- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:沈大棱,吴超群主编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7309049039
- 页数:381 页
Chapter 1 Introduction to cell biology 1
1.1 What is cell biology 1
1.2 The cell theory 2
1.3 Cell is the basic unit of life 4
1.4 Diversity of cells 7
1.5 The prokaryotic cell 10
1.6 The eukaryotic cell 11
1.7 Morden cell biology 14
1.8 The technology of cell biology 20
1.9 Training the scientists of tomorrow 24
Chapter 2 Chemical components of cells 27
2.1 Chemical bonds 27
2.2 Organic molecules 36
Chapter 3 Biomembrane and cell surface 46
3.1 Components and structure of biomembranes 48
3.2 Plasma membrane 57
3.3 Transmembrane transport 63
3.4 Cell junction and adhesion molecules 77
3.5 Extracellular matrix and cell wall 83
Chapter 4 Intracellular compartments and transport 88
4.1 Organelles 88
4.2 Protein sorting inside cell 91
4.3 Molecular mechanisms of vesicular transport 97
4.4 Secretory pathways 100
4.5 Endocytic pathways 105
Chapter 5 Mitochondria and chloroplasts 110
5.1 Mitochondria and oxidative phosphorylation 110
5.2 Chloroplasts and photosynthesis 121
5.3 The origins of chloroplasts and mitochondria 130
Chapter 6 Cytoskeleton 133
6.1 Microtubules 133
6.2 Actin filaments 142
6.3 Intermediate filaments 152
Chapter 7 Cell communication and signaling 157
7.1 Signaling molecules and their receptors 157
7.2 Nitric oxide crosses the plasma membrane and actives intracellular enzymes directly 162
7.3 Functions of cell surface receptors 163
7.4 Signal network system 176
7.5 Cell signaling and the cytoskeleton 179
7.6 Cell communication in plants 181
Chapter 8 Nucleus and chromosomes 185
8.1 The nucleus of a eukaryotic cell 185
8.2 The nuclear envelope 188
8.3 Structure of the nuclear pore complex and its role in nucleocytoplasmic exchange 190
8.4 Chromosomes and chromatin 195
8.5 Nucleolus and ribosome biogenesis 208
8.6 The nuclear matrix 214
Chapter 9 Cell cycle and cell division 219
9.1 An overview of the cell cycle 219
9.2 Regulation of the cell cycle 221
9.3 Cell division 232
Chapter 10 Cell differentiation 250
10.1 Introduction 250
10.2 Cells with potency of differentiation 253
10.3 Stem cells 256
10.4 Epigenetic view of cell differentiation 262
10.5 The major cell differentiation systems 271
Chapter 11 Cell senescence and apoptosis 281
11.1 Senescence 281
11.2 Apoptosis 291
11.3 Senescence versus apoptosis 303
Chapter 12 Cells in immune system 306
12.1 The immune system 306
12.2 The organs of the immune system 307
12.3 Innate and adaptive immune systems 309
12.4 Innate immune system 311
12.5 Adaptive immune system 316
Chapter 13 Cancer cells 327
13.1 Basic knowledge about cancer cell 327
13.2 Carcinogenesis 332
13.3 The genes involved in cancer 335
13.4 The genetic and epigenetic changes of cancer 340
13.5 Diagnosis and treatment of cancer 347
References 353
Glossary 356
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