Two Prologue Poems 1
Preface 3
Introduction 5
Articles Selected for Specific Topics, Themes and Events 17
An Opening Article 19
Unit One 24
1. Cultural Theory and Cultural Studies 24
2. Culture, a Broad Humanistic Concept 27
3. History, a Riddle for Humans 39
Unit Two 45
1. West Is Not a Directional Concept Alone 45
2. Western Culture and Its Deep Implications 47
Unit Three 53
1. Religion, a Human Spiritual Pillar and Faith 53
2. Judaism, a Mother Religion of Some Religions 57
3. Christianity, a Spiritual Rock of the West 67
4. Religious Reformation, a Milestone Event that Paved the Way for the Rise of Western Capitalism and Power 80
Unit Four 89
1. Roman Empire, the First Western Power 89
2. Hellenistic Civilization, a Beauty of the West 104
3. Greek Mythology, a Treasure of the West 110
Unit Five 124
1. Colonialism, a Global Expansion Idea 124
2. Capitalism, a Crazy Devil for Angels 130
Unit Six 147
1. Renaissance: a Turning Point for the West 147
2. The Enlightenment, an Age of Soul Liberation 157
3. Post-Modernity(POMO), a Rebellious Movement 173
Unit Seven 179
1. Commercial Revolution, in Hot Pursuit of Wealth 179
2. Industrial Revolution, a Driving Force for Society 186
3. Scientific Revolution, a Miraculous Instrument for the Rise of the West and Its Leadership 208
4. Science and Scientific Spirit 218
5. Information Revolution or Explosion 230
Unit Eight 234
1. A History of Economic Ideas, a Key for Wealth 234
2. A History of Political Philosophy of the West 256
Unit Nine 261
1. The Culture of the United States 261
2. A Book Excerpt Illustrating Cultural Contradictions of Modern Capitalism 263
3. Introduction to and Postscript of a Book Entitled American Culture since WW Ⅱ by Paul Levine 265
Unit Ten 271
An Understanding of Western Culture 271
Unit Eleven 285
The Millennium of the West, a Golden Age? 285
Unit Twelve 287
An Introduction to the Clash of Civilizations 287
Postscript 292
Western Culture: a Beast and a Beauty? 292
Special Case Study 295
Exercises for the Textbook 329
Appendix Ⅰ 351
Appendix Ⅱ 365
Postscript/Final Remarks for the Whole Textbook 367
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