第一部份 成果(共22篇) 1
消灭传染源和重点灭螺措施对控制湖沼地区血吸虫病的效果观察 1
胶乳凝集试验检测日本血吸虫病抗体的实验观察 2
日本棘隙吸虫病的吡喹酮治疗 4
根治疟疾药物筛选动物模型系统的建立及其应用 4
对间日疟原虫配子体活力周期性的实验研究 6
微小按蚊分型的研究 7
丝虫病防治后期低密度微丝蚴血症者传播作用的研究 9
应用单克隆抗体鉴定利什曼原虫的斑点—ELISA试验 11
寄生虫病文献检索报道刊物 12
乙型肝炎病毒母婴传播及疫苗阻断的研究 13
鼻咽癌的前瞻性现场研究及早期诊断方法的建立和应用 14
ELISA法测定麻疹IgG与IgM抗体 15
黄芪对病毒病感染的作用 16
A群脑膜炎奈瑟氏菌脂多糖血清学分型及其流行病学意义 17
辐照食品卫生学安全评价研究 18
变质甘蔗中毒的病因研究Ⅲ.节菱孢产毒培养基的研究 19
变质甘蔗节菱孢毒性物质——3-硝基丙酸的分离与鉴定 20
产毒节菱孢种的分类鉴定 20
节菱孢的产毒特性和对动物毒性的研究 21
八种化学物质与职业性肿瘤发病关系的调查研究 21
新型防霉防腐药剂RQA及AF-1型防腐保鲜纸(袋)的研制 24
RQA毒性的研究 25
第二部份 论著(共253篇) 27
寄生虫学 27
血吸虫病 27
疟疾 32
钩虫病丝虫病 36
中间宿主和传播媒介 37
病毒学 42
肿瘤 42
流行性感冒 47
肝炎巨细胞病毒 50
流行性出血热 52
腹泻腺病毒 54
单纯疱疹病毒 56
麻疹 57
呼吸道合胞病毒痘苗病毒 58
干扰素及其它 59
流行病学和微生物学 61
流行性出血热 61
登革热腹泻 68
鼠疫 71
布鲁氏菌病 72
钩端螺旋体病 74
军团菌弯曲菌 75
痢疾霍乱伤寒 77
杀虫 78
灭鼠 81
立克次体及其它 85
食品卫生监督检验 89
营养与食品卫生 89
环境卫生监测 94
环境卫生与卫生工程 96
劳动卫生与职业病 104
第三部份 书文摘要和其它(共53篇) 127
寄生虫学 127
病毒学 128
流行病学和微生物学 134
营养与食品卫生 136
环境卫生监测 137
环境卫生与卫生工程 138
劳动卫生与职业病 139
书籍和其它 140
Part 1. Achievement 149
Schistosomiasis Control in a Lake Region with Chemotherapy and Pocal Mollusciciding 149
Experimental Observation on Latex Agglutination Test in the Detection of Anti-schistosome Antibody 149
Pyquiton Treatment of Echinochasmus Japonicus Infection 150
Establishment and Use of Animal Model System for Screening Drugs for Radical Cure of Malaria 150
Experimental Studies on the Periodical Viability of Gametocytes of Plasmodium Vivax 151
Notes on the Forms of Anopheles(Cellia)Minimus Thropald 190 1 in China 152
Role of Carriers with Low Density of Microfilariae in Filariasis Transmission 153
Dot-ELISA Using Monoclonal Antibodies for Identification of Leishmania donovani 154
Parasitic Diseases Literature Retrieval and Report Series 155
The Study of Prevention of Perinatal Trasmission of Hepatitis B Virus by Vaccine in Infants Born to HBsAg Positive Carrier Mothers 156
Prospective Studies on NPC and Development of Early Diagnostic Methods 157
Detection of Measles IgG and IgM Antibodies by Enzyme Linked Immuno-sorbent Assay(ELISA) 158
The Effect of Radix Astragali seu Hedysari(RAH)on Viral Infec-tion 160
Lipopo1ysaccharide Serotypes of Neisseria Meningitidis Group A and their Epidemiological Significances 161
Safety Evaluation of Irradiated foods 162
Studies on the Etiology of Deteriorated Sugarcane Poisoning Ⅲ.Screening of Media for Toxin-producing of Arthrinium 163
Isolation and Structural Determination of Sugarcane Poisoning Arthrinnium Toxicity Material——3-Nitropronic Acid 164
Taxonomic Studies on Toxigenic Arthrinium Strains Isolated from Sugarcane 165
Studies on Toxigenicity of Arthrinium and Toxicity of Arthrinium Toxin to Laboratory Animals 165
An Epidemiological Investigation on Occupational Cancer Incidence in Workers Exposed to 8 Industrial Chemicals 166
New Type Preservative and Fungicide RQA&Model AF-1 Preservative Paper and Bag 167
Toxicity of RQA 168
Part 2.Treatise 168
Parasitology 168
Virology 190
Epidemiology and Microbiology 216
Food Safety Control and Inspection 245
Nutrition and food Hygiene 246
Environmental Health Monitoring 254
Environmental Health andEngineering 256
OccupationalMedicine 268
Part 3. Abstracts etc. 299
Parasitology 299
Virology 299
Epidemiology and Microbiology 302
Nutrition and Food Hygiene 304
Environmental Health Mornitoring 304
Environmental Health and Engineering 305
Occupational Medicine 306
Monographs etc 306
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