Introduction to Radio EngineeringPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Nathan Blaunstein Christos Christodoulou Mikhail Sergeev
- 出 版 社:CRC Press
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:1498769426
- 页数:274 页
1 Basic Definitions,Operations,and Differential Vectors 3
1.1 Complex Values and Phasors 3
1.2 Vectors 4
1.3 Vector and Scalar Operations 6
1.4 Differential Vectors 9
1.4.1 Cartesian Coordinate System 9
1.4.2 Cylindrical Coordinate System 11
1.4.3 Spherical Coordinate System 13
1.5 Relationships between Coordinate Systems 14
1.5.1 Cartesian and Cylindrical Coordinate Systems 14
1.5.2 Cartesian and Spherical Coordinate Systems 14
References 16
2 Differential Operators in Classical Electrodynamics 17
2.1 Gradient of the Scalar Field 17
2.2 Divergence of the Vector Field 19
2.3 Vector Operator “Curl” or “Rot” 20
2.4 Laplace Operator 22
2.5 Integral Presentation of Differential Operators 23
2.5.1 Definitions of Line,Surface,and Volume Integrals 23 Line Integral 23 Surface Integral 25 Volume Integral 26
2.5.2 Integral Presentation of Vector Operators 27 Integral Presentation of Gradient Operator 27 Integral Presentation of Divergence Operator 28 Integral Presentation of Curl Operator 29
References 31
3 Electromagnetic Waves 35
3.1 Maxwell’s Equations 35
3.1.1 Differential Form of Maxwell’s Equations 35
3.1.2 Integral Form of Maxwell’s Equations 38
3.2 Presentation of Electromagnetic Waves 40
3.3 Green’s Function 42
3.4 Poynting Theorem 43
References 47
4 Electromagnetic Waves Propagation in Various Media 49
4.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Free Space 49
4.1.1 Plane Waves 49
4.1.2 Cylindrical Waves 50
4.1.3 Spherical Waves 51
4.2 Polarization of Electromagnetic Waves 51
4.3 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Material Media 53
4.3.1 Main Characteristics of Plane Waves in Material Media 53
4.3.2 Propagation of Plane Wave in Ideal Dielectric Medium 58
4.3.3 Propagation of Plane Wave in Nonideal Dielectric Medium 59
4.3.4 Propagation of Plane Wave in Good Conductive Medium 60
4.3.5 Main Results 62
References 63
5 Reflection and Refraction of Electromagnetic Waves 65
5.1 Boundary Conditions 65
5.2 Reflection and Refraction Coefficients at the Boundary of Two Media 67
5.3 Properties of Reflection Coefficients for Waves with Arbitrary Polarization 71
References 74
6 Types of Guiding Structures and Guiding Waves 77
6.1 Types of Guiding Structures 77
6.2 Types of Guiding Waves Propagating in Guiding Structures 77
6.2.1 Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Waves in Guiding Structures 79
6.2.2 TE and TM Waves in Guiding Structures 81
References 85
7 Transmission Lines 87
7.1 Infinite-Length Transmission Line 87
7.2 Finite-Length Transmission Line 91
7.3 Impedance and Matching of Transmission Line 92
7.5 Transmission Line with Losses 93
References 96
8 Coaxial Cables 97
8.1 Main Characteristics of Coaxial Cable 97
8.2 Propagation of a Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Wave along the Coaxial Cable 99
8.3 Propagation of TE and TM Waves along the Coaxial Cable 101
8.4 Leaky Coaxial Cable (LCC) Hidden in Semi-Space Dielectric Medium 102
8.4.1 The Simple Coaxial Cable Model 103
8.4.2 Insulated Cable Hidden in Semi-Space Dielectric Medium 104
8.4.3 Coupling Effect between External and Internal Modes of LCC 105
References 108
9 Waveguides 109
9.1 Two-Dimensional (2-D) Plane Guiding Structure 109
9.1.1 Propagation of Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Waves 109
9.1.2 Propagation of TM Waves 111
9.1.3 Propagation of TE Waves 114
9.2 Rectangular Waveguides 116
9.2.1 Propagation of TM Modes in Rectangular Waveguide 116
9.2.2 Propagation of TE Modes in Rectangular Waveguide 120
9.3 Cylindrical Waveguides 123
9.3.1 Propagation of TM Modes in Cylindrical Waveguide 123
9.3.2 Propagation of TE Modes in Cylindrical Waveguide 127
References 129
