中国标准化石 第2分册 无脊椎动物PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈旭等著;中国科学院古生物研究所编辑
- 出 版 社:北京:北京地质出版社
- 出版年份:1955
- ISBN:01571
- 页数:243 页
原生运动门(PROTOZOA)&陈旭 1
一、总论 1
二、各论 2
有孔虫目(Foraminifera) 2
?科 Fusulinidae Moller 2
汪氏?亚科(Ozawainellinae Thompson and Foster) 3
Staffella Ozawa 1925 3
Nankinella Lee 1933 4
舒氏?亚科(Schuberlellinae Skinner) 4
Fusiella Lee et Chen 1930 4
?亚科(Fusulininae Rhumbler) 4
Fusulinella M?ller 1877 5
Fusulina Fischer de Waldheim 1829 5
许氏?亚科(Schwagerininae Dunbar and Henbest) 5
Triticites Girty 1904 6
Schwagerina M?ller 1877 6
Pseudoschwagerina Dunbar and Skinner 1936 7
Parafusulina Dunbar and Skinner 1931 8
Quasifusulina Chen 1934 8
韦氏?亚科(Verbeekininae Staff and Wedekind) 8
Verbeekina Staff 1909 9
Misellina Schenck and Thompson 1940 9
Pseudodoliolina Yabe and Hanzawa 1932 9
新许氏?亚科(Neoschwagerininae Dunbar and Condra) 10
Neoschwagerina Yabe 1903 10
Sumatrina Volz 1904 11
海绵动物门(PORIFERA)&丁道衡 12
一、总论 12
二、各论 13
矽质海绵纲 13
古杯海绵(Archaeocyathinae) 13
Cambrocyathus Okulitch 1937(=Archaeocyathus Billings 1880,emend.1865)麻条古杯 14
Archaeocyathus Billings 1861,Walcott 1886(=Spirocyathus Hinde 1889)原古杯 14
Retecyathus Vologdin 1932 络网古杯 14
Protopharetra Bornemann 1886 15
原始海绵(Protospongia) 15
Amblysiphonella Steinmann 1882 15
珊瑚纲(ANTHOZOA)&王鸿祯、俞建章、乐森璕 16
一、总论 16
Ⅰ.一般性质及分类简述 16
Ⅱ.四射珊瑚骨骼的生成及形成的程序 16
Ⅲ.珊瑚体的各部名称及构造类型 17
Ⅳ.四射珊瑚分类简述 19
Ⅴ.珊瑚化石在我国地层上的分布 19
二、各论 22
Ⅰ 泡沫型珊瑚 22
Holmophyllum Wedekind 1927(侯氏珊瑚) 22
Gyalophyllum Wedekind 1927(长刺泡沫珊瑚) 23
Diplochone Frech 1886(无刺泡沫珊瑚) 23
Cetophyllum Wedekind 1927(泡沫板珊瑚) 23
Calceola Lammarck 1799(拖鞋珊瑚) 24
Microplasma Dybowski 1873(小泡沫珊瑚) 24
Lithophyllum Wedekind 1925(泡沫石珊瑚) 25
Ⅱ 单带型珊瑚 25
Amplexoides Wang 1948(似包珊瑚) 25
Stauria Edwards et Haime 1850(十字珊瑚) 26
Codonophyllum Wedekind 1927(喇叭珊瑚) 26
Pycnactis Ryder 1926(闭珊瑚) 26
Metriophyllum Edwards et Haime 1850(限珊瑚) 27
Bradyphyllum Grabau(迟珊瑚) 27
Hapsiphyllum Simpson 1900(表珊瑚) 27
Tachylasma Grabau 1922(厚壁珊瑚) 27
Huangophyllum Tseng 1948(黄氏珊瑚) 28
Allotropiophyllum Grabau 1928(奇壁珊瑚) 28
Ⅲ 双带型珊瑚 29
Pilophyllum Wedekind 1927(发珊瑚) 29
Spongophyllum Edwards et Haime 1851(勺板珊瑚) 29
Endophyllum Edwards et Haime 1851(内板珊瑚) 30
Neospongophyllum Wedekind 1925(新勺珊瑚) 30
Cyathophyllum Goldfuss 1826(杯珊瑚) 31
Ceriophyllum Wedekind 1927(角珊瑚) 31
Temeniophyllum Walther 1928(切珊瑚) 32
Disphyllum de Fromental 1867(分珊瑚) 32
Prismatophyllum Simpson 1902(多角珊瑚) 32
Phillipsastraea d'Orbigny(费氏星珊瑚) 33
Macgeea Webster 1899(扇隔壁珊瑚) 33
Phacellophyllum Güerich 1896(丛分珊瑚) 34
Digonophyllum Wedekind 1923(臃珊瑚) 34
Ptychophyllum Edwards et Haime 1850(刺隔壁珊瑚) 34
