云南特有民族文化知识 中英对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:宋丽英主编
- 出 版 社:昆明:云南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7811122561
- 页数:334 页
白族The Bai Nationality 1
语言The Language 1
文字The Written Language 1
南诏Nanzhao Kingdom 2
大长和国Dachanghe Kingdom 2
大天兴国Datianxing Kingdom 3
大义宁国Dayining Kingdom 3
大理国Dali Kingdom 3
本主Patron God 3
中央本主Central Patron God 4
本主类型Types of Patron God 4
本主神都Patron God Capital 5
本主庙会Temple Fairs of Patron God 5
阿吒力教Azhali Sect 6
阿嵯耶观音Acuoye Guanyin 6
男子服饰Men's Costume 7
女子服饰Women's Costume 7
婚礼Weddings 7
烧害使Birth Presents 8
丧葬Funerals 9
尹尹悟Yinyinwu 9
打老友与“家歹”Family Friends Making 10
三道茶Three-course Tea 10
扎染Tie-dyed Technique 10
剑川木雕Woodcarvings of Jianchuan 11
大理石Marble 11
大理草帽Dali Straw Hats 12
大理四景Four Scenic Wonders in Dali 12
苍山The Cangshan Mountain 12
洱海The Erhai Lake 13
洋人街Foreigners'Street 13
大理白族自治州民族博物馆Minority Nationalities Museum of Dali Prefecture 14
望夫云Husband-expecting Clouds 14
玉带云Jade Belt Clouds 15
火把云Torch Clouds 15
洱海公园Erhai Park 15
苍山公园Mount Cangshan Park 15
感通寺Gantong Temple 16
观音堂Bodhisattva Temple 16
清碧溪Crystal Clear Creek 17
凤眼洞Phoenix's Eye Cave 17
龙眼洞Dragon's Eye Cave 18
七龙女池Seven Dragon-girl Ponds 18
中和寺Zhonghe Temple 18
观音阁Bodhisattva Pavilion 19
南诏风情岛Nanzhao Folklore Island 19
小普陀Little Putuo Island 20
蝴蝶泉Butterfly Spring 20
鸡足山The Jizu Mountain 20
巍宝山The Weibao Mountain 21
大理古城Dali Ancient Town 21
巍山古城Ancient Town of Weishan 22
羊苴咩城Yangjumie Town 23
万人冢Mass Cemetery 23
南诏铁柱Iron Pillar of Nanzhao 24
唐标铁柱Stele of the Tang Dynasty 24
南诏德化碑Nanzhao Stele 24
元世祖平云南碑Tablet in Memory of the Conquest of Yunnan by the First Emperor of Yuan Dynasty 25
大理国经幢The Stone Pillar Inscribed with Buddha's Sutra of the Dali Kingdom 26
建极大钟Jianji Bell 26
太和城遗址Relics of Taihe Town 27
崇圣寺三塔Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple 27
弘圣寺塔Pagoda of Hongsheng Temple 28
佛图寺塔Fotu Pagoda 28
喜洲白族民居建筑群Building Complex of the Bai People in Xizhou 29
石钟山石窟Grottos of the Shizhong Mountain 29
永平霁虹桥Jihong Bridge of Yongping 30
葛根会Kudru Vine Root Fair 30
三月街The Third Month Fair 30
渔潭会Yutan Fair 31
耍海会Lake Touring Festival 31
松桂七月会Songgui Fair 31
绕三灵Visiting Three Spirits 31
火把节Torch Festival 32
石宝山歌会Singing Contest in the Shibao Mountain 32
张胜温画卷Picture Scrolls of Zhang Shengwen 33
洞经音乐Dongjing Music 33
霸王鞭和八角鼓舞Rattle Stick and Octagonal Drum Dance 34
龙狮舞Dragon and Lion Dance 35
龙头三弦Dragonhead Sanxian 35
大本曲Daben Score 35
吹吹腔Chuichui Opera 36
白剧Bai Opera 36
照壁Screen Wall 36
三坊一照壁A Compound with Rooms on Three Sides and a Screen Wall 37
四合五天井A Quadrangle with Five Yards 37
门楼Arch over a Gateway 37
段思平Duan Siping 38
柏节夫人Madame Bojie 38
段赤诚Duan Chicheng 39
赵藩Zhao Fan 39
周钟岳Zhou Zhongyue 40
李元阳Li Yuanyang 40
周保中Zhou Baozhong 40
生霄“Shengxiao” 41
冻鱼Chilled Fish 41
鹤庆猪肝鲊Preserved“Zhuganzha” 42
烧饵?Toasted Rice Flour Cake 42
砂锅鱼Fish Casserole 42
喜洲破酥粑粑Xizhou Cake 42
雕梅Carved Plums 43
