- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)哈彻(Hatcher,A.)著
- 出 版 社:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:730210588X
- 页数:544 页
Chapter 0.Some Underlying Geometric Notions 1
Homotopy and Homotopy Type 1
Cell Complexes 5
Operations on Spaces 8
Two Criteria for Homotopy Equivalence 10
The Homotopy Extension Property 14
Chapter 1.The Fundamental Group 21
1.1.Basic Constructions 25
Paths and Homotopy 25
The Fundamental Group of the Circle 29
Induced Homomorphisms 34
1.2.Van Kampen's Theorem 40
Free Products of Groups 41
The van Kampen Theorem 43
Applications to Cell Complexes 50
1.3.Covering Spaces 56
Lifting Properties 60
The Classification of Covering Spaces 63
Deck Transformations and Group Actions 70
Additional Topics 83
1.A.Graphs and Free Groups 83
1.B.K(G,1)Spaces and Graphs of Groups 87
Chapter 2.Homology 97
2.1.Simplicial and singular Homology 102
△-Complexes 102
Simplicial Homology 104
Singular Homology 108
Homotopy Invariance 110
Exact Sequences and Excision 113
The Equivalence of Simplicial and Singular Homology 128
2.2.Computations and Applications 134
Degree 134
Cellular Homology 137
Mayer-Vietoris Sequences 149
Homology with Coefficients 153
2.3.The Formal Viewpoint 160
Axioms for Homology 160
Categories and Functors 162
Additional Topics 166
2.A.Homology and Fundamental Group 166
2.B.Classical Applications 169
2.C.Simplicial Approximation 177
Chapter 3.Cohomology 185
3.1.Cohomology Groups 190
The Universal Coefficient Theorem 190
Cohomology of Spaces 197
3.2.Cup Product 206
The Cohomology Ring 211
A Künneth Formula 218
Spaces with Polynomial Cohomology 224
3.3.Poincaré Duality 230
Orientations and Homology 233
The Duality Theorem 239
Connection with Cup Product 249
Other Forms of Duality 252
Additional Topics 261
3.A.Universal Coefficients for Homology 261
3.B.The General Künneth Formula 268
3.C.H-Spaces and Hopf Algebras 281
3.D.The Cohomology of SO(n) 292
3.E.Bockstein Homomorphisms 303
3.F.Limits and Ext 311
3.G.Transfer Homomorphisms 321
3.H. Local Coefficients 327
Chapter 4.Homotopy Theory 337
4.1.Homotopy Groups 339
Definitions and Basic Constructions 340
Whitehead,s Theorem 346
Cellular Approximation 348
CW Approximation 352
4.2.Elementary Methods of Calculation 360
Excision for Homotopy Groups 360
The Hurewicz Theorem 366
Fiber Bundles 375
Stable Homotopy Groups 384
4.3.Connections with Cohomology 393
The Homotopy Construction of Cohomology 393
Fibrations 405
Postnikov Towers 410
Obstruction Theory 415
Additional Topics 421
4.A.Basepoints and Homotopy 421
4.B.The Hopf Invariant 427
4.C.Minimal Cell Structures 429
4.D.Cohomology of Fiber Bundles 431
4.E.The Brown Representability Theorem 448
4.F.Spectra and Homology Theories 452
4.G.Gluing Constructions 456
4.H.Eckmann-Hilton Duality 460
4.I.Stable Splittings of Spaces 466
4.J.The Loopspace of a Suspension 470
4.K.The Dold-Thom Theorem 475
4.L.Steenrod Squares and Powers 487
Appendix 519
Topology of Cell Complexes 519
The Compact-Open Topology 529
Bibliography 533
Index 539
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