多物理场仿真 数值方法及工程应用 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张群,岑松著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:7302450764
- 页数:424 页
1 The physics models 1
1.1 Heat flow fundamentals 2
1.2 Fluid dynamics 6
1.3 Structural mechanics 26
1.4 Electromagnetic field 59
1.5 Acoustic analysis 93
2 Physics coupling phenomena and formulations 97
2.1 Introduction to coupling problems 98
2.2 General coupling equations 98
2.3 Types of coupling interfaces 102
2.4 Classification of coupling phenomena 103
2.5 The coupling matrices among physics models 104
2.6 Thermal-stress coupling 104
2.7 Fluid-structure interaction 107
2.8 Conjugate heat transfer problem 112
2.9 Acoustic-structure coupling 113
2.10 Piezoelectric analysis 115
2.11 Electrostatic-structure coupling 116
2.12 Magneto-structure coupling 116
2.13 Magneto-fluid coupling 117
2.14 Electrothermall coupling 118
2.15 Magnetic-thermal coupling 120
2.16 Summary of the coupling types 120
3 The coupling methods 125
3.1 Introduction to coupling methods 125
3.2 The strong coupling method 126
3.3 Weak coupling methods 133
3.4 Comparisons of the strong and weak coupling methods 151
3.5 Time integration scheme for transient multiphysics problems 152
4 Nonstructural physics with moving boundary 157
4.1 The moving domain problem in multiphysics simulation 157
4.2 Advanced morphing method 159
4.3 Automatic remeshing technology 160
4.4 Mesh controls for rotating machinery 164
4.5 Treatment for pinched flow problems 167
4.6 Examples for mesh control 167
5 Stabilization schemes for highly nonlinear problems 177
5.1 An overview of stabilization methods 177
5.2 Stabilization methods in spatial domain 178
5.3 Stabilization in the time integration scheme 191
5.4 Underrelaxation of the solution vector 197
5.5 Capping for the solution 198
5.6 Trade off the stability,accuracy,and efficiency 199
6 Coupling simulation for rotating machines 201
6.1 Reference frames 201
6.2 General coupling boundary conditions 203
6.3 Governing equations in body-attached rotating frame 209
6.4 Multiple frames of references for rotating problems 210
6.5 Morphing technology for rotating problems 219
6.6 Multiphysics simulation for rotating machines 220
7 High-performance computing for multiphysics problems 227
7.1 The challenges in large-scale multiphysics simulation 227
7.2 Parallel algorithm for the strong coupling method 228
7.3 Parallel scheme for weak coupling methods 230
8 General multiphysics study cases 233
8.1 Efficiency studies of strong and weak coupling methods for simple case 233
8.2 Fluid-structure interaction simulation of flow around a cylinder with a flexible flag attached 237
8.3 Fluid-structure simulation of a flapping wing structure in a water channel 245
9 Multiphysics applications in automotive engineering 251
9.1 The study of dynamic characteristics of hydraulic engine mounts by strong coupling finite element model 251
9.2 Weak coupling fluid-solid-thermal analysis of exhaust manifold 267
9.3 Coupling analysis of permanent magnet synchronous motor 273
10 Computational fluid dynamics in aerospace field and CFD-based multidisciplinary simulations 295
10.1 Application and development of computational fluid dynamics simulation in the aerospace field 295
10.2 The research topic and its progress 297
10.3 Example 310
11 Multiphysics simulation of microelectro-mechanical systems devices 329
11.1 Introduction to MEMS 329
11.2 Micropump 329
11.3 Natural convection cooling of a microelectronic chip 334
12 Bidirectional multiphysics simulation of turbine machinery 339
12.1 The fluid-structure-thermal bidirectional coupling analysis on the rotor system of turbo expander 339
12.2 The fluid-structure coupling analysis of the turbine blade 349
13 Multiphysics modeling for biomechanical problems 363
13.1 Numerical analysis of a 3D simplified artificial heart 363
13.2 FSI simulation of a vascular tumor 366
14 Other multiphysics applications 375
14.1 FSI simulation of a sensor device in civil engineering 375
14.2 Acoustic structural coupling case 381
15 Code implementation of multiphysics modeling 387
15.1 Overview of commercial CAE software for multiphysics 387
15.2 Code implementation for multiphysics modeling 389
References 397
Index 409
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