炖梅Stewed Plums 43
下关沱茶Xiaguan Compressed Tea 43
邓川乳扇Milk Fans 44
哈尼族The Hani Nationality 45
语言The Language 45
文字The Written Language 46
形成Formation of the Nationality 46
支系Subgroups of the Nationality 46
族称Names of the Nationality 47
服饰Costumes 47
村寨Villages 48
水井Water Wells 48
寨门Village Gate 49
磨秋场Swing Ground 49
梯田Terraced Fields 50
水渠Water Channels 50
积沙田Sand-deposited Fields 50
田棚Field Huts 51
防洪沟Mountain Torrent-proof Ditches 51
开秧门First Rice-seedling-transplanting Day 51
德龙和“Delonghe”(Worship of the God for Increasing Rice Output) 52
伙白龙“Huobailong”(Grasshopper Catching Ceremony) 52
虾候候“Xiahouhou”(Offering Sacrifices to the Field God) 52
南糯白毫Nannuo Baihao 53
宗教信仰Religious Beliefs 53
灵魂崇拜Spirit Worship 54
鬼崇拜Ghost Worship 54
神灵崇拜God Worship 54
摩批“Mopi”(Ritual Head) 55
俄玛罗“E'maluo”(Worshipping the God of Heaven) 55
咪斯罗“Misiluo”(Worshipping the God of Earth) 55
昂玛突“Angmatu”(Worshipping Village God) 56
婚宴Wedding Feast 56
丧宴Funeral Feast 57
白旺“Baiwang”(a Typical Hani Food) 57
哈巴“Haba” 58
舞蹈The Dances 58
乐作舞“Lezuo”Dance 58
铓鼓舞“Manggu”Dance 59
插秧歌Rice Seedling Transplanting Songs 59
竖龙巴门Erecting Village Gate 60
最玛“Zuima”(Ritual Head of Hani People in Xishuangbanna) 60
扎勒特“Zhalete”(Tenth Month New Year) 61
长街宴Long Street Feast 61
苦扎扎“Kuzhazha”(Sixth Month Festival) 62
巫占习俗Witchcraft 62
巫术占卜Divination 62
父子连名制Father-son Name-connection System 63
家庭Family 63
属相纪年Recording the Year according to the 12-animal Calendar 63
属相纪月Recording the Month according to the 12-animal Calendar 64
属相纪日Recording the Day according to the 12-animal Calendar 64
蘑菇房Mushroom Houses 65
资玛、摩批、腊期制度System Consisting of“Zima”(Political Leader),“Mopi”(Religious Leader)and“Laqi”(Craftsman) 65
鬼主制度“Guizhu”System,a Combination of Political and Religious Powers 66
墨江文庙Confucius Temple in Mojiang 66
忠爱桥Zhong'ai Bridge 67
普洱民族团结誓词碑Ethnic Solidarity Oath Tablet in Pu'er 67
墨江北回归线标志园Park for the Emblem of the Tropic of Cancer in Mojiang 68
文昌宫Wenchang Palace 68
大巴乌“Dabawu” 69
《阿培聪坡坡》Apeicongpopo(An Epic about Hani Migration) 69
傣族The Dai Nationality 71
语言The Language 71
水傣Shui Dai(The Dai People Living by Rivers) 72
汉傣Han Dai(The Dai People Living in Dry Land) 72
花腰傣Huayao Dai 72
泼水节The Water-splashing Festival 73
关门节和开门节The Door-closing Festival and the Door-opening Festival 73
高升Gaosheng(A Kind of Fireworks) 74
孔明灯Kongming Light(Fire Balloon Named after Kongming) 74
赛龙舟Dragon-boat Race 75
堆沙塔节Sand-piling Festival 76
赶花街Going to a Flower Fair 76
象脚鼓Xiangjiao Drum(A Drum on a Pedestal Shaped like an Elephant's Leg) 77
孔雀舞Peacock Dance 77
象脚鼓舞Xiangjiao Drum Dance 78
德宏傣剧Dai Drama in Dehong 78
葫芦丝Hulusi(Gourd Flute) 78
赞哈“Zanha”(An Excellent Folk Singer) 79
嘎秧舞“Gayang”Dance 80
马鹿舞Deer Dance 80
伊拉贺“Yilahe”(Dai Folk Dance) 80
喊麻Hanma(Dai Folk Songs) 81
服饰Costumes 81
南传上座部佛教Hinayana 82
升和尚Monk Promotion 82
贝叶经Pattra-leaf Scriptures 83
赕塔Pagoda Worship 83
佛塔Stupa 84
滴水Water Dripping 84