Pseudozaphrentis Sun(gen.nov.)(假内沟珊瑚) 35
Caninia Michelin 1840(犬齿珊瑚) 35
Campophyllum Edwards and Haime 1850(帐篷珊瑚) 35
Aulina Smith 1916(管柱珊瑚) 36
Cystiphrentis Yü 1931(泡沫内沟珊瑚) 36
Pseudouralinia Yü 1931(假乌拉珊瑚) 36
Kueichouphyllum Yü 1931(贵州珊瑚) 37
Heterocaninia Yabe and Hayasaka 1920(分犬齿珊瑚) 37
Sinophyllum Grabau 1928(中国珊瑚) 37
Timorphyllum Gerth 1921(帝汶珊瑚) 38
Ⅳ 三带型珊瑚 38
Koninckophyllum Thomson and Nicholson 1876(康宁氏珊瑚) 38
Clisiophyllum M'Coy 1849(蛛网珊瑚) 39
Arachnelasm ? Grabau 1922(似棚珊瑚) 39
Yuanophyllum Yü 1931(袁氏珊瑚) 39
Dibunophyllum Thomson 1876(棚珊瑚) 40
Lithostrotion Fleming 1828(石柱珊瑚) 40
Lithostrotionella Yabe and Hayasaka 1916(中柱珊瑚) 40
Thysanophyllum Nicholson et Thomson(泡沫柱珊瑚) 41
Lonsdaleia M'Coy 1849(朗士德珊瑚) 41
Cystiphora Yabe and Hayasaka 1916(泡沫复珊瑚) 41
Corwenia Smith and Ryder 1926(簇棚珊瑚) 41
Waagenophyllum Hayasaka 1924(卫根珊瑚) 42
Liangshanophyllum Tseng 1949(梁山珊瑚) 42
Yatsengia Huang 1932(亚曾珊瑚) 42
Wentzelella Grabau 1931(文氏珊瑚) 43
Stylidophyllum Fromental 1861(花柱珊瑚) 43
Polyt?calis Y.et H.1916(多壁珊瑚) 44
Chu?enophyllum Tseng 1948(朱森珊瑚) 45
Ⅴ 无射珊瑚(板状珊瑚) 45
Kwangsiphyllum Grabau and Yoh 1929(广西珊瑚) 45
Favosites Lammarck 1816(蜂房珊瑚) 45
Syringopora Goldfuss 1826(笛管珊瑚) 46
Hayasakaia Lang et Smith 1940(早坂珊瑚) 46
Michelinia de Koninck 1841(米氏珊瑚) 47
Multithecopora Yoh 1927(多壁管珊瑚) 48
Chaetetes G.Fischer von Waldheim 1830(刺毛珊瑚) 48
Halysites Fischer 1850(链珊瑚) 48
Plasmoporella Kiaer 1899(散日珊瑚) 48
一、总论 49
层孔虫化石在地层上的分布 49
二、各论 50
Actinostroma Nicholson 1885 50
Pseudostylodictyon Ozaki 1938 50
Sinodictyon Yabe and Sugiyama 1930 51
Labechia Edwards and Haime 1851 51
Lophiostroma Nicholson 1886 52
Rosenolla Nicholson 1886 52
Ludictyon Ozaki 1938 52
Aulaccra Plummer 1843 52
Clathrodictyon Nicholson et Murie 1878 53
Anostylostroma Parks 1836 53
Parallelopora Bargatzky 1881 54
Stromatoporella Nicholson 1886 54
Stromatopora Goldfuss(Emend)1826 54
Idiostroma Winchel 1866 55
Amphipora Schulz 1883 55
Carnegia Girty 1907 56
笔石纲(GRAPTOLITHINA)&孙云铸、许杰、穆恩之 56
一、总论 56
Ⅰ.笔石的演化 57
Ⅱ.笔石化石在地层上的分布 59
Ⅲ.我国的笔石带 60
二、各论 61
Ⅰ 树形笔石目(Dendroidea Nicholson) 61
Dictyonema Hall 1851(纲笔石) 61
Desmograptus Hopkinson 1875(绞结笔石) 62
Callograptus Hall 1865(无羽笔石) 62
Dendrograptus Hall 1858(树笔石) 63
Ptilograptus Hall 1865(羽笔石) 64
Acanthograptus Spencer 1878(刺笔石) 64
Anisograptus Ruedemann 1937(反称笔石) 65
Ⅱ 正笔石目(Graptoloidea Lapworth) 65
1.无轴亚目(Axonolipa) 65
Loganograptus Hall 1868(劳氏笔石) 65
Dichograptus Salter 1863(均分笔石) 66
Tetragraptus Salter 1863(四笔石) 66
Phyllograptus Hall 1858(叶笔石) 67
Didymograptus McCoy 1851(对笔石) 67
C?rdivgraptus Harris and Keble 1916(心笔石) 69
