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人类生物学  英文原版
人类生物学  英文原版

人类生物学 英文原版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Sylvia s.Mader主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7117045663
  • 页数:568 页
《人类生物学 英文原版》目录

CHAPTER 1 A Human Perspective 1

Credits 1

Glossary 1

Appendix 1

Chapter 1 1

Index 1

A Human Perspective 1

1.1 Biologically Speaking 2

1.2 The Process of Science 8

1.3 Science and Social Responsibility 11

CHAPTER 2 Chemistry of Life 15

Chapter 2 15

Chemistry of Life 15

2.1 Elements and Atoms 16

2.2 Molecules and Compounds 19

2.3 Water and Living Things 21

2.4 Molecules of Life 26

2.5 Carbohydrates 27

2.6 Lipids 29

2.7 Proteins 31

2.8 Nucleic Acids 35

Chapter 3 41

Cell Structure and Function 41

CHAPTER 3 Cell Structure and Function 41

3.1 Cell Size 42

3.2 Cellular Organization 44

3.3 Cellular Metabolism 54

CHAPTER 4 Organization and Regulation of Body Systems 61

Organization and Regulation of Body Systerns 61

4.1 Types of Tissues 62

4.2 Body Cavities and Body Membranes 69

4.3 Organ Systems 70

4.4 Homeostasis 74

CHAPTER 5 Digestive System and Nutrition 81

Chapter 4 81

Digestive System and Nutrition 81

Chapter 5 81

5.1 The Digestive System 82

5.2 Three Accessory Organs 90

5.3 Digestive Enzymes 92

5.4 Homeostasis 95

5.5 Nutrition 95

Composition and Function of the Blood 109

Chapter 6 109

CHAPTER 6 Composition and Function of the Blood 109

6.1 The Red Blood Cells 111

6.2 The White Blood Cells 115

6.3 Blood Clotting 116

6.4 Plasma 118

6.5 Capillary Exchange 118

6.6 Blood Typing 120

CHAPTER 7 Cardiovascular System 125

Chapter 7 125

Cardiovascular System 125

7.1 The Blood Vessels 126

7.2 The Heart 128

7.3 Features of the Cardiovascular System 132

7.4 The Vascular Pathways 134

7.5 Cardiovascular Disorders 137

7.6 Homeostasis 139

Lymphatic and Immune Systems 145

Chapter 8 145

CHAPTER 8 Lymphatic and Immune Systems 145

8.1 Lymphatic System 146

8.2 Nonspecific Defenses 148

8.3 Specific Defenses 150

8.4 Induced Immunity 156

8.5 Immunity Side Effects 158

8.6 Homeostasis 160

CHAPTER 9 Respiratory System 165

Respiratory System 165

Chapter 9 165

9.1 Respiratory Tract 166

9.2 Mechanism of Breathing 170

9.3 Gas Exchanges in the Body 174

9.4 Respiration and Health 177

9.5 Homeostasis 184

Chapter 10 187

Urinary System and Excretion 187

CHAPTER 10 Urinary System and Excretion 187

10.1 Urinary System 188

10.2 Kidneys 191

10.3 Urine Formation 195

10.4 Maintaining Water-Salt Balance 196

10.6 Homeostasis 199

10.5 Maintaining Acid-Base Balance 199

10.7 Problems with Kidney Function 200

Skeletal System 205

CHAPTER 11 Skeletal System 205

Chapter 11 205

11.1 Tissues of the Skeletal System 206

11.2 Bone Growth and Repair 208

11.3 Bones of the Skeleton 211

11.4 Articulations 218

11.5 Homeostasis 220

CHAPTER 12 Muscular System 225

Muscular System 225

Chapter 12 225

12.1 Skeletal Muscles 226

12.2 Mechanism of Muscle Fiber Contraction 231

12.3 Whole Muscle Contraction 234

12.4 Energy for Muscle Contraction 236

12.5 Homeostasis 240

Humans 245

Nervous System 245