佛幡Buddhist Streamer 84
缅寺Myanmar-styled Temple(Another Name for Buddhist Temple) 85
总佛寺General Temple 85
升佛爷Medicant Promotion 86
色勐“Semeng”(God of Tribe) 86
祜巴“Huba”(The Senior Medicant) 87
赕佛Buddha Worship 87
赕白象White Elephant Worship 88
丢拉很“Diulahen” 88
赕坦“Tan”Worship 88
凤凰情书Phoenix Love Letters 89
丢包Cloth-bundle Throwing 89
结婚拴线Thread-fastening Rite 90
傣医Medical Science of the Dai Nationality 91
睡药疗法Lying-on-the-herbs Therapeutics 91
李定国祠Li Dingguo Temple 91
车里宣慰司署遗址Site of Xuanwei Administrative Office in Cheli 92
周恩来总理纪念碑园The Park where the Steles in Memory of Premier Zhou Enlai Stands 92
勐乃仙人洞The Cave of Immortal in Mengnai 93
孟连土司府The Mansion of the Magistrate of Menglian 93
三仙洞The Cave of Three Immortals 94
象明摩崖Xiangming Inscriptions on Precipices 94
曼典瀑布Mandian Waterfall 95
民族风情园The Park of Ethnic Customs 95
野象谷Valley of Wild Elephants 96
勐仑植物园Menglun Botanic Garden 96
曼听公园Manting Park 97
绿石林公园The Green Stone Forest Park 97
树包塔The Tree-twining Pagoda 98
章凤观音寺Temple of Goddess of Mercy in Zhangfeng 98
皇阁寺和报恩寺Huangge Temple and Bao'en Temple 99
曼阁佛寺Mange Buddhist Temple 99
曼孙满佛寺Mansunman Buddhist Temple 100
姐勒金塔The Golden Pagoda in Jiele 100
允燕佛塔The Buddhist Pagoda in Yunyan 101
南甸土司署The Headman's Office in Nandian 101
剁生Raw Mince 101
撒撇“Sapie” 102
喃咪“Nanmi” 103
竹筒饭Sticky Rice Cooked in a Bamboo Tube 103
包烧“Baoshao” 103
毫萝索“Haoluosuo” 104
青苔Lichen 104
炸牛皮Fried Oxhide 104
菠萝紫米饭Purple Rice Cooked in Pineapple 105
香茅草烤鱼Grilled Fish with Citronella 105
酸肉Sour Meat 105
文身Tattoo 106
召片领“Zhaopianling”(A Feudal Ruler) 106
竹楼Bamboo Houses 107
景真八角亭Octagonal Pavilion in Jingzhen 107
井塔Well Pagoda 108
佛光寺Foguang Temple 108
景罕玉兔塔The Jade Rabbit Pagoda in Jinghan 108
笋塔Bamboo Shoot Pagoda 109
傣历The Dai Calendar 110
傣锦Dai Brocade 110
勐“Meng” 110
洗寨Washing Village 111
洗房柱Washing House Pillars 111
召勐“Zhaomeng” 112
康朗“Kanglang” 112
傣拳Dai Boxing 112
服饰Costumes 113
傈僳族The Lisu Nationality 114
语言The Language 114
文字The Written Language 114
阔什节The“Kuoshi”Festival 115
亚哈巴“Yahaba”(The Stone Moon) 115
男子服饰Men's Costume 116
女装Women's Costume 116
欧勒帽“Oulemao”(Lisu Women's Headgear) 116
拉白里底“Labailidi” 117
雅巴弛“Yabachi”(Linen Clothing) 117
千脚落地Houses on Numerous Poles 117
瓦抓“Wazhua” 118
包谷楼“Baogulou”(Barn) 118
男九女四Boy Nine and Girl Four 119
核隔多亥“Hegeduohai” 119
约叶“Yueye”(Love Songs) 119
刀杆节The Festival of Climbing Sword-poles 120
尝新节The Festival of Tasting the New Produce 120
樱花节The Sakura Festival 121
澡堂会The Bathing Gatherings 121
拉歌节The Festival of“Lage” 121
同心酒Heart-to-heart Wine(Friendship Wine) 122
《蛮书》A Book of the Southern Nationalities 122
木刮布“Muguabu” 123
刮木热“Guamure”(Lisu Folk Songs) 123
口琴The Lisu-styled Mouth Organ 124
舞蹈The Lisu Dances 124
自然历The Natural Calendar 125
木片信Messages Inscribed on Wood Pieces 126
勒墨夺扒(1869—1954)Lemoduopa(A Lisu Hero) 126
裴阿欠(1891—1967)Pei Aqian(A Lisu Clergyman) 127
李四益(1922—1986)Li Siyi(A Lisu Singer and Poet) 127