Pterograptus Holm 1881(翼笔石) 69
Azygograptus Nicholson and Lapworth 1875(断笔石) 69
Leptograptus Lapworth 1873(纤笔石) 70
Pleurograptus Nicholson 1867(肋笔石) 70
Nemagraptus Emmons 1855(丝笔石) 70
Amphigraptus Lapworth 1873(偶笔石) 71
Dicellograptus Hopkinson 1871(叉笔石) 71
Dicranograptus Hall 1865(双头笔石) 72
2.有轴亚目(Axonophora) 73
Cryptograptus Lapworth 1880(隐笔石) 73
Orthograptus Lapworth 1893(直笔石) 73
Diplograptus McCoy 1850(=Mesograptus Elles et Wood 1907)(双笔石) 74
Climacograptus Hall 1865(栅笔石) 74
Glyptograptus Lapworth 1873(雕笔石) 75
Amplexograptus Elles et Wood 1907(围笔石) 76
Petalolithus Suess 1851(花瓣笔石) 76
Cephalograptus Hopkinson 1869(头笔石) 77
Akidograptus Davies 1929(尖笔石) 77
Trigonograptus Nicholson 1869(三角笔石) 77
Glossograptus Emmons 1855(舌笔石) 78
Retiograptus Hall 1859(罟笔石) 78
Retiolites Barrande 1850(细纲笔石) 78
Dimorphograptus Lapworth 1876(两形笔石) 79
Monograptus Geinitz 1852(单笔石) 79
Cyrtograptus Carruthers 1867(弓笔石) 82
Diversograptus Manck 1923(反向笔石) 82
海林檎纲(CYSTOIDEA)&孙云铸 83
一、总论 83
二、各论 84
Ⅰ 双孔目(Diploporita Zittel) 84
Aristocystis Barrande 1887 84
Sinocystis Reed 1913(中国海林檎) 84
Ovacystis Reed 1913(椭圆海林檎) 85
Sphaeronites Hisinger 1828(球状海林檎) 85
Camarocrinus Hall 1879(多房海林檎) 85
Ⅱ 菱孔目(Rhombifera Zittel) 85
Echinosphaerites Wahlenberg 1818(棘海林檎) 85
Pleurocystites Billings 1854(肋海林檎) 86
Hemicosmites V.Buch 1840(半海林檎) 86
海蕾纲(BLASTOIDEA)&穆恩之 87
一、总论 87
二、各论 88
正海蕾目(Eublastoidea) 88
Devonoblastus Reimann 1935(泥盆海蕾) 88
Mesoblastus Etheridge and Carpenter 1886(中海蕾) 88
海百合纲(CRINOIDEA)&田奇?、穆恩之 89
一、总论 89
二、各论 91
Pisocrinus De Koninck 1858(豆海百合) 91
Petalocrinus Weller et Davidson 1896(花瓣海百合) 91
Cupressocrinites Goldfuss 1831 92
Eupachycrinus Meek et Worthen 1865 93
Graphiocrinus De Koninck et Le Hon 1854 93
Sinocrinus Tien 1926(中国海百合) 93
Traumatocrinus W?hrmann 1889 emend Mu 1949(创孔海百合) 94
Encrinus C.F.Schulze 1756 95
Isocrinus Meyer 1837 95
苔藓动物门(BRYOZOA)&杨敬之 97
一、总论 97
二、各论 100
环口目(Cyclostomata Busk) 100
Fistulipora M'Coy 1850 100
Dybowskiella Waagen and Wentzel 1885 102
Meekopora Ulrich 1890 102
变口目(Trepostomata Ulrich) 102
Orbignyella Ulrich and Bassler 1904 102
Atactotoechus Duncan 1939 103
Monotrypa Nicholson 1875 103
Diplotrypa Nicholson 1830 104
Dianulites Eichwald 1829 104
Hunanopora Yang 1950 104
Sinotabulipora Yang 1950 105
Batostomella Ulrich 1890 105
Lioclema Ulrich 1882 106
Eridotrypa Ulrich 1893 106
隐口目(Cryptostomata Vine) 107
Fenestella Longsdale 1839 107
Polypora McCoy 1845 107
Penniretepora D'Orbigny 1849 108
腕足动物门(BRACHIOPODA)&王钰 109
一、总论 109
定义 109
生活环境和形态 109
壳形及观察座标 110
动物体 110
体筋 110
