257

Unit 5 Saying Goodbye(1)道别(1) 258

Unit 6 Saying Goodbye(2)道别(2) 259

Unit 7 Saying Goodbye(3)道别(3) 260