包谷砂Maize Granules 128
漆油Lacquer Tree Oil 128
杵酒“Chujiu” 128
羊油酒Sheep Oil Wine 129
打茶“Dacha”(Making Tea) 129
竹木器Bamboo and Wood Tools and Utensils 129
干恰夺目“Ganqiaduomu” 130
勒夏“Lexia”(Ornamental Satchel) 130
尼扒“Nipa”(Lisu Priests) 131
骂甲骂“Majiama”(A Funeral Custom) 131
拉祜族The Lahu Nationality 132
语言The Language 132
文字The Written Language 133
服饰Costumes 133
厄莎神“Esha”God 134
阿朋阿龙尼“Apeng'alongni”(The Gourd Festival) 134
鸡肉烂饭Chicken Porridge 135
八月月圆节Mid-autumn Festival 136
波库“Boku”(The Assistant of the Chief Buddha) 136
唱调子Singing Antiphonal Songs 137
剁生“Duosheng”(A Traditional Food of the Lahu People) 138
俄朴“Epu”(Sticky Rice Cake) 138
祭寨神寨桩Offering Sacrifices to the Village God and the Village Pole 139
介梦“Jiemeng”(The Highest Position among the Lahu Buddhists) 140
卡“Ka”(Village) 141
扩塔The“Kuota”Festival(The Spring Festival of the Lahu People) 141
喱嘎嘟“Ligadu”(A Traditional Musical Instrument of the Lahu People) 142
杜帕密帕“Dupamipa”(A Lahu Genesis) 142
抢包头Snatching Turbans 143
抢新水Scrambling for New Water 144
杀阿“Sha'a”(Hunting) 145
偷人Elopement 145
瓦结腊“Wajiela”(Bamboo Tube Tea) 146
小三弦Minor Three-stringed Plucked Instrument 147
页路妈“Yeluma”(Big House) 147
掌房Clay House 147
苦聪人The Kucong People 149
库扎节The“Kuzha”Festival(the New Year of the Lahu People) 149
祭祖节The Festival of Offering Sacrifices to Ancestors 150
端午节The Double-fifth Festival 150
卡腊节The“Kala”Festival 151
尼“Ni”(Spirit) 151
社林和神桩The Village Woods and the God Pillars 152
整控波摩崖The“Zhengkongbo”Cliffs with Inscriptions 152
糯福教堂Nuofu Church 153
下允佛寺Xiayun Buddhist Temple 153
芒洪八角塔Manghong Octagonal Pagoda 154
响水河瀑布The Xiangshuihe Waterfall 154
佤族The Wa Nationality 155
语言The Language 155
文字The Written Language 155
男子服饰Men's Costumes 156
女子服饰Women's Costumes 156
窝朗“Wolang”(The Wa Ritual Specialist) 157
木依吉“Muyiji”(The Supreme God of the Wa Nationality) 157
取新火Getting New Fire 158
木鼓Wooden Drum 158
拉木鼓Dragging Wooden Drums 159
木鼓房Wooden Drum House 159
司岗“Sigang”(Stone Cave) 160
尼阿亭“Ni'ating”(Big House) 160
拜“Bai”(A Reed Instrument) 161
班洪事件The Banhong Event 162
沧源崖画Cangyuan Cliff Painting 162
捣耳朵Dao'erduo(A Sacrificial Dance) 163
谷魂崇拜Grain Soul Worship 164
祭西威Sacrificing“Xiwei”(Offering Sacrifice to Tigers and Leopards) 164
家长奴隶制The Patriarchal Slavery 165
铓锣“Mangluo”Gong 166
奶母钱Breeding Money 166
牛肝卦Ox-liver Divination 166
牛角叉Ox-horn Fork 167
牛头纹Ox-head Stripes 167
牛尾巴桩Ox-tail Pole 167
甩发舞Hair-swinging Dance 168
司岗里Sigangli(The Myth about the Creation of the World) 168
同姓不婚The Prohibition of Marriage among the People with the Same Surnames 169
水酒Water Wine 169
猪卦Pig Divination 170
召阶“Zhaojie”(the Wa Sorcerers) 170
牙布勒“Yabule”(the Middleman in Trade) 171
新米节The New Rice Festival 171
圆圈舞Circle Dance 172
麦雅“Maiya”(Chicken Porridge) 172
伙有共耕Co-owning and Co-cultivating System 173
苦茶Bitter Tea 173
撒谷节The Rice-seeds Sowing Festival 174
崩南尼“Bengnanni”(The Spring Festival of the Wa Nationality) 174