壳质组成和结构 110
无关节纲腕足类 111
有关节纲腕足类 112
壳的轮廓和凸度 112
壳面装饰 112
壳内构造 112
腹壳内部构造 112
背壳内部构造 113
地质历程 114
标本采集 114
标本修整 114
1.机械方法 114
2.化学方法 115
分类 115
二、各论 117
无孔目 117
圆货贝超科 117
Obolus Eichwald 1829 117
Palaeobolus Matthew 1899 117
Westonia Walcott 1901 118
Lingulella Salter 1866 118
Lingulepis Hall 1863 119
舌形贝超科 119
Lingula Bruguiere 1792 119
三股贝超科 119
新孔目 120
托盘贝超科 120
Micromitra Meek 1873 120
Paterina Beecher 1891 120
管孔贝超科 120
Obolella Billings 1861 121
顶孔贝超科 121
Acrothele Linnarsson 1876 121
Acrotreta Kutorga 1848 121
Homotreta Bell 1941 122
圆盘贝超科 122
髑髅贝超科 122
Crania Retzius 1781 122
古孔目 123
无疹壳有关节目 123
正形贝超科 123
Billingsella Hall and Clarke 1892 123
Eosotrematorthis Wang 1955 123
Eoorthis Walcott 1908 124
Apheoorthis Ulrich and Cooper 1936 124
Glyptorthis Foerste 1914 124
Lepidorthis Wang 1955 125
Finkelnburgia Walcott 1905 125
Mimella Cooper 1930 125
Orthis Dalman 1828 125
Sinorthis Wang 1955 126
Metorthis Wang 1955 126
Martellia Wirth 1936 126
Porambonites Pander 1830 127
Hemipronites Pander 1830 127
共凸贝超科 127
Palaeostrophia Ulrich and Cooper 1936 128
Thaumatrophia Wang 1955 128
Yangtzeella Kolarova 1925 128
五房贝超科 129
Anastrophia Hall 1867 129
Gypidula Hall 1867 129
Pentamerus Sowerby 1813 130
Clorinda Barrande 1879 130
Pleurodium Wang 1955 130
三重贝超科 130
小嘴贝超科 131
Camarotoechia Hall and Clarke 1893 131
Yunnanella Grabau 1931 131
Yunnanellina Grabau 1931 132
Leiorhynchus Hall 1860 132
Paurorhyncha Cooper 1942 133
Uncinulus Bayle 1878 133
Uncinunellina Grabau 1931 133
Hypothyridina Buckman 1906 134
Pugnax Hall and Clarke 1893 134
Wellerella Dunbar and Conrad 1932 134
Stenoscisma Conrad 1839(=Camerophoria King 1844) 135
Nantanella Grabau 1936 135
Maxillirhynchia Buckman 1914 136
无洞贝超科 136
Atrypa Dalman 1828 136
Zygospira Hall 1862 136
石燕贝超科 137
Eospirifer Schuchert 1913 137
Delthyris Dalman 1828 137
Elytha Fredericks 1918 138
Rostrospirifer Grabau 1931 138
Euryspirifer Wedekind 1926 138
Indospirifer Grabau 1931 139
Plectospirifer Grabau 1931 139
Tingella Grabau 1931 139
Mucrospirifer Grabau 1931(=Lamellispirifer Nalivkin 1937) 139
Cyrtospirifer Nalivkin 1918(=Sinospirifer Grabau 1931) 140
Schizospirifer Grabau 1931 140
Tenticospirifer Tien 1938 141
Platyspirifer Grabau 1931 141
Cyrtiopsis Grabau 1925 141
Tylothyris North 1920 142
Choristites Fischer de Waldheim 1825 142
Eochoristites Chu 1933 143
Purdonella Reed 1943(=Munella Fredericks 1919) 143
Brachythyrina Fredericks 1929 143
Eliva Fredericks 1919 144
Cryptospirifer Grabau 1931(=Lcchengia Grabau 1931) 144
Spirifer Sowerby 1814 144
