- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:罗哲著
- 出 版 社:成都:四川大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787561438206
- 页数:232 页
Part Ⅰ General Investigation on the Risk of Fiscal Deficit 1
Chapter 1 Fiscal Deficit and Fiscal Deficit Risk 3
1.1 The Definition and Structure of Fiscal Deficit 3
1.2 Fiscal Deficit Risk 12
Chapter 2 Formation Mechanism of Fiscal Deficit Risk 19
2.1 Factors in Mechanism of Fiscal Deficit Risk 19
2.2 The Formation and Increase of Fiscal Deficit 22
2.3 The Formation of Inflation Risk Caused by Fiscal Deficit 36
2.4 The Formation and Evolution of Government Debts Risk Caused by Fiscal Deficits 51
Chapter 3 Influence of Fiscal Deficit Risk 59
3.1 Influences on Capital and Growth of Economy 59
3.2 Income Distribution Effect of Fiscal Deficit Risk 75
3.3 The Transformation from Fiscal Deficit Risk to Financial Risk 77
3.4 Erosion of Fiscal Deficit Risk to Social Credit Relationship 84
3.5 Impacts of Fiscal Deficit Risk on Government's Prestige and Regulation Ability 88
Part Ⅱ The Formation and Influence of Chinese Fiscal Deficit Risk 91
Chapter 4 China's Fiscal Deficit and Formation Factors of Deficit Risk 93
4.1 The Evolution of China's Fiscal Deficits 93
4.2 The Formation Factors of Chinese Fiscal Deficit Risk at Present Stage 102
4.3 Analysis on Imperfect Fiscal Ethics 113
Chapter 5 Manifestation of Chinese Fiscal Deficit Risk 118
5.1 Evolution of Chinese Fiscal Deficit Risk in Different Periods 118
5.2 Debt Risk Caused by Fiscal Deficit at Present Stage 124
5.3 Inflation Risk of the Fiscal Deficit at Present 127
Chapter 6 Influence of Chinese Fiscal Deficit Risk 134
6.1 China's Fiscal Deficit and Economic Growth 134
6.2 The Fiscal Deficit and Income Distribution in China 143
6.3 Influence of Fiscal Deficit Risk in Financial Field in China 149
6.4 The Impact of Fiscal Deficit Risk on Fiscal Vulnerability 152
Part Ⅲ Risk Management of Fiscal Deficit in China 161
Chapter 7 Discernment and Measurement of Fiscal Deficit Risk in China 163
7.1 The Omen of Serious Fiscal Deficit Risk 163
7.2 The Early Warning Index of Fiscal Deficit Risk 168
7.3 Discernment and Measurement of the China's Fiscal Deficit Risk 182
Chapter 8 Control of Fiscal Deficit Risk 187
8.1 General Principle of the Risk Control of Fiscal Deficit 187
8.2 The External Environment Control of China's Fiscal Deficit Risk 195
8.3 Prevention against Fiscal Deficit Risk in the Field of Public Finance 201
8.4 Controlling Contingent Liabilities and Implicit Liabilities in China 212
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