神灵广场The Plaza of Gods 174
达“Da”(Chief of a Wa Village) 174
达布隆“Dabulong”(Mediation) 175
买姑娘钱Betrothal Money 175
报格洛木“Baogeluomu”(The Friends of the Same Sex) 175
鬼火塘Ghost Fire Pits 176
烧茶Baked Tea 176
梭得木艾“Suodemu'ai”(The Divination through Stabbing Oxen) 176
祭水Offering Sacrifice to Water 177
剽猪Stabbing Boars 177
剽牛舞Oxen-stabbing Dance 178
新水节The New Water Festival 178
改火Transforming Fire 178
祭社Offering Sacrifice to“She”(The God of Land) 179
牛肉酸菜Pickle with Beef 179
酸粑菜Sour Vegetable 179
灰笋Soda Bamboo Shoots 180
班洪制The Banhong System 180
顶杆Propping Poles 180
大寨傣文碑The Dazhai Dai-Character Tablet 181
南归佛寺The Nangui Buddist Temple 181
勐坎三佛祖佛房遗址The Ruins of the Three-Buddha Hall 182
广允缅寺The Guangyun Myanmar Temple 182
西盟革命烈士陵园Ximeng Cemetery of Revolutionary Martyrs 182
纳西族The Naxi Nationality 184
语言The Language 184
男子服饰Men's Costumes 185
女子服饰Women's Costumes 185
阿里里“Alili”Dance 186
阿明什罗“Aming Shiluo”(The Founder of Dongba Religion of Naxi) 186
阿夏婚The“Axia”Conjugal Relations 187
“八宝”The Eight Treasures 187
巴妙“Bamiao”(Embroidered Circular Patches) 188
巴妙背披“Bamiao”Cape 188
白沙细乐“Baisha Xiyue” 189
白地“Baidi”(The White Land) 189
东巴经The Dongba Classics 190
东巴Dongba(A Naxi Religious Specialist) 190
东巴文化Dongba Culture 191
东巴文Dongba Pictographic Script 191
东巴舞谱The Book on Dongba Dance 192
东巴舞蹈Dongba Dance 192
东巴音乐Dongba Music 193
东巴画Dongba Painting 193
《神路图》The Sacred Road(A scroll painting) 193
东巴教Dongba Religion 194
东巴代谱The Genealogical Books of Dongba 194
东巴调Dongba Tune 195
东巴教美术The Fine Arts of Dongba Religion 195
东巴五神冠The Five-God Dongba Crown 195
东巴跳Dongba Jump 196
东巴挂毯Dongba Tapestry 196
氆Woolen Fabric 197
丁巴什罗“Dingba Shiluo” 197
东巴法器Dongba Religious Ritual Implements 197
东巴法杖Dongba Ritual Stick 198
东巴鼓Dongba Drum 198
东巴经文学Dongba Literature 198
东巴巴格图谱Dongba“Bage”Picture Book for Divination 199
和世俊(1860—1930)He Shijun 200
拜太阳Worshipping the Sun 200
贝母鸡Steamed Chicken with the Bulb of Fritillary 201
筚篥蹉“Bili”Dance 201
祭天Offering Sacrifice to Heaven 202
祭祖Offering Sacrifice to Ancestors 202
三多节The“Sanduo”Festival 202
三多“Sanduo”(The Patron God) 203
三多舞曲“Sanduo”Dance 204
三多阁The“Sanduo”Pavilion 204
纳西古乐The Naxi Music 205
纳西历法The Naxi Calendar 205
白沙壁画Murals in Baisha 206
明代古建筑The Architectural Complex of the Ming Dynasty 206
丽江古城The Old Town of Lijiang 207
木府Mu's Mansion House 208
狮子山The Lion Mountain 208
万古楼Wangulou Pavilion 209
科贡坊Kegong Archway 209
五凤楼The Five Phoenix Pavilion 210
黑龙潭Black Dragon Pool Park 210
束河古镇Shuhe Ancient Town 211
老君山The Laojun Mountain(Daoist Monarch Mountain) 211
万朵山茶The Ten-thousand-blossom Camellia Tree 212
文峰寺Wenfeng Temple 212
普济寺Puji Temple 213
黎明风光The Views in Liming 213
宝山石头城Baoshan Stone Town 214
拉什海The Lashi Lake 214
虎跳峡The Tiger Leaping Gorge 215
泸沽湖The Lugu Lake 215
长江第一湾The First Bent of Changjiang River 216
红军渡口纪念碑The Monument at the Red Army Ferry 216
石鼓碑碣The Stone Drum Tablet 217
丽江马Lijiang Horse 217
