- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陶文铨,何雅玲等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7040166038
- 页数:668 页
Progress on researches for physical laws of natural convection heat transfer in past decade&Yang Shiming 1
专题总结论文 6
强化迁移过程的基本理论——场协同原理及其应用&陶文铨,何雅玲,屈治国,李增耀,曾敏 6
微通道内流动与换热的数值模拟与实验研究&何雅玲,陶文铨,唐桂华,李光熙,李卓 33
非连续多孔介质热物性的分形描述和能量与物质迁移规律的研究&施明恒,陈永平,陈振乾,张东辉,蒋绿林,李小川 62
含湿多孔介质中热量和物质组分耦合迁移的机制与模型研究&刘伟,范爱武,刘炳成 75
CPL毛细芯内相变传热与流动的模型与数值计算&刘伟,黄晓明,韩延民 84
双尺度波纹板板壳式换热器强化换热的研究&陈亚平,施明恒,李映斌 96
一、强化传热、传质原理与方法的实验与数值研究 111
换热器集箱管组流动和换热分析&杨世铭,罗永浩 111
A unified analysis on enhancing single phase convective heat transfer with field synergy principle&Tao W Q,He Y L,Wang Q W,Qu Z G,Song F Q 116
Field synergy principle for enhancing convective heat transfer—its extension and numerical verifications&Tao W Q,Guo Z Y,Wang B X 126
Applications of the field synergy principle in developing new type heat transfer enhanced surfaces&Tao W Q,He Y L,Qu Z G,Cheng Y P 134
Numerical verification of the field synergy principle for turbulent flow&Zeng M,Tao W Q 149
Pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of turbulent flow in annular tubes with internal wave-like longitudinal fins&Yu B,Tao W Q 155
Three-dimensional numerical simulation on laminar heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of strip fin surface with X-arrangement of strips&Qu Z G,Tao W Q,He Y L 168
Numerical design of efficient slotted fin surface based on the field synergy principle&Cheng Y P,Qu Z G,Tao W Q,He Y L 185
非饱和多孔介质中自然对流传热的场协同分析&申盛,刘伟,陶文铨 200
CPL蒸发器毛细芯中流动与传热的场协同分析&刘志春,刘伟 206
Study on boiling heat transfer in liquid saturated particle bed and fluidized bed&Shi M H,Zhao Y B,Liu Z L 213
离心流化床中强制对流换热的实验研究&王海,施明恒 223
离心力场作用下多孔介质中强制对流换热的研究&施明恒,王海,郝英立 229
用波动理论确定气固磁流化床的临界稳定区&归柯庭,张辉,施明恒 233
固体颗粒强化液体沸腾换热和抗垢特性的研究&施明恒,赵言冰,刘中良 241
活性炭对苯蒸气吸附与分离过程的实验研究&蒋绿林,施明恒,高玉明 248
双尺度波纹板束上溴化锂降膜吸收的实验研究&陈亚平,李映斌,施明恒 253
湍流流动和传热整体传输特性的数学分析&魏琪 259
二、多孔介质中的传热传质规律研究 271
Heat transfer and phase change of liquid in an inclined enclosure packed with unsaturated porous media&Liu W,Shen S,Riffat S B 271
Heat and mass transfer with phase change in a rectangular enclosure packed with unsaturated porous material&Liu W,Huang X M,Riffat S B 283
Fractal analysis of permeabilities for porous media&Yu B M,Liu W 294
Numerical and experimental analysis of convection heat transfer in passive solar heating room with greenhouse and heat storage&Chen W,Liu W 311
Numerical analysis of heat transfer in a composite wall solar collector system with porous absorber&Chen W,Liu W 327
Study of heat and moisture transfer in soil with a dry surface layer&Liu B C,Liu W,Peng S W 337
Modeling for heat and mass transfer with phase change in porous wick of CPL evaporator&Huang X M,Liu W,Nakayama A,Peng S W 350
Steady numerical simulation for heat and moisture migration in vegetation soil under various conditions&Fan A W,Liu W 359
Determination of permeability using fractal method for porous media&Shi M H,Chen Y P 369
Investigation on moisture transfer mechanism in porous media during rapid drying process&Shi M H,Wang X 374
分形多孔介质中的热传导&张东辉,施明恒 381
三、微细结构中流动与换热基本规律研究 387
