工程电磁学 英文影印版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Kenneth R. Demarest著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7030111486
- 页数:674 页
1 Background and Motivation 1
1-1 Introduction 1
1-2 A Little History 2
1-3 Engineering Applications of Electromagnetics 4
1-4 In This Text... 5
2 Vector Analysis 7
2-1 Introduction 7
2-2 Physical Quantities and Units 7
2-3 Vector Algebra 11
2-4 Orthogonal Coordinate Systems 16
2-5 The Calculus of Scalar and Vector Fields 33
2-6 Summation 55
Problems 55
3-1 Introduction 61
3 Electromagnetic Sources,Forces,and Fields 61
3-2 Charge and Charge Density 62
3-3 Current and Current Density 63
3-4 The Law of Charge Conservation 68
3-5 Two Action-At-A-Distance Force Laws 71
3-6 The Lorentz Force Law and the Field Concept of Electromagnetics 75
3-7 Maxwell's Equation 81
3-8 Summation 84
Problems 85
4 Electrostatic Fields in Free Space 87
4-1 Introduction 87
4-2 Maxwell's Equations for Electrostatics in Free Space 88
4-3 Coulomb's Law 90
4-4 E-Field Calculations Using Coulomb's Law 93
4-5 Field Computation Using Gauss's Law 98
4-6 Voltage and Electric Potential 107
4-7 Poisson's and Laplace's Equation 116
4-8 Summation 118
Problems 118
5 Electrostatic Fields In Material Media 122
5-1 Introduction 122
5-2 Conductors 123
5-3 Dielectrics 132
5-4 Electrostatic Boundary Value Problems 149
5-5 Summation 174
Problems 174
6 Capacitance and Electric Energy 179
6-1 Introduction 179
6-2 Capacitance 180
6-3 The Energy Contained in an Electrostatic Charge Distribution 195
6-4 Energy Storage in Capacitors 200
6-5 Summation 201
Problems 202
7 Magnetostatic Fields in Free Space 205
7-1 Introduction 205
7-2 Maxwell's Equations for Magnetostatics in Free Space 206
7-3 The Biot-Savart Law and the Magnetic Vector Potential 208
7-4 Field Calculations Using Ampère's Law 218
7-5 Magnetic Potentials 227
7-6 Summation 236
Problems 236
8 Magnetostatic Fields In Material Media 241
8-1 Introduction 241
8-2 The Hall Effect 242
8-3 Magnetic Materials 244
8-4 Magnetostatic Boundary Value Problems 260
8-5 Permanent Magnets and Magnetic Recording 265
8-6 Magnetic Circuits 268
8-7 Summation 272
Problems 273
9 Magnetic Inductance,Energy,and Forces 277
9-1 Introduction 277
9-2 Faraday's Law of Induction 278
9-3 Inductance 290
9-4 Magnetic Forces and Torques 310
9-5 Summation 318
Problems 319
10 Time-Varying Electromagnetic Fields 325
10-1 Introduction 325
10-2 Displacement Current 326
10-3 Maxwell's Equations for Time-Varying Fields 330
10-4 Time-Harmonic Fields 334
10-5 Boundary Conditions for Time-Varying fields 341
10-6 AC Circuit Analysis 344
10-7 Summation 346
Problems 346
11 Transmission Lines 349
11-1 Introduction 349
11-2 TEM Modes on Transmission Lines 350
11-3 Transient Voltages and Currents On Transmission Lines 355
11-4 Time-Harmonic Waves on Transmission Lines 382
11-5 Summation 434
Problems 434
12 Plane Waves 441
12-1 Introduction 441
12-2 Wave Equations in Simple,Source-Free Media 442
12-3 Plane Waves in Lossless Media 443
12-4 Plane Waves in Lossy Media 453
12-5 Medium Characterization 456
12-6 Power Transmission 462
12-7 Plane Wave Reflection and Transmission at Planar Boundaries:Normal Incidence 470
12-8 Plane Wave Reflection and Transmission at Planar Boundaries:Oblique Incidence 490
12-9 Summation 503
Problems 503
13 Waveguiddes 508
13-1 Introduction 508
13-2 Waveguide Modes 509
13-3 Metal Waveguides 513
13-4 Dielectric Waveguides 546
13-5 Cavity Resonators 558
13-6 Summation 563
Problems 563
14-1 Introduction 567
14 Radiation and Antennas 567
14-2 Electromagnetic Potentials 568
14-3 The Infinitesimal Dipole 573
14-4 Transmitting Antenna Parameters 582
14-5 Simple Antennas 589
14-6 Antenna Arrays 606
14-7 Properties of Receiving Antennas 616
14-8 Summation 628
Problems 628
Appendix A:Units and Symbols 634
Appendix B:Coordinate System Relationships and Vector Identities 637
Appendix C:Fundamental Constants and Material Parameters 640
Appendix D:Transmission Line Parameters 644
Appendix E:Answers to Selected Problems 651
Selected Bibliography 657
Index 661
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