东巴之乡The Hometown of Dongba 218
新主神木The Holy Tree of Xinzhu 218
花马古国Kingdom of Colorful and Horse-Like Rocks 219
程海The Chenghai Lake 219
木楞房Log Houses of the Mosuos 220
摩梭人的四合院The Quadrangle of the Mosuo People 220
嘎蹉“Gacuo”Dance 221
猪槽船Zhu Cao Canoe(Canoe in the Shape of a Trough) 221
永宁温泉Yongning Spring 222
朝山节The Pilgrimage Day 222
成人礼Mosuo Puberty Rite 223
棒棒会Bangbang Fair(Fair of Clubs and Sticks) 223
玉龙雪山The Yulong Snow Mountain(Jade Dragon Snow Mountain) 223
云杉坪The Level Ground of Yunnan Spruce 224
玉柱擎天Yuzhu Qingtian(The Jade Pillar Supporting the Sky) 225
海波会Haibo Festival 226
甲蹉舞“Jiacuo”Dance 226
丽江窨酒Lijiang Wine(Yinjiu) 227
丽江粑粑Lijiang Cake 227
丽江鸡豆凉粉Lijiang Bean Jelly 227
猪膘肉Preserved Pork 228
丽江海棠果Lijiang Plum-leaf Crab 228
丽江雪茶Lijiang Snow Tea 228
红豆杉Chinese Yew 228
牦牛坪Maoniu Level Ground(The Yak Level Ground) 229
丽江铜锁Lijiang Brass Lock 229
丽江三坊一照壁Lijiang Residential House(A Courtyard with Houses on Three Sides and a Screen Wall) 230
虫草鸭Duck Cooked with Chinese Caterpillar Fungus 230
木公(1494—1553)Mu Gong 231
木增(1587—1646)Mu Zeng 231
纳西素斋Naxi Vegetarian Diet 232
景颇族The Jingpo Nationality 233
文字The Written Language 233
昂墨牙姆“Angmoyamu” 234
包头Headwear 234
背篮和背箩On-the-Back Basket 234
彩帕Colorful Handkerchief 234
舂菜Mashed Salad 235
达戈“Dage” 235
大山“Dashan” 235
董萨“Dongsa”(Jingpo Animist Leader) 235
格崩董舞“Gebengdong”Dance 236
公房Public House 236
古浪速地Ancient Langsu Area 236
官种Predecessor of Chieftains 236
火塘Fireplace 237
金寨寨“Jinzhaizhai”(Funeral Dance) 237
景颇《创世纪》Jingpo Genesis 237
长刀Long Sword 237
刀术Sword Martial Art 238
服饰Costumes 238
竹楼Bamboo House of Jingpo Style 239
口弦Kouxian(Jingpo Oral Musical Instrument) 240
乐器Musical Instrument 240
目瑙示栋Munao Shidong 240
目瑙舞Munao Dance 241
目瑙纵歌节The Munao Zongge Festival 241
南甸宣抚司署Official Residence of Nandian Chief Administrator 242
宁贯瓦“Ningguan Wa” 242
哦热热“Orere” 243
丧葬Funerals 243
山官Chieftain 243
山头“Shantou” 243
水酒Water Wine 244
送魂Sending the Soul 244
线织筒裙Woven Skirt 244
瓦切瓦“Waqiewa” 245
吾戈龙“Wugelong” 245
习惯法Traditional Rules 245
新米节The New Rice Festival 246
腰箍Waistband 246
银泡Silver Bulb 246
幼子继承制Youngest Son Inheriting System 247
寨头Village Head 247
斋瓦“Zhaiwa” 247
寨桩Village Poles 247
整戈“Zhengge” 248
转房Marrying Husband's Relatives 248
允燕佛塔Yunyan Hinayana Buddhist Pagoda 248
布朗族The Bulang Nationality 250
布朗Bulang 250
语言The Language 251
烧岩“Shaoyan”(Symbol of Male Ancestors) 251
烧南“Shaonan”(Symbol of Female Ancestors) 251
丕当雍“Peidangyong”(Land Property) 252
胎嘎滚“Taigagun”(A Basket Containing Articles of the Bulang Ancestors) 252
布朗族成丁礼Bulang Puberty Rite 252
宗教节日Religious Festivals 253
布朗玎Bulangding—A Bulang Musical Instrument 253
蜂筒鼓舞Fengtong Drum Dance 254
祭火神Offering Sacrifices to the God of Fire 254
祭苦拉Offering Sacrifices to“Kula”(the God of Water) 255
祭寨神Offering Sacrifices to the God of Village 255
祭竹鼠Offering Sacrifices to the Bamboo Rats 256
滂顶舞“Pangding”Dance(Candle Dance) 256
