- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2011
- 页数:824 页
Chapter 1: Consular Legalization 1
Abkhazia, Republic of 3
Afghanistan, The Islamic State of 4
Albania, Republic of 6
Algeria, People’s Democratic Republic of 9
Andorra 11
Angola, Republic of 12
Anguilla 15
Antigua and Barbuda 16
Argentine Republic 19
Armenia, Republic of 23
Aruba 25
Australia 26
Austria 30
Azerbaijan, Republic of 38
Bahamas, Commonwealth of the 41
Bahrain, Kingdom of 44
Bangladesh, The People’s Republic of 47
Barbados 52
Belarus, The Republic of 54
Belgium 56
Belize 59
Benin, Republic of 61
Bermuda 63
Bonaire (See Netherlands Antilles) 64
Bolivia, Republic of 64
Bosnia and Herzegovina 68
Botswana, Republic of 70
Brazil 73
British Antarctic Territory 78
British Virgin Islands 79
Brunei Darussalam, The State of 80
Bulgaria, Republic of 81
Burkina Faso 83
Burma, Union of (See Myanmar, Union of)Burundi, Republic of 85
Cambodia 87
Cameroon, The Republic of 89
Canada 91
Cape Verde, Republic of 95
Cayman Islands 97
Central African Republic 98
Chad, Republic of 99
Channel Islands 101
Chile, Republic of 102
China, People’s Republic of 108
China (Taiwan), Republic of 112
Colombia, Republic of 120
Comoros, Union of the 124
Congo, Democratic Republic of 126
Congo, Republic of 128
Cook Islands (See Niue) Costa Rica 130
Cote d’Ivoire, Republic of 136
Croatia, Republic of 138
Cuba 142
Curacao (See Netherlands Antilles) Cyprus, Republic of 145
Czech Republic, The 149
Denmark 155
Djibouti, Republic of 166
Dominica, Commonwealth of 167
Dominican Republic 168
East Timor (See Timor-Leste) Ecuador 172
Egypt, The Arab Republic of 177
El Salvador 181
Equatorial Guinea, Republic of 185
Eritrea, State of 187
Estonia 189
Ethiopia 190
European Union, The 194
Falkland Islands 195
Fiji Islands, Republic of 196
Finland, Republic of 198
France 201
French Guiana 205
French Polynesia 206
Gabonese Republic 207
Gambia, The 209
Georgia, Republic of 211
Germany, Federal Republic of 213
Ghana 225
Gibraltar 227
Gilbert and Ellice Islands (See Kiribati) Greece 228
Grenada 232
Guadeloupe 234
Guatemala 235
Guernsey (See Channel Islands) Guinea, Republic of 239
Guinea-Bissau, Republic of 240
Guyana 241
Haiti, Republic of 244
Holy See (Apostolic Nunciature) (See The Vatican) Honduras 247
Hong Kong 250
Hungary, Republic of 252
Iceland 255
India 257
Indonesia, Republic of 263
Iran 266
Iraq, Republic of 268
Ireland 269
Isle of Man 271
Israel 272
Italy 276
Jamaica 281
Japan 284
Jersey (See Channel Islands) Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of 289
Kazakhstan, Republic of 292
Kenya, Republic of 294
Kiribati 296
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of 297
Korea, Republic of 298
Kosovo, Republic of 301
Kuwait, State of 302
Kyrgyz Republic 307
Lao People’s Democratic Republic, The 309
Latvia 311
Lebanon 315
Lesotho, Kingdom of 319
Liberia, Republic of 321
Libya 324
Liechtenstein, Principality of 326
Lithuania, The Republic of 327
Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of 333
Macau 337
Macedonia, Republic of 338
Madagascar, Republic of 341
Malawi 343
Malaysia 345
Maldives, Republic of 348
Mali, Republic of 349
Malta 351
Marshall Islands, Republic of the 355
Martinique 357
Mauritania, The Islamic Republic of 358
Mauritius, Republic of 360
Mayotte 361
Mexico 362
Micronesia, Federated States of 372
Moldova, Republic of 373
Monaco 375
Mongolia 378
Montenegro, Republic of 382
Montserrat 383
Morocco, Kingdom of 384
Mozambique, Republic of 386
Myanmar, Union of 388
Namibia, Republic of 390
Nauru, Republic of 392
Nepal 393