Lattice Boltzmann method for simulating gas flow in microchannels&Tang G H,Tao W Q,He Y L 387
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of flow in porous media on nonuniform mesh grids&Wu H R,He Y L,Tang G H,Tao W Q 396
An experimental investigation of gaseous flow characteristics in microchannels&Tang G H,He Y L 404
Turbulent statistics of rarefied flows in microchannel flow and heat transfer&Li G X,Tao W Q,Li Z Y,Yu B 414
Lattice Boltzmann method for gaseous microflows using kinetic theory boundary conditions&Tang G H,Tao W Q,He Y L 426
Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann model for gaseous flow in rectangular microducts and microscale porous media&Tang G H,Tao W Q,He Y L 432
A numerical study of laminar convective heat transfer in microchannel with non-circular cross-section&Li Z,Tao W Q,He Y L 442
用直接模拟Monte Carlo方法计算微通道的流动与换热&周靖,陶文铨 451
四、脉管制冷机中的传输机理研究 459
Steady natural convection in a vertical cylindrical envelope with adiabatic lateral wall&He Y L,Tao W Q,Qu Z G,Chen Z Q 459
Steady natural convection in a tilted long cylindrical envelope with lateral adiabatic surface,part 1:theoretical modeling and numerical treatments&He Y L,Tao W Q,Zhao T,Chen Z Q 474
Steady natural convection in a tilted long cylindrical envelope with lateral adiabatic surface,part 2:heat transfer rate,flow patterns and temperature distributions&He Y L,Tao W Q,Zhao T,Chen Z Q 489
The effect of tube wall heat conduction on the natural convection in a long cylindrical envelope with an adiabatic lateral surface&He Y L,Ding W J,Tao W Q 513
Improvement of the thermal performance of pulse tube refrigerator by using a general principle for enhancing energy transport and conversion processes&He Y L,Wu M,Tao W Q,Chen Z Q 539
五、流动与传热问题的先进数值模拟方法 551
A novel segregated algorithm for incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer problems—CLEAR(coupled&linked equations algorithm revised)part Ⅰ:mathematical formulation and solution procedure&Tao W Q,Qu Z G,He Y L 551
A novel segregated algorithm for incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer problems—CLEAR(coupled&linked equations algorithm revised)part Ⅱ:application examples&Tao W Q,Qu Z G,He Y L 563
Simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in a plane channel using the lattice Boltzmann method&Tang G H,Tao W Q,He Y L 576
Refinement of the convective boundedness criterion of Gaskell and Lau&Hou P L,Tao W Q,Yu M Z 580
Control of convergence in a computational fluid dynamic simulation using fuzzy logic&Liu X L,Tao W Q,Chen P,He Y L,Wang Q W 592
Discussion on momentum interpolation method for collocated grids of incompressible flow&Yu B,Tao W Q,Wei J J,Yasuo Kawaguchi,Toshio Tagawa,Hiroyuki Ozoe 600
Discussion on numerical stability and boundedness of convective discretized scheme&Yu B,Tao W Q,Zhang D S,Wang Q W 616
A comparison study of the convergence characteristics and robustness for four variants of SIMPLE family at fine grids&Zeng M,Tao W Q 631
附件1 杨世铭教授论著清单 646
附件2 973项目“高效节能的关键科学问题”第三课题《不连续介质中传热传质的建模、数值模拟及实验研究》(G2000026303)成果总结简表 650
附件3 973国家重点基础研究发展规划项目“高效节能的关键科学问题”第三课题《不连续介质中传热传质的建模、数值模拟及实验研究》(G2000026303)发表论文清单 653
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