冉“Ran”(A Bulang Musical Instrument) 257
手帕舞Handkerchief Dance 258
宰蹦“Zaibeng”(A Singing and Dancing Activity) 258
布朗族服饰Bulang Costumes 258
什拉节“Shila”Festival(Offering Sacrifices to the Dead) 259
冈永节“Gangyong”Festival(Offering Sacrifices to the Bamboo Rats) 259
景比迈“Jingbimai”Festival(The New Year's Day) 260
罢完尼节“Bawanni”Festival(Offering Sacrifices to the Buddha) 260
酸茶Sour Tea 260
普米族The Pumi Nationality 262
语言The Language 262
金鸡寺Jinjisi(The Golden Rooster Temple) 263
锣锅篝Luoguogou 263
服饰Costumes 263
方匹房Fangpifang(Houses Built from Square Building Blocks) 264
猜钥匙A Game of Guessing the Keys 264
大年Danian(The New Year) 265
娃娃节Children's Day 265
端午节The Double-fifth Festival 265
中元节The Zhongyuan Festival 266
尊老饭Food in Honor of the Elderly 266
抢“水头”Fetching the First Bucket of Water 266
迎客礼The Pumi People's Hospitality 267
打跳“Datiao”(Guozhuang Dance) 267
普米黄酒The Pumi Rice Wine 268
笃笆“Duba”(Bamboo Box) 268
阿昌族The Achang Nationality 269
语言The Language 269
尝新节The New-rice-tasting Festival 270
服饰Costumes 270
泼水节The Water-splashing Festival 270
撒撇“Sapie” 271
窝罗“Woluo”Dance 271
梢干“Shaogan” 272
窝罗节The“Woluo”Festival 272
会街节The Huijie Festival 272
阿露窝罗节The“Alu Woluo”Festival 273
版清“Banqing” 273
进洼“Jinwa”(Door Closing) 274
出洼“Chuwa”(Door Opening) 274
烧白柴Burning White Firewood 275
过手米线Hand-serving Rice-noodles 275
户撒刀Husa Knives 276
活袍“Huopao”(Ritual Specialist) 276
腊訇“Lahong” 276
色曼“Seman”(The God of the Village) 276
上相格“Shangxiang Ge” 277
上相莫“Shangxiang Mo” 277
上相作“Shangxiang Zuo” 277
耍白象White Elephant Dance 277
送魂Soul Sending 278
太平寺Taiping Temple 278
图腾崇拜Totem Worship 279
土主Local God 279
绡迈“Xiaomai” 279
毡裙Felt Skirts 279
“遮帕麻”和“遮米玛”“Zhepama”and“Zhemima” 280
奘房“Zhuangfang”or Southern Buddhist Temple 280
自然崇拜Nature Worship 281
祖先崇拜Worship of Ancestor 281
做摆“Zuobai” 281
怒族The Nu Nationality 282
语言The language 282
服饰Costumes 283
吾普都阿“Wupudu'a”(A kind of Decoration) 283
小搭古Small Bamboo Striped Basket 283
羊毛袜子Woolen Socks 283
婚礼歌Wedding Songs 284
讨男子Taking a Husband 284
补婚The After-marriage Wedding 285
鲜花节The Flower Festival 285
山母节The Hill Goddess Festival 285
大年节New Year Festival 286
古佳姆节“Gujiamu”Festival 286
肉拌饭Glutinous Rice with Minced Meat 287
不利亚“Buliya”(Bamboo Trumpet) 287
诗歌Poetry 287
《牙扒可歌亚》“Yapakegeya”(Nu Epic) 288
达比亚“Dabiya”(Traditional Instrument for Men) 288
独独丽亚“Duduliya”(Traditional Instrument for Women) 289
匹丽丽亚“Pililiya”(Traditional Wind Instrument) 289
阿楼西杯“Alouxibei”Dance 289
上菜舞Dish Serving Dance 290
提摩提吾“Timotiwu”(A Nu Clergyman) 290
荞砂饭Rice Fried with Buckwheat 291
侠辣、巩辣“Xiala”,“Gongla” 291
咕嘟饭“Gudu”Rice 292
烧鸡粥Roast Chicken Porridge 292
怒毯Nu Blanket 292
怒斯Nusi 293
转扇Turning Fan 293
恰盖“Qiagai”(A Tripod) 293
散牛毛Distributing Ox Hair 294
基诺族The Jinuo Nationality 295
语言The language 295
阿嫫尧白“Amoraobai” 296
巴“Ba” 296
兹“Zi”(Jinuo Folk Songs) 296
巴夺寨“Baduo”Village 296
白腊泡“Bailapao” 297
吃新米节The Fresh Rice Eating Festival 297
大鼓舞Big Drum Dance 298