10 Basic Characteristics and Types of Antennas 133
10.1 Basic Characteristics of Antennas 133
10.1.1 Antenna Radiation Regions 133
10.1.2 Basic Characteristics of Antennas 135
10.1.3 Polarization of Antennas 138
10.2 Antennas in Free Space 141
10.3 Types of Antenna 141
10.3.1 Dipole Antennas 141 Infinitesimal Dipole Antennas 141 Finite-Length Dipole Antennas 142
10.3.2 Loop Antennas 145
10.3.3 Antenna Arrays 146
10.4 Multibearn Antennas 147
References 150
11 Radars 153
11.1 Basic Definitions and Characteristics of Radar 153
11.2 Classification of Radars according to Their Application 156
11.3 Classification of Radars Associated with Types of Radiated Signals 156
11.4 Pulse Repeated Frequency and Maximum Range 159
11.5 Doppler Effect and Doppler Shift Frequency 161
11.6 Path-Loss Prediction in Propagation Environment 161
11.6.1 Free-Space Propagation 161
11.6.2 Effects of the Earth 162
11.6.3 Effects of the Atmosphere 163 Effects of Refraction 163 Effects of Attenuation 165
11.6.4 Effects of the Ionosphere 166 Structure of the Ionosphere 166 Main Parameters of Propagation through the Ionosphere 167 Effects of Wave Refraction 168
11.7 Radar Equations 169
11.8 Clutter Effects on RCS 171
11.8.1 Radar Cross Section 171
11.9 Clutter and Target Effects on Radar Signals 172
11.9.1 SNR 172
11.9.2 Clutter Influence 173
References 174
12 Millimeter-Wave Radars 175
12.1 Main Properties of Active MMW Radar 176
12.2 Effects of Environment on MMW Active Radar Operation Properties 177
12.2.1 Range of Target Detection 177
12.2.2 Target-to-Clutter and Target-to-Rain Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)Effects 177
12.3 Passive MMW Radars 180
12.3.1 Typical Applications of MMW Radiometers 181
12.3.2 Theoretical Aspects of MMW Radiometry 184
12.3.3 MMW- Radiometer Parameters Estimation 187
12.3.4 Measurements of Errors in Brightness Temperature 187
References 188
13 Guiding GPRs Based on Leaky Coaxial Cables 191
13.1 Background 191
13.2 Theoretical Framework 193
13.2.1 Basic Equations 193 Cylindrical Structures 196 Symmetrical TM mode 197
13.2.2 External Region of LCC Irradiation 199
13.2.3 Internal Cable Structures 200
13.3 Radiation Pattern in the Presence of Interface 203
13.4 Characteristics of Radiation Field for Different Types of LCC 206
13.5 Effects of Inner and Outer Obstructions on the Pattern of Buried LCC 209
13.5.1 End Discontinuity Effect 209
13.5.2 Coupling Inhomogeneities Effect 212
13.5.3 Effect of Inhomogeneities on External Mode Propagation Constant 213
13.6 Comparison with Experimental Measurements 214
13.7 General Comments 217
References 220
14 Physical Fundamentals of Ground-Penetrating Radars and Remote Sensing Systems 223
14.1 Overview 223
14.2 Problems in GPR System Design 225
14.2.1 Dielectric and Conductive Properties of Subsoil Media 225
14.2.2 Attenuation and Losses of Electromagnetic Waves in Subsoil Medium 226
14.3 Theoretical Framework of Target Detection and Imaging 229
14.3.1 Diffraction Tomography Method Based on Rytov’s Approximation 230
14.3.2 Imaging of Buried Objects Based on the Open Waveguide Structures 231
14.3.3 Method of Diffraction Tomography Based on Feynman’s Path Integrals 233
14.3.4 Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) Modeling of Buried Objects in Subsoil Media 235
14.3.5 Geometrical Optic Model 239
References 246
15 ESP/UWB Radar Systems Applications 249
15.1 ESP/UWB Radar Operation Methodology 249
15.2 Problems in ESP/UWB Radar Operation 250
15.3 ESP/UWB System Operational Characteristics 251
15.4 Applications of Ground-Penetrating Radars and RSSs 253
15.4.1 Detection,Imaging,and Identification of Small Local Buried Objects 254
15.4.2 Detection and Identification of Minerals and Subsoil Structures 256
15.4.3 Detection of Foreign Objects in Underwater Environments 258
15.4.4 GPR Experiments for Verification of the Geometrical Optic Model 260
References 265
Index 267
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