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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:赵亮,黄海英等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7508435192
  • 页数:254 页

Part One Corporate Management 2

公司管理 2

Chapter 1 How to Fire People and Still Sleep at Night(1) 2

解雇的艺术(1) 8

Chapter 2 How to Fire People and Still Sleep at Night(2) 12

解雇的艺术(2) 17

Chapter 3 AT T Finally has An Operator 21

AT T终于有了舵手 26

Chapter 4 Tom Lee in on A Roll 30

选择汤姆·李 35

Chapter 5 The Pure-Play Syndrome 39

单一主业化综合症 44

Chapter 6 Golden Arches Galore 47

遍地都是的金色拱形标志 51

Chapter 7 From Freeware to Profitware 54

从免费软件商到盈利软件网 57

经营理论 60

Chapter 8 The Graduates 60

Part Two Management Theory 60

毕业生 65

Chapter 9 Pay Purview 69

有效的报酬机制 72

Chapter 10 Why Value Statements don't Work 74

为什么价值理念不起作用 79

Chapter 11 Consumer Needs and Motivation 83

消费者需求与动机 88

Chapter 12 The Death of Competition(1) 92

竞争的完结(1) 96

Chapter 13 The Death of Competition(2) 99

竞争的完结(2) 102

Chapter 14 Better Buy Some Bonds 105

最好购买债券 109

Part Three Economic Environment 113

经济环境 113

Chapter 15 Face the Music—Indonesian Firms Scramble to Find Survival Strategies 113

面临冲击——印尼公司努力寻求挽救措施 117

Chapter 16 Same Old Story—Japan Flip-flops on Measures to Rescue Economy 120

昨日再现——关于挽救日本经济策略的争议 124

Chapter 17 Transforming Telecom:the Big Switch(1) 127

电信大变革(1) 133

Chapter 18 Transforming Telecom:the Big Switch(2) 137

电信大变革(2) 142

Chapter 19 The Zero Inflation Economy 146

无通货膨胀的经济时代 150

Chapter 20 Were Holiday Sales All That Bad 154

节假日销售真是糟糕透顶吗 159

Chapter 21 Russia's Double Transition 163

俄罗斯的双重过渡 165

Chapter 22 Changing Jobs?Try the Net 168

Part Four Internet Application 168

互联网应用 168

找工作吗?试试互联网 174

Chapter 23 The Virtual Mall Gets Real 178

梦幻成真的虚拟超级大商场 182

Chapter 24 Online Capitalism 185

网络资本市场 188

Chapter 25 Too Cheap to Meter(1) 190

便宜得可以忽略不计(1) 193

Chapter 26 Too Cheap to Meter(2) 195

便宜得可以忽略不计(2) 199

Chapter 27 Let Your Modem Do the Walking 202

让你的调制解调器替你逛商场 205

Part Five Merger and Acquisition 208

兼并与收购 208

Chapter 28 Telecom in Play 208

电信竞购 213

Chapter 29 The Fallout From Merger Mania—Why the Deals Keep Coming 216

并购狂热中的思考——为什么交易源源不断 219

Chapter 30 The Real Target is Your Dial Tone 222

真正的目标是你的拨号音 226

Chapter 31 LBO Madness(1) 229

LBO疯狂(1) 233

Chapter 32 LBO Madness(2) 236

LBO疯狂(2) 240

Chapter 33 The Year of the Very Big Deals 243

大交易年代 246

Chapter 34 Invasion of the Bargain Snatchers 248

乘人之危的掠夺者大举入侵 252