Netherlands 395
Netherlands Antilles 402
New Caledonia 403
New Zealand 404
Nicaragua, Republic of 409
Niger, Republic of 413
Nigeria, Federal Republic of 415
Niue 417
Norway 418
Oman, Sultanate of 420
Pakistan 422
Palau, Republic of 425
Panama, Republic of 426
Papua New Guinea 432
Paraguay, Republic of 433
Peru 436
Philippines, Republic of the 441
Poland, Republic of 445
Portugal 448
Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (See Transnistria) Qatar, State of 452
Reunion 455
Romania 456
Russian Federation 459
Rwanda, Republic of 462
Sabah (See Netherlands Antilles) Samoa, Independent State of 464
San Marino, Republic of 466
Sao Tome and Principe 468
Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of 469
Senegal, Republic of 472
Serbia, Republic of 475
Seychelles, Republic of 478
Sierra Leone 479
Singapore, Republic of 481
Slovak Republic 484
Slovenia, Republic of 489
Solomon Islands 492
South Africa, Republic of 493
South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands 496
South Ossetia, Republic of 497
Spain 498
Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of 501
St. Eustatius (See Netherlands Antilles) St. Helena 505
St. Kitts & Nevis (formerly St. Christopher) 506
St. Lucia 508
St. Martin (See Netherlands Antilles) St. Pierre and Miquelon 510
St. Vincent and The Grenadines 511
Sudan, Republic of the 512
Suriname, Republic of 514
Swaziland, Kingdom of 516
Sweden 517
Switzerland 526
Syrian Arab Republic 529
Tajikistan, Republic of 533
Tanzania, United Republic of 535
Thailand 537
Timor Leste, Democratic Republic of 542
Togo, Republic of 543
Tonga, Kingdom of 545
Transnistria 546
Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of 547
Tunisia 550
Turkey, Republic of 552
Turkmenistan 557
Turks and Caicos Islands 559
Tuvalu 560
Uganda, Republic of 561
Ukraine 563
United Arab Emirates 568
United Kingdom 572
Uruguay 575
Uzbekistan, Republic of 579
Vanuatu 583
Vatican, The 584
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 585
Vietnam 589
Wallis and Futuna Islands 591
Yemen, The Republic of 592
Zambia, Republic of 594
Zimbabwe, Republic of 596
Chapter 2: Legalization within the United States 599
Alabama 601
Alaska 610
American Samoa 612
Arizona 613
Arkansas 616
California 617
Colorado 619
Connecticut 621
Delaware 623
Florida 624
Georgia 627
Guam 629
Hawaii 630
Idaho 634
Illinois 635
Indiana 638
Iowa 640
Kansas 642
Kentucky 643
Louisiana 646
Maine 649
Maryland 651
Massachusetts 656
Michigan 658
Minnesota 661
Mississippi 662
Missouri 664
Montana 666
Nebraska 669
Nevada 671
New Hampshire 675
New Jersey 677
New Mexico 681
New York 684
North Carolina 694
North Dakota 703
Ohio 704
Oklahoma 716
Oregon 724
Pennsylvania 726
Puerto Rico 729
Rhode Island 730
South Carolina 731
South Dakota 737
Tennessee 739
Texas 740
Utah 745
Vermont 748
Virgin Islands 749
Virginia 750
Washington 753
Washington, DC 755
West Virginia 756
Wisconsin 765
Wyoming 771
Appendices 775
Appendix A: The Hague Convention Text 775
Appendix B: Protocol on Uniformity of Powers of Attorney Which Are to Be Utilized Abroad and Inter-American Convention on the Legal Regime of Powers of Attorney to Be Used Abroad 785
Appendix C: National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce 801
Appendix D: United States Department of State 807
Appendix E: Federal Authorities Competent to Provide Apostille 813
Appendix F: United States Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control Sanctions Program 817
Appendix G: Charter of the African Union 821
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