Neospirifer Fredericks 1919 145
Ambocoelia Hall 1860 145
Phricodothyris George 1932 145
Crurithyris George 1931 146
Squamularia Gemmellaro 1899 146
嘴螺贝超科 146
Meristella Hall 1860 146
Athyris McCoy 1844 147
Cleiothyridina Buckman 1906 147
Protathyris Kozlowski 1929 147
Composita Brown 1849 148
Athyrisina Hayasaka 1922 148
假疹壳有关节目 148
扭月贝超科 148
Cymostrophia Caster 1939 149
Leptostrophia Hall and Clarke 1892 149
Sulcatostrophia Caster 1939 149
Dicoelostrophia Wang 1955 150
Leptaena Dalman 1828 150
Leptelloidea Jones 1928 150
Schuchertella Girty 1904 150
Meekella White and St.John 1867 151
Kiangsiella Grabau and Chao 1927 151
Perigeyerella Wang 1955 151
Leptodus Kayser 1883(=Lyttonia Waagen 1883) 152
Oldhamina Waagen 1883 152
长身贝超科 153
Chonetes Fischer de Waldheim 1837 153
Productella Hall 1867 153
Productellana Stainbrook 1950 154
Sinoproductella Wang 1955 154
Aulosteges Helmersen 1847 154
Strophalosia King 1844 155
Avonia Thomas 1914 155
Dictyoclostus Muir-Wood 1930 155
Buxtonia Thomas 1914 156
Juresania Fredericks 1928 156
Echinoconchus Weller 1914 156
Krotovia Fredericks 1928 157
Wangenoconcha Chao 1927 157
Overtonia Thomas 1914 157
Marginifera Waagen 1884 157
Linoproductus Chao 1927 158
Striatifera Chao 1927 158
Kansuella Chao 1928 159
Gigantoproductus Prentice 1950(=Gigantella Sarytcheva 1928) 159
Teguliferina Schuchert and LeVene 1929(=Tegulifera Schellwein 1898) 159
Plicatifera Chao 1927 160
Isogramma Meek and Worthen 1870(=Aulacorhynchus Dittmer 1872) 160
疹壳有关节目 160
德姆贝超科 160
Nereidella Wang 1955 160
Levenea Schuchert and Cooper 1931 161
Platyorthis Schuchert and Cooper 1931 161
Schizophoria King 1850 161
Orthotichia Hall and Clarke 1892 162
Enteletes Fischer de Waldheim 1825 162
Enteletina Schuchert and Cooper 1931 163
疹石燕贝超科 163
Cyrtina Davidson 1858 163
Lepismatina Wang 1955 163
Punctospirifer North 1920 164
Hustedia Hall and Clarke 1893 164
Emanuella Grabau 1925 164
Martinia McCoy 1844 165
Mentzelia Quenstedt 1870 165
Spirigerella Waagen 1883 165
Spiriferella Tschernyschew 1902 166
穿孔贝超科 166
Stringocephalus Defrance 1825 166
Bornhardtina Schulz 1914 167
Dielasma King 1859 167
Terebratulina Orbigny 1847 167
Terebratuloidea Waagen 1883 168
Mutationella Kozlowski 1929 168
Notothyris Waagen 1882 168
Morrisina Grabau 1931 169
Hemiptychina Waagen 1882 169
Girtyella Weller 1911 169
Rectithyris Sahni 1929 170
Rhaetina Waagen 1882 170
Pictothyris Thomson 1927 170
Gryphus Mühlfeld 1811 170
Eucalathis Fischer and Oehlert 1890 171
Campages Hedley 1905 171
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