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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王慧盛等著
  • 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7810789147
  • 页数:264 页
图书介绍:《广告英语的多维度分析》主要内容:广告作为一种特殊的交际形式不仅能对消费者的观念、态度及行为产生一定影响,作为一种文化载体,它还会在某种程度上反映人们社会文化价值观的取向及变化趋势。近年来,越来越多的学者把广告作为语言、文化及社会学领域里的重要研究对象。 通过不同的研究视角,本论文集从互文性理论、关联理论、性别研究理论及体裁理论等不同角度对英语广告语言进行了探讨。我们衷心希望在一定程度上丰富英语广告交际方面的研究,并为相关从业者和特殊用途英语教学提供一点参考。
标签:分析 广告

A Study of Intertextuality in English Print Advertisem ents 英语平面广告中的互文性分析 1

1.Introduction 1

1.1 Purpose of the Research 1

1.2 Data Collection and Research Methodology 2

2.Literature Review 2

2.1 Historical Overview of Theories on Intertextuality 3

2.2 Previous Studies on Intertextuality in Advertising 8

2.3 Basic Notions of Advertising 14

2.4 Basic Notions of Intertextuality in Advertisem ents 16

3.Case Analysis:Intertextuality in Print Advertisem ents 22

3.1 Forms and Functions of Intertextuality in Print Advertisem ents 23

3.2 Discussion 56

4.Conclusion 58

Bibliography 60

A Study of English Print Advertising Communication from the Perspective of Relevance Theory 从关联理论角度研究英语平面广告交际 63

1.Introduction 63

1.1 Purpose of the Research 63

1.2 Significance of the Research 64

1.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection 65

2.Literature Review:Relevance-Theoretical Research in Advertising Communication 66

2.1 An Overview of Relevance Theory 67

2.2 Relevance Theory-Based Research in Advertising Communication 70

3.Ad Headlines as Ostensive Stimuli and Relevance Optimizers 73

3.1 Basic Notions of Relevance 74

3.2 Advertisem ent Headlines as Ostensive Stimuli 82

3.3 Advertisem ent Headlines as Relevance Optim izers 84

4.Advertising Communication and Inferences 97

4.1 Ostensive-Inferential Communication 97

4.2 Inform ative and Communicative Intentions in Advertising 99

4.3 Overt Advertising Communication 101

4.4 Covert Advertising Communication 105

4.5 Inferences in Advertising 115

5.Conclusion 119

5.1 Summary 119

5.2 Limitations and Suggestions 120

Bibliography 121

Sex Roles in Magazine Advertisem ents—A Comparison between Ads for Chinese Domestic Companies and for Sino-US Joint Ventures 杂志广告中的性别角色——中国本土企业与中美合资企业广告的比较研究 125

1.Introduction 125

1.1 Subjectand Purpose of the Study 125

1.2 Rationale 127

2.Theoretical Framework 129

2.1 Cultural Values and Sex Roles 129

2.2 Concept of Advertising 144

2.3 Previous Studies on Sex-Role Portrayal in Advertisem ents 149

3.Hypotheses and Methodology 152

3.1 Hypothesis Generation 152

3.2 Introduction of Content Analysis 154

3.3 Sample Collection 156

3.4 Coding Procedure 158

4.Results and Hypothesis Testing 160

4.1 Hypothesis 1 and 2 160

4.2 Hypothesis 3 167

4.3 Hypothesis 4 171

5.Conclusions 174

5.1 Discussions 174

5.2 Implications 175

5.3 Limitation and Recom mendations for Future Study 177

6.Appendixes 179

Bibliography 182

A Genre-Based Analysis of English Print Tourism Advertisem ents 英国印刷旅游广告的体裁分析 187

1.Introduction 187

1.1 The Importance of Tourism A dvertisem ents 187

1.2 Objectives of the Research 188

2.Literature Review 191

2.1 Genre and Genre Analysis 191

2.2 Appraisal Theory 197

3.Methodology and Data 206

3.1 Methodology 206

3.2 Data Collection 211

4.Data Analysis and Research Findings 212

4.1 Situational Analysis of TAs 212

4.2 Structural Interpretation of English Print TAs 216

4.3 Appraisal Analysis of English TAs 241

5.Conclusions and Im plications 258

5.1 Conclusions 258

5.2 Implications for Writing TAs 260

Bibliography 261