竹筒调Tune of Bamboo Tube 298
寨神柱The Pole of the Village God 298
月亮花Moonflower 299
“卓巴”和“卓生”“Zhuoba”and“Zhuosheng” 299
贝神崇拜Shellfish God Worship 300
通性合称Gender-free Terms of Address 300
特懋克节“Temaoke”Festival 300
司土“Situ”(A Hung Drum) 301
砍刀布Kandao(Broadsword)Cloth 302
烧山血祭Offering Sacrifice of Blood before Burning Mountains 302
树叶信Letters of Tree Leaves 303
努发伊叟“Nufayisou” 303
莫批“Mopi” 303
米里几得“Milijide” 304
埋脐Burying Umbilical Cord 304
叫魂Calling a Spirit Back 304
祭水塘Offering Sacrifice to a Pond 305
基诺舂Jinuo Pestle 305
基诺洛克“Jinuoluoke” 306
刻木记事Keeping a Record by Wood-cutting 306
定魂Calming Spirit 306
村社七老Seven Elders of a Village 307
搓托“Cuotuo”(God of Thunder) 307
普竹兹“Puzhuzi”(Jinuo Epics) 308
滚灵布Rolling Cloth 308
长房The Long House 308
服饰Costumes 309
攸乐同知府遗址The Site of You Le Tongzhi Official Residence 309
祭大龙Offering Sacrifice to“Dalong” 310
德昂族The De'ang Nationality 311
语言The Language 311
佤德昂语支Wade'ang Language Branch 312
昂“Ang” 312
服饰Costumes 312
邦曼“Bangman” 312
崩龙“Benglong” 313
达岗“Dagang” 313
达吉岗Dajigang 313
德昂城De'ang Town 314
德昂拳De'ang Boxing 314
砖陶The Brick and Pottery 314
泼水节The Water-splashing Festival 314
象脚鼓舞Xiangjiao Drum Dance 315
竹楼The Bamboo-storied Houses 315
干巴笋Dried Bamboo Shoots 316
赶朵“Ganduo” 316
黑崩龙Black“Benglong” 316
红崩龙Red“Benglong” 316
花崩龙Colored“Benglong” 317
金水缸Golden Water Vat 317
金牙茶The“Jinya”Tea 317
淌河洞旧石器时代文化遗址The Cultural Ruins of the Old Stone Age in Tanghe Cave 317
芒市菩提寺The Bodhi Monastery in Mangshi Town 318
奶水钱The Money Presented to the Bride's Family as a Gift 318
漆齿The Black Teeth 318
水鼓The Watered Drum 319
水鼓舞Watered Drum Dance 319
酸茶Sour Tea 319
文身Tattoo 320
占卜Divination 320
竹竿舞Bamboo Pole Dance 320
做大贡Offering Big Sacrifice 320
做小贡Offering Small Sacrifice 321
独龙族The Dulong Nationality 322
丹当“Dandang” 322
“哈滂”瀑布“Hapang”Waterfall 323
服饰Costumes 323
约多“Yueduo” 324
“皆木玛”和“皆木巴”“Jiemuma”and“Jiemuba” 324
民居Houses 325
婚俗Marriage Customs 325
“卡雀哇”节“Kaquewa”Festival 326
文面独龙女Tattooed-Faced Dulong Women 326
丧葬Funerals 327
民歌Folk Songs 327
占卜Divination 328
石板烙蛋Baked Egg on a Stone Plate 328
独龙窖酒Dulong Alcohol Made in a Cellar 328
夏热何“Xiarehe” 329
丰功秘“Fenggongmi”(Bamboo Tubes) 329
藤篾箩Rattan Basket 330
主要参考书目 331
后记 333
- 《东北民歌文化研究及艺术探析》(中国)杨清波 2019
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《中国少数民族唢呐教学曲选》胡美玲编 2019
- 《卓有成效的管理者 中英文双语版》(美)彼得·德鲁克许是祥译;那国毅审校 2019
- 《甘肃民族民间歌曲全集 第2卷 酒泉市卷》周永利主编;郑午副主编 2016
- 《民族舞初级教程》沈莹主编 2016
- 《花样民游 幼儿园民间传统游戏的创新与指导》刘娟 2019
- 《跨文化交际背景下的中西文化比较研究》任永进,贺志涛著 2019
- 《生态文化建设的社会机制研究》阮晓莺著 2019
- 《党内政治文化建设指南》苏玉主编 2017
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《大学英语四级考试全真试题 标准模拟 四级》汪开虎主编 2012
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《复旦大学新闻学院教授学术丛书 新闻实务随想录》刘海贵 2019
- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《大学物理简明教程 下 第2版》施卫主编 2020
- 《大学化学实验》李爱勤,侯学会主编 2016
- 《中国生态系统定位观测与研究数据集 森林生态系统卷 云南西双版纳》邓晓保·唐建维 2010
- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991