- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张应林主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:华中师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7562233640
- 页数:250 页
Chapter 1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis 1
1.1 What Is Meant by"Discourse"? 1
1.1.1 Terminology:Discourse/Text 3
1.1.2 Discourse and Grammar 5
1.1.3 Discourse and Sentence 6
1.1.4 Discourse in Context 7
1.1.5 Discourse as Verbal Structure 8
1.1.6 Discourse as Action and Interaction in Society 10
1.1.7 Seven Criteria for Textuality 13
1.2 What Is Meant by"Discourse Analysis"? 16
1.2.1 The Origins of Discourse Analysis 20
1.2.2 The Scope of Discourse Analysis 21
1.2.3 Principles of Discourse Analysis 22
1.2.4 Major Approaches to Discourse Analysis 24
Chapter 2 Linguistic Forms and Functions 27
2.1 Language Functions 27
2.1.1 Halliday's Theory of Metafunctions 27
2.1.2 Jakobson's Macro-function 29
2.1.3 Brown and Yule's Conception 30
2.2 Spoken Discourse 31
2.3 Conversation 32
2.3.1 Rules of Turn-taking 32
2.3.2 Strategies of Turn-taking 33
2.3.3 Adjacency Pairs 37
2.3.4 The Cooperative Principle 39
2.3.5 Violation of the Maxims 41
2.4 Written Discourse 44
2.4.1 Types of Written Discourse 45
2.4.2 The Patterns in Written Discourse 47
2.5 Distinctions Between Spoken Discourse and Written Discourse 48
2.5.1 Differences in the Manner of Production and Reception 48
2.5.2 Differences in Form 50
2.5.3 Differences in Function 51
2.5.4 Differences in Linguistic Characteristics 52
Chapter 3 Discourse Structure 55
3.1 The Linearization Problem 56
3.2 Information Structure 58
3.3 Thematization and Staging 62
3.3.1 Thematization 62
3.3.2 Staging 63
3.4 Rank Structure 64
3.4.1 Lesson 66
3.4.2 Transaction 66
3.4.3 Exchange 67
3.4.4 Move 67
3.4.5 Act 68
3.5 Narration 68
3.5.1 The Concept of Narration 68
3.5.2 The Labov Model 69
3.5.3 Analyzing a Narrative Discourse 70
3.6 Argumentation 78
3.6.1 The Concept of Argumentation 78
3.6.2 The Basic Reasoning Pattern in Argumentation 79
3.6.3 The Basic Structure of Argumentation 81
3.6.4 Analyzing an Argumentative Discourse 82
Chapter 4 Cohesion and Coherence in Discourse 88
4.1 Cohesion 88
4.1.1 Text and Texture 88
4.1.2 Cohesion and Cohesive Ties 89
4.1.3 Classification of Cohesive Ties 89
4.2 Coherence 117
4.2.1 Topics in Discourse 119
4.2.2 General Knowledge 121
4.2.3 Principle of Analogy 122
4.2.4 Speech Act 123
4.2.5 Conversational Implicature 124
Chapter 5 Discourse Context 126
5.1 Notions of Context 126
5.1.1 From the Perspective of Linguistics 126
5.1.2 From the Perspective of Culture 136
5.1.3 From the Perspective of Cognition 143
5.2 Functions of Context 149
5.2.1 Restrictive Function 149
5.2.2 Explanatory and Filtering Function 151
5.2.3 Designing Function 154
Chapter 6 Discourse,Culture and Society 155
6.1 Discourse and Culture 155
6.1.1 Definitions of Culture 158
6.1.2 Culture as Knowledge 162
6.1.3 Culture as Communication 164
6.1.4 Culture as Behavior 166
6.1.5 Culture as a System of Practices 167
6.1.6 Discourse in Culture and Culture in Discourse 169
6.1.7 Speech Communities 172
6.1.8 Discourse Communities 173
6.2 Discourse and Society 177
6.2.1 Discourse in Society and Society in Discourse 178
6.2.2 Discourse and Power 180
6.2.3 Discourse and Ideology 186
Chapter 7 Discourse and Cognition 191
7.1 Discourse Comprehension 191
7.1.1 World Knowledge 193
7.1.2 Top-down and Bottom-up Processing 194
7.1.3 Knowledge Structure:Schemata,Frames and Scripts 195
7.2 Social Cognition 201
7.2.1 Mentalist Social Cognition 203
7.2.2 Sociocultural Cognition 207
7.3 Cognition and Cognitive Models 210
7.3.1 Cognition 210
7.3.2 Categorization 212
7.3.3 Prototypes and Prototype Effects 214
7.3.4 Idealized Cognitive Models(ICMs) 216
7.3.5 Cognitive Models of Discourse Comprehension 225
Chapter 8 How to Analyze Discourse 230
8.1 Stage One:Research Questions 230
8.2 Stage Two:Sample Selection 231
8.3 Stage Three:Collection of Records and Documents 232
8.4 Stage Four:Interviews 232
8.5 Stage Five:Transcription 233
8.6 Stage Six:Coding 233
8.7 Stage Seven:Analysis 234
8.8 Stage Eight:Validation 234
8.9 Stage Nine:The Report 236
8.10 Stage Ten:Application 236
Bibliography 238
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