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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:田文儒,郭坤阁主编
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7810737384
  • 页数:297 页

Unit 1 专业英语概论 1

1.1 学习专业英语的重要意义 1

1.2 当前世界上最常用的几种外语的形成与发展 3

1.3 专业英语和公共英语的共性和个性 5

1.4 专业英语中普通和专业词汇的构词 7

1.5 专业英语的语法特点 13

1.6 专业英语的文体学(Stylistics) 14

1.7 专业英语句子结构与分析 16

1.8 专业英语的阅读 19

1.9 专业英语的翻译 20

1.10 长句、难句的翻译 27

Unit 2 Anatomy 31

Part A General Anatomy of the Heart 31

Part B1 Trachea,Pleura and Lung 36

Part B2 Stomach 44

Unit 3 Physiology 52

Part A Blood 52

Part B1 Cardiovascular System 56

Part B2 Skin 60

Unit 4 Pharmacology 65

Part A Introduction of Pharmacology 65

Part B1 Pharmacological Effects of Nitric Oxide 71

Part B2 Anti-AIDS Agents 77

Unit 5 Pathology 83

Part A Introduction of Pathology 83

Part B1 Respiratory Pathology 87

Part B2 Gastrointestinal Pathology 94

Unit 6 Immunology 100

Part A General Features of the Immune Responses 100

Part B1 Deficiencies in the Immune System 106

Part B2 Immunology of Tumors 113

Unit 7 Microbiology 120

Part A Microbiology,the Science 120

Part B1 Bacterial Cell Envelope 124

Part B2 Virus Infection 129

Unit 8 Clinical Diagnostics 135

Part A General Examination of the Patient 135

Part B1 Pain 143

Part B2 Molecular Tools for the Diagnosis of Animal Diseases 151

Unit 9 Internal Medicine 161

Part A Rumen Lactic Acidosis 161

Part B1 Diarrhea 167

Part B2 Ketosis of Ruminants 173

Unit 10 Surgery 180

PartA History of Veterinary Surgery 180

Part B1 Ovariohysterectomy 184

Part B2 Displaced Abomasum 189

Unit 11 Obstetrics 194

Part A Uterine Disorders 194

Part B1 Bovine Mastitis 201

Part B2 Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer 209

Unit 12 Lemology 216

Part A Foot and Mouth Disease 216

Part B1 Hog Cholera 221

Part B2 Blue Eye Disease 228

Unit 13 Parasitology 235

Part A Fundamentals of Parasitology 235

Part B1 Sarcoptic Mange of Pigs 237

Part B2 Trichinella Spiralis 243

Unit 14 Chinese Veterianry Medicine 247

Part A The Basic Principles of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine 247

Part B1 The International Veterinary Acupuncture Society 253

Part B2 The Role of Moxibustion in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture 259

参考译文 266
