第一部分 成果(共27篇) 1
血吸虫病治疗药物研究 1
抗疟新药磷酸咯萘啶 2
吡喹酮治疗日本血吸虫病合理剂量的探讨 3
我国抗氯喹恶性疟的地理分布及其抗性程度 4
伯氏鼠疟原虫对咯萘啶的抗药性研究 5
黄淮平原疟疾防治对策研究——改良环境减少人蚊接触控制传染源的综合措施防治疟疾的实验研究 6
人αD型基因工程干扰素的研制 7
新轮状病毒的发现及其与成人流行性腹泻病因学关系的研究 9
用酶免疫法检测细胞培养病毒的研究 10
烟草花叶病毒单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株的建立 12
乙型肝炎病毒母婴传播及其疫苗阻断研究 12
高碑店污水系统病毒污染情况的检测 13
成人腹泻轮状病毒——ELISA检测方法的建立和应用研究 14
中国鼠疫自然疫源地的发现与研究 15
半胱氨酸处理血清诊断布鲁氏菌病的研究 17
食物中有机氯农药残留及其毒性研究 18
烯丙基氯(氯丙烯)卫生标准及慢性中毒诊断标准的研究 19
农村自来水工艺系统和净水构筑物的调查与卫生学评价 20
我国农村自来水用水量调查 20
粪便无害化卫生标准的研究 21
KC-8301可吸入颗粒物采样器的研制 22
锥形空腔式热辐射校正装置及MR-Ⅰ型辐射热计 24
动压平衡型等速烟尘测试仪的研究 25
辐照主副食品人体试食试验 27
辐照蘑菇人体试食试验 28
生产性粉尘作业危害程度分级 28
城市住宅居室容积卫生标准研究 29
第二部分 论著(共210篇) 31
寄生虫学 31
血吸虫病 31
疟疾 37
丝虫病 40
黑热病与囊虫病等 41
中间宿主和传播媒介 43
病毒学 45
肿瘤 45
流行性感冒 50
肝炎 56
流行性乙型脑炎 57
流行性出血热 60
腹泻 65
单纯疱疹 68
麻疹痘苗病毒腺病毒 70
干扰素及其它 71
流行病学和微生物学 75
流行性出血热登革热 75
鼠疫 76
流行性脑脊髓膜炎布鲁氏菌病 78
军团菌弯曲菌 79
立克次体 81
杀虫灭鼠 81
卫生学 85
食品卫生 85
营养卫生 87
环境卫生 97
劳动卫生和职业病 108
放射医学和防护 117
第三部分 书文摘要和其它(共110篇) 119
寄生虫学 119
病毒学 120
流行病学和微生物学 128
卫生学 133
书籍和其它 138
Part 1.Achievement 147
Studies on the Chemotherapy of Schistosomiasis 147
A New Antimalarial Drug Pyronaridine 147
Optimum and Practical Dosification of Praziquantel in the Treatment of Schistosomiasis Japonica 149
The Geographical Distribution of Chloroquine Resistant Falci-parum Malaria and the Extent of Resistance in China 149
Studies on Delaying the Emergence of Resistance to Pyronatidine Phosphate in Plasmodium berghei 150
Integrated Approach in Malaria Control Including Environmental Management and the Reduction of Human Mosquito Contact and Human Infection Source in Huang Huai Plain 151
Preparation of Human Interferon αD(Hu IFN-αD) 152
Waterborne Outbreak of Adult Diarrhea in China Caused by A Novel Rotavirus 153
Studies on Enzyme Immunoassay for Detection of Viruses on Infected Cells 154
Studies of Monoclonal Antibodies(McAb)Against Tobacco Mosaic Virus(TMV) 156
Prevention of Perinatal Transmission of HBsAg of Carrier Mothers to Infants by Using Plasma Derived HBsAg Vaccine 156
Study of Viruses Comtaminated in Gaobeidian Waste-water System 157
Development of ELISA for Detection of Adult Diarrhea Rotavirus (ADRV) 158
Study of the Natural Foci of Plague in China 159
Study on Treatment Serum with Cysteine for Diagnosis in Brucellosis 159
Studies on Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Foods and Their Toxicity 159
Investigation on the Hygienic standard for Allyl Chloride and the Diagnostic Criteria and Principles of Management of Occupational Chronic Allyl Chloride Poisoniog 161
Investigation and Sanitary Eval uation for Technological System and Structures for Purifying Water of Drinking Water Supply in Rural Areas 162
Investigation Tap Water Consumption in Rural Areas of China 162
Sanitary Standard for the Non-hazardous Treatment of Night Soil 163
Developing an Inhalable Particles Sampler 163
Conical Blackbody Calibrotion Device for Determing Rediant Intensity and MR-Ⅰ Radiometer 164
The Development of Isokinetic Dust SamplerbyBalancing two Diffe-rential Heads of Pitot Tube and Oriffice 164
A Feeding Trial of Diet Mainly Composed of Irradiated Foods in Hu-man Volunteers 165
A Feeding Trial of Irradiated Mushroom in Human Voluntee rs 166
C1assification of Hazard Levels due to Exposure to Industrial Dusts 167
Study on Sanitary Standard for Room Volume of Dwelling House 167
Part 2.Treatise 168
Parasitology 168
Virology 190
Epidemiology and Microbiology 230
Hygienic s 240
Radiological Medicine and Protection 282
Part 3.Abstract etc 284
Parasito1ogy 284
Virology 285
Epidemiology and Microbiology 293
Hygienics 297
Monographs etc 300
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