目录 1
选别沙特阿拉伯王国非磁性铁矿石之选择性絮凝泡沫浮选工艺研究 Development of a selective flocculation-froth flotation process to beneficiate a non-magnetic iron ore of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by A.R.Abu Rashid et al[沙特阿拉伯] 1
回填物氧化危险性的评价 Evaluation of hazard from backfill oxidation by F.Rosenblum et al[加拿大] 13
在苏联极北选别复合铁矿石的实践 Practice of processing complex iron ores in the extreme north of the USSR by S.I.Zhuravlev et al[苏联] 20
印度拉贾斯坦克特里铜矿公司炉渣处理的方法、问题和发展 Slag treatment practice problems and development at Khetri Copper Complex Ra-jasthan India by P.D.Sharma et al[印度] 27
重金属精矿用压力过滤法脱水 Dewatering of base metal concentrates by pressure filtration by Michel Garon et al[美国] 32
新型动态重介质选矿机的工业实践 Plant operation of a new heavy media dynamic concentrator for metallic and non-metallic ore processing by A.Dessenibus et al[意大利] 49
干式强磁场永磁磁选机技术的新进展 Recent advances in dry high-intensity permanent-magnet separation technology by B.R Arvidson et al[南非] 60
保加利亚弗莱科夫-弗拉矿铜细菌堆浸的工艺应用 Large-scale application of biological copper dump leaching at Vlaikov Vrah,Bulg-aria…by S.N.Groudev et al[保加利亚] 65
湿式筛分的另一种研究方法 An alternative approach to wet screening by D.O.Collins et al[美国] 72
煤悬浮液的选择性脱水 Selective dewatering of water suspension of coal by J.N? c? et al[波兰] 80
絮凝剂和表面活性剂在选矿工业脱水中的应用 The use of flocculation and surfactants for dewatering in the mineral processing industry by T.K.Hunter[英国] 85
布干维尔铜矿破碎车间的发展 Crusher Plant Development at Bougainville Copper,G.J.Pascoe,M.J.Lees and D.S.Langford,〔巴布亚新几内亚〕 105
日处理500吨的萤石选矿厂的设计 From Bench Scale to Industrial Concentrator The Story of a 500 TPD Beneficiation Project,M.V.Ranganathan,G.P.Mathur and V.A.Altekar,[印度] 114
英国南克罗夫蒂有限公司选矿厂的现代化——提高了处理能力和回收率 Mill Modifications at South Crofty Limited improve Throughput and Recovery,D.T.Wells and A.J.Elliot,[英国] 122
在原矿品位日益低下、需要节能和环境保护下选矿厂设计的新趋势 New Trende in Concentrator Design for Conditions of Run-of-Mine Ore Grade Dec-rease,Power Consumption Reduction and Environmental Protection,L.M.Glumov,A.P.Ponomarev,G.T.Sazonov and A.S. 132
澳大利亚芒特·艾萨矿山有限公司处理银铅锌矿石的重介质选矿车间的设计施工和投产 The Design,Construction and Commissioning of a Henvy Medium Plant for Silver Lead-zinc Ore Treatment-Mount Isa Mines Limited,P.D.Munro,I.S Schache W.G.PARK and R.M.S.WA 138
使用大型奥托昆普浮选机的经验 Experiences with Large Outokumpu Flotation Machines M.Taraiven and T Niiti,[加拿大] 151
大型浮选机研制中的设计考虑 Design Considerations in Large Flotation Machine Development,V.R.Degner[美国] 159
大型浮选槽的改型机构 An Improved Mechanism for Large Flotation Cells,E.L.Smith.M J.Prevett,and G.A.Lawrence,[美国] 168
大型阿基泰尔浮选机的设计和操作 Large Flotation Machines Design and Operation,T.C.Sorensen[美国] 177
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