Chapter 13 245

CHAPTER 13 Nervous System 245

13.1 Nervous Tissue 246

13.2 The Central Nervous System 252

13.3 The Limbic System and Higher Mental Functions 257

13.4 The Peripheral Nervous System 260

13.5 Drug Abuse 264

13.6 Homeostasis 266

Senses 271

CHAPTER 14 Senses 271

Chapter 14 271

14.1 Sensory Receptors and Sensations 272

14.2 Proprioceptors and Cutaneous Receptors 274

14.3 Chemical Senses 276

14.4 Sense of Vision 278

14.5 Sense of Hearing 284

14.6 Sense of Equilibrium 287

Chapter 15 293

CHAPTER 15 Endocrine System 293

Endocrine System 293

15.1 Endocrine Glands 294

15.2 Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 296

15.3 Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands 299

15.4 Adrenal Glands 301

15.5 Pancreas 304

15.6 Other Endocrine Glands 306

15.7 Chemical Signals 309

Chapter 16 317

Reproductive System 317

CHAPTER 16 Reproductive System 317

16.1 Male Reproductive System 318

16.2 Female Reproductive System 322

16.3 Female Hormone Levels 325

16.4 Control of Reproduction 329

16.5 Homeostasis 333

CHAPTER 17 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 339

Sexually Transrnitted Diseases 339

17.1 Viral Infectionus Diseases 340

17.2 Bacterial Infectious Diseases 345

17.3 Other Infecrious Diseases 351

AIDS Supplement 355

AIDS Supplement 355

S.1 Origin and Scope of the AIDS Pandemic 356

S.2 Phases of an HIV Infection 358

S.3 Treatment for HIV 360

CHAPTER 18 Development and Aging 363

Development and Aging 363

Chapter 18 363

18.1 Fertilization 364

18.2 Development Before Birth 366

18.3 Development of Male and Female Sex Organs 374

18.4 Birth 376

18.5 Development After Birth 378

Chromosomal Inheritance 385

CHAPTER 19 Chromosomal Inheritance 385

Chapter 19 385

19.1 Human Life Cycle 386

19.2 Mitosis 387

19.3 Meiosis 390

19.4 Chromosomal Inheritance 395

Chapter 20 403

Genes and Medical Genetics 403

CHAPTER 20 Genes and Medical Genetics 403

20.1 Genotype and Phenotype 404

20.2 Dominant/Recessive Traits 405

20.3 Beyond Simple Inheritance Patterns 411

20.4 Sex-Linked Traits 414

Chapter 21 421

DNA and Biotechnology 421

CHAPTER 21 DNA and Biotechnology 421

21.1 DNA and RNA Structure and Function 422

21.2 Gene Expression 426

21.3 Biotechnology 432

CHAPTER 22 Cancer 443

Chapter 22 443

Cancer 443

22.1 Cancer Cells 444

22.2 Origin of Cancer 446

22.3 Causes of Cancer 448

22.4 Diagnosis and Treatment 450

CHAPTER 23 Human Evolution 461

Human Evolution 461

Chapter 23 461

23.1 Origin of Life 462

23.2 Biological Evolution 463

23.3 Humans Are Primates 466

23.4 Evolution of Australopithecines 468

23.5 Evolution of Humans 469

Chapter 24 477

CHAPTER 24 Ecosystems and Human Interferences 477

Ecosystems and Human Interferences 477

24.1 The Nature of Ecosystems 478

24.2 Energy Flow and Chemical Cycling 481

24.3 Global Biogeochemical Cycles 484

CHAPTER 25 Conservation of Biodiversity 497

Chapter 25 497

Conservation of Biodiversity 497

25.1 Conservation Biology and Biodiversity 498

25.2 Value of Biodiversity 500

25.3 Causes of Extinction 504

25.4 Conservation Techniques 508
