新概念英语 第1册 英汉对照本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)L.G.Alexander原著
- 出 版 社:合肥:安徽科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:1985
- ISBN:7533700015
- 页数:281 页
Lesson 1 1
Lesson 2 Is this your…? 2
Lesson 3 4
Lesson 4 Is this your…? 5
Lesson 5 7
Lesson 6 what make is it? 9
Lesson 7 11
Lesson 8 What’s your job? 13
Lesson 9 15
Lesson 10 Look at 16
Lesson 11 19
Lesson 12 Whose is this…? This is my/your/his/his/her… Whose is that…? That is my/your/his/her 20
Iesson 13 22
Lesson 14 What colour’s your…? 23
Lesson 15 25
Lesson 16 Are you…? Are these your…? What colour are your…? 27
Lesson 17 29
Lesson 18 What are their jobs? 31
Lesson 19 33
Lesson 20 Look at them! 34
Lesson 21 37
Lesson 22 Givr me/him/her/us/them a… Which one? 38
Lesson 23 40
Lesson 24 Give me/him/her/us/them some… Which ones? 41
Lesson 25 43
Lesson 26 Where is it? 44
Lesson 27 46
Lesson 28 Where are they? 47
Lesson 29 50
Lesson 30 What must I do? 51
Lesson 31 53
Lesson 32 What is he/she/it doing? 55
Lesson 33 57
Lesson 34 What are they doing? 59
Lesson 35 61
Lesson 36 Where…? 62
Lesson 37 64
Lesson 38 What are you going to do? What are you doing now? 66
Lesson 39 68
Lesson 40 What are you going to do? I’m going to… What are you going to do With that/those… I’m going to give/show/send/take 69
Lesson 41 71
Lesson 42 Is there a… in/on that…? IS there any… in/on that…? 73
Lesson 43 75
Lesson 44 Are there any…? Is there any…? 77
Lesson 45 79
Lesson 46 Can you…? 81
Lesson 47 83
Lesson 48 Do you Iike…? Do you want…? 84
Lesson 49 86
Lesson 50 He Iikes… but he doesn’t like 88
Lesson 51 90
Lesson 52 What nationality are they? Where do they come from? 92
Lesson 53 95
Lesson 54 What nationality are they? Where do they come from? 96
Lesson 55 99
Lesson 56 What do they usually do? 101
Lesson 57 103
Lesson 58 What’s the time? They usually… but today,they are 104
Lesson 59 106
Lesson 60 What’s the time? Have you any…? 108
Lesson 61 110
Lesson 62 What’s the matter with them? What must they do? 112
Lesson 63 114
Lesson 64 Don’t…! You mustn’t…! 116
Lesson 66 What’s the time? When’s your birthday? How old are you? Enjoy yourself! 119
Lesson 67 121
Lesson 68 What’s the time? Where were you on…? When were you at…? 123
Lesson 69 126
Lesson 70 When were they there? 127
Lesson 71 129
Lesson 72 When did you…? 131
Can you do this Test? 134
Lesson 73 137
Lesson 74 What did they do? 138
Lesson 75 140
Lesson 76 When did you…? 142
Lesson 77 144
Lesson 78 When did you…? 145
Lesson 79 147
Lesson 80 I must go to the 149
Lesson 81 151
Lesson 82 I had 153
Lesson 83 154
Lesson 84 Have you had…? 156
Lesson 85 158
Lesson 86 What have you done? 160
Lesson 87 161
Lesson 88 Have you…yet? 163
Lesson 89 165
Lesson 90 Have you…yet? 167
Lesson 91 169
Lesson 92 When will…? 171
Lesson 93 173
Lesson 94 When did you/willl you go to…? 174
Lesson 95 176
Lesson 96 What’s the exact time? When did he/willl he go to…? 178
Lesson 97 180
Lesson 98 Whose is it? Whose are they? 182
Lesson 99 184
Lesson 100 He says that… she says that… They say that 186
Lesson 101 187
Lesson 102 He says he… She says she… They say they 189
Lesson 103 191
Lesson 104 I could(couldn’t) 192
Lesson 105 195
Lesson 106 I want you to… Tell(him) to…I don’t want you to… Tell(him) not to 196
Lesson 107 198
Lesson 108 How do they compare? 200
Lesson 109 203
Lesson 110 How do they compare? 204
Lesson 111 207
Lesson 112 How do they compare? 209
Lesson 113 211
Lesson 114 I’ve got none 213
Lesson 115 215
Lesson 116 Every,No,Any,and Some 217
Lesson 117 220
Lesson 118 What were you doing? 222
Lesson 119 224
Lesson 120 It had already happened 226
Lesson 121 228
Lesson 122 Who/Whom,Which and That 230
Lesson 123 232
Lesson 124 (Who)/(Whom),(Which)and(That) 234
Lesson 125 237
Lesson 126 Must,Have to and Needn’t 238
Lesson 127 241
Lesson 128 He can’t be… He must be 242
Lesson 129 245
Lesson 130 He can’t have been… He must have been 247
Lesson 131 249
Lesson 132 He may be… He may have been… I’m not sure 250
Lesson 133 253
Lesson 134 He said(that) he… He told me(that) he 254
Lesson 135 257
Lesson 136 He said(that) he… He told me (that) he 259
Lesson 137 261
Lesson 138 If 263
Lesson 139 265
Lesson 140 He wants to know if/why/what/When 267
Lesson 141 269
Lesson 142 Someone invited Sally to a partySally was invited to a party 271
Lesson 143 274
Lesson 144 He hasn’t been served yet He will be served soon 276
Key to Test 279
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