- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘弘扬编著
- 出 版 社:台湾:晓园出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7506214695
- 页数:523 页
(A)The simulation problems and solutions for momentum transfer 1
ContensPart(Ⅰ)Transport phenomena 1
【Example 1】Laminar flow between two parallel flat plates 2
〔Exrcise〕Laminar flow in a narrow slit 8
〔Exrcise〕Performance of an electric dust collector 10
【Example 2】Laminar flow through a circular pipe 14
〔Exrcise〕Analysis of capillary flow meter 22
〔Exrcise〕Efflux time for tank with exit pipe 24
【Example 3】Tangential annular flow of a Newtonian fluid 26
〔Exrcise〕Velocity distribution between two rotating cylinders 28
〔Exrcise〕Velocity distribution in a stormer viscometer 28
【Example 4】Laminar flow an inclined plate 31
〔Exrcise〕Drainage of liquids 34
〔Exrcise〕Flow of a falling film with a moving boundary 36
〔Exrcise〕Laminar flow of falling film on outside of a circular tube 38
【Example 5】Laminar flow through an annulus 43
〔Exrcise〕Annular flow with inner cylinder moving axially 48
【Example 6】Radial flow between coaxial cylinder 51
【Example 7】Acceleration effects in unsteady flow from a tank 55
【Example 8】Momentum balance problem-jet in a pressurized tank 57
【Example 9】Mass balance problem-unsteady state flow in a tank 60
【Example 10】Unsteady state flow problem-two parallel plates 62
〔Exrcise〕Flow near a wall suddenly set in motion 64
【Example 11】Boundary layer flow problem-momentum integral equation and its application 67
【Example 12】 Iceal Fiow(Potential flow) 74
(B) Simulation problems and solutions for heat transfer 87
【Example 1】Conduction through the hollow cylinder 87
【Example 2】Critical radius of insulation 89
〔Exrcise〕examine the inulation thickness on heat loss 91
Case(A)Heat generation in plane wall 92
【Example 3】Conduction with internal heat generation 92
Case(B)Heat generation in cylinder 94
【Example 4】The one-dimensional fin equation 97
〔Exrcise〕examine the fin effects 103
【Example 5】Two-dimensional steady state heat conduction with no heat generation 105
-solved by separation of variable method 107
【Example 6】Two-dimensional stady state heat conduction 109
【Example 7】 One-dimensional unsteady state heat conduction 113
Case(1)Lumped-system analysis for Bi《0.1 114
Case(2)Distribution-system for Bi》0.1 117
Case(1)Heat transfer in couette flow 126
【Example 8】 Internal laminar forced convective flow 126
Case(2)Temperature profile for laminar flow in tubes 133
【Example 9】External laminar forced convective flow 137
【Example 10】External turbulent forced convective flow 141
【Example 11】Heat transfer from a wall to a falling film 149
(C)Simulation problems and solutions for mass transfer 154
1.Steady-state molecular diffusion in gas 154
【Example 1】Pseudo-steady-state diffusion through a stagnant gas film 158
【Example 2】Steady-state diffusion from a sphere 162
【Example 3】Diffusion from a droplet into a qulesient gas 164
【Example 4】Diffusion through a stagnant liquid film 166
2.Diffusion with chemical reaction 168
【Example 5】Diffusion with heterogeneous chemical reaction 171
【Example 6】Determine the rate of combustion of coal 175
【Example 7】Diffusion with homogeneous chemical reaction 179
【Example 8】Effectiveness factor for thin disks 187
3.Diffusion into a falling liquid film 188
【Example 9】Solid dissolution into a falling film 194
4.Unsteady-state molecular diffusion 199
【Example 10】Transient diffusion in a semi-infinite medium 202
5.Mass transfer coefficient 205
【Example 11】NH3 absorption in a wetted-wall tower 207
〔Exrcise〕Mass transfer in an absorption tower 208
〔Exrcise〕Mass transfer in a wetted-colum 210
【Example 12】Mass transfer in a distillation tower 213
6.Mass transfer in the laminar flow 217
【Example 13】Mass transfer in the boundary layer 219
【Example 14】Chilton-colburn analogy problem 220
【Example 15】Heat and mass transfer analogy 222
Part(Ⅱ)Unit operation 225
(1)The calculation of heat transfer equipment-evaporator heat exchanger 225
(2)The vapor-liquid separation process-distillation 234
(3)The gas-liquid separation process-absorption desorption 249
(4)Liquid-solid separation process-leaching 260
(5)Water-air separation process-humidification dehumidication 266
(6)Water-solid separation process-drying 280
(7)Particle-fluid separation process-settling 288
(8)Flow measurement and pump 298
Part(Ⅲ) 历届试题详解 323
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