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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:贾敬,王昕主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:煤炭工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787502032340
  • 页数:218 页

Chapter 1 Function,Limit and Continuity(第1章 函数、极限与连续) 1

1.1 The Concept of a Function(函数的概念) 1

1.2 Functions Commonly Used in Economics and Business(经济和商务中的几个常用函数) 14

1.3 The Concept of Limits(极限的概念) 21

1.4 Computation of Limits(极限的运算) 33

1.5 The Continuity of Functions(函数的连续性) 44

1.6 Applications of Functions and Limits in Business and Economics(函数和极限在商务和经济中的应用) 53

Chapter 2 Derivative and Differential(第2章 导数与微分) 66

2.1 Concept of Derivative(导数的概念) 66

2.2 Formulas and Rules for Finding Derivatives(函数的求导公式和法则) 76

2.3 Higher-order Derivatives(高阶导数) 92

2.4 Differential of a Function(函数的微分) 96

2.5 Applications of Derivatives in Economics(导数在经济中的应用) 101

Chapter 3 Applications of Derivative(第3章 导数的应用) 108

3.1 Indeterminate Forms and L'Hospital's Rule(未定式极限和洛必达法则) 108

3.2 Applications of the First Derivative in Functions(一阶导数在函数中的应用) 117

3.3 Applications of the Second Derivative in Functions(二阶导数在函数中的应用) 127

3.4 How to Sketch the Curve of a Function(函数图形的描绘) 132

3.5 Optimization Problems in Business and Economics(商务和经济中的最优化问题) 136

Chapter 4 Indefinite Integral and Definite Integral(第4章 不定积分和定积分) 142

4.1 The Concept and Properties of Indefinite Integral(不定积分的概念和性质) 142

4.2 Integration by Substitution and by Parts(不定积分的换元积分法和分部积分法) 148

4.3 The Concept and Properties of Definite Integrals(定积分的概念和性质) 154

4.4 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus(微积分基本定理) 161

4.5 Improper Integrals with Infinite Limits of Integration(无穷限广义积分) 166

4.6 Applications of Integration to Business and Economics(积分在商务和经济中的应用) 169

Chapter 5 Elementary Business Statistics(第5章 商务统计初步知识) 176

5.1 The Basic Concepts of Business Statistics(商务统计的基本概念) 176

5.2 Statistical Charts and Graphs(统计表和统计图) 178

5.3 Characteristic Numbers of Sample(样本特征数) 184

Appendix(附录) 192

附录A 数、符号、公式、图形等的英文表达 192

附录B 基本初等函数的图像及性质 204

附录C 一元普通年金终值 206

附录D 一元普通年金现值 207

附录E 词汇表 208

Reference(参考文献) 218
