理工科概率统计 第7版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:沃波尔(Walpole,R.E.)等著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7302097224
- 页数:730 页
1 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis 1
1.1 Overview:Statistical Inference,Samples,Populations,and Experimental Design 1
1.2 The Role of Probability 4
1.3 Sampling Procedures;Collection of Data 7
1.4 Measures of Location:The Sample Mean 9
1.5 Measures of Variability 11
1.6 Discrete and Continuous Data 14
1.7 Statistical Modeling,Scientific Inspection,and Graphical Diagnostics 14
Preface 15
Contents 15
1.8 Graphical Methods and Data Description 16
2.1 Sample Space 22
2 Probability 22
2.2 Events 25
2.3 Counting Sample Points 31
2.4 Probability of an Event 39
2.5 Additive Rules 43
2.6 Conditional Probability 47
2.7 Multiplicative Rules 50
2.8 Bayes'Rule 57
Review Exercises 61
3 Random Variables and Probability Distributions 63
3.1 Concept of a Random Variable 63
3.2 Discrete Probability Distributions 65
3.3 Continuous Probability Distributions 69
3.4 Joint Probability Distributions 74
Review Exercises 86
4 Mathematical Expectation 88
4.1 Mean of a Random Variable 88
4.2 Variance and Covariance 95
4.3 Means and Variances of Linear Combinations of Random Variables 103
4.4 Chebyshev's Theorem 110
Review Exercises 114
5 Some Discrete Probability Distributions 115
5.1 Introduction 115
5.2 Discrete Uniform Distribution 116
5.3 Binomial and Multinomial Distributions 117
5.4 Hypergeometric Distribution 126
5.5 Negative Binomial and Geometric Distributions 132
5.6 Poisson Distribution and the Poisson Process 135
Review Exercises 140
6 Some Continuous Probability Distributions 142
6.1 Continuous Uniform Distribution 142
6.2 Normal Distribution 143
6.3 Areas Under the Normal Curve 147
6.4 Applications of the Normal Distribution 152
6.5 Normal Approximation to the Binomial 158
6.6 Gamma and Exponential Distributions 165
6.7 Applications of the Exponential and Gamma Distributions 168
6.8 Chi-Squared Distribution 170
6.9 Lognormal Distribution 171
6.10 Weibull Distribution 172
Review Exercises 175
7 Functions of Random Variables(Optional) 177
7.1 Introduction 177
7.2 Transformations of Variables 177
7.3 Moments and Moment-Generating Functions 186
8 Fundamental Sampling Distributions and Data Descriptions 194
8.1 Random Sampling 194
8.2 Some Important Statistics 197
8.3 Data Displays and Graphical Methods 201
8.4 Sampling Distributions 208
8.5 Sampling Distribution of Means 209
8.6 Sampling Distribution of S2 216
8.7 t-Distribution 219
8.8 F-Distribution 224
Review Exercises 228
9 One-and Two-Sample Estimation Problems 230
9.1 Introduction 230
9.2 Statistical Inference 230
9.3 Classical Methods of Estimation 231
9.4 Single Sample:Estimating the Mean 234
9.5 Standard Error of a Point Estimate 240
9.6 Prediction Interval 241
9.7 Tolerance Limits 243
9.8 Two Samples:Estimating the Difference Between Two Means 246
9.9 Paired Observations 253
9.10 Single Sample:Estimating a Proportion 257
9.11 Two Samples:Estimating the Difference Between Two Proportions 261
9.12 Single Sample:Estimating the Variance 264
9.13 Two Samples:Estimating the Ratio of Two Variances 265
9.14 Bayesian Methods of Estimation(Optional) 268
9.15 Maximum Likelihood Estimation(Optional) 275
Review Exercises 281
10.1 Statistical Hypotheses:General Concepts 284
10 One-and Two-Sample Tests of Hypotheses 284
10.2 Testing a Statistical Hypothesis 286
10.3 One-and Two-Tailed Tests 294
10.4 The Use of P-Values for Decision Making 295
10.5 Single Sample:Tests Concerning a Single Mean(Variance Known) 300
10.6 Relationship to Confidence Interval Estimation 303
10.7 Single Sample:Tests on a Single Mean(Variance Unknown) 304
10.8 Two Samples:Tests on Two Means 307
10.9 Choice of Sample Size for Testing Means 312
10.10 Graphical Methods for Comparing Means 316
10.11 One Sample:Test on a Single Proportion 323
10.12 Two Samples:Tests on Two Proportions 326
10.13 One-and Two-Sample Tests Concerning Variances 328
10.14 Goodness-of-Fit Test 333
10.15 Test for Independence(Categorical Data) 336
10.16 Test for Homogeneity 339
10.17 Testing for Several Proportions 340
10.18 Two-Sample Case Study 342
Review Exercises 347
11 Simple Linear Regression and Correlation 350
11.1 Introduction to Linear Regression 350
11.2 Simple Linear Regression 351
11.3 Least Squares and The Fitted Model 355
11.4 Properties of the Least Squares Estimators 360
11.5 Inferences Concerning the Regression Coefficients 363
11.6 Prediction 368
11.7 Choice of a Regression Model 372
11.8 Analysis-of-Variance Approach 373
11.9 Test for Linearity of Regression:Data with Repeated Observations 375
11.10 Data Plots and Transformations 383
11.11 Simple Linear Regression Case Study 387
11.12 Correlation 390
Review Exercises 396
12 Multiple Linear Regression and Certain Nonlinear Regression Models 400
12.1 Introduction 400
12.2 Estimating the Coefficients 401
12.3 Linear Regression Model Using Matrices(Optional) 404
12.4 Properties of the Least Squares Estimators 411
12.5 Inferences in Multiple Linear Regression 413
12.6 Choice of a Fitted Model Through Hypothesis Testing 420
12.7 Special Case of Orthogonality(Optional) 423
12.8 Categorical or Indicator Variables 427
12.9 Sequential Methods for Model Selection 432
12.10 Study of Residuals and Violation of Assumptions 438
12.11 Cross Validation,Cp,and Other Criteria for Model Selection 442
12.12 Special Nonlinear Models for Nonideal Conditions 452
Review Exercises 456
13.1 Analysis-of-Variance Technique 461
13 One-Factor Experiments:General 461
13.2 The Strategy of Experimental Design 463
13.3 One-Way Analysis of Variance:Completely Randomized Design 463
13.4 Tests for the Equality of Several Variances 469
13.5 Single-Degree-of-Freedom Comparisons 473
13.6 Multiple Comparisons 477
13.7 Comparing Treatments with a Control 481
13.8 Comparing a Set of Treatments in Blocks 486
13.9 Randomized Complete Block Designs 487
13.10 Graphical Methods and Further Diagnostics 494
13.11 Latin Squares(Optional) 496
13.12 Random Effects Models 502
13.13 Power of Analysis-of-Variance Tests 507
13.14 Case Study 511
Review Exercises 515
14 Factorial Experiments(Two or More Factors) 519
14.1 Introduction 519
14.2 Interaction and the Two-Factor Experiment 521
14.3 Two-Factor Analysis of Variance 522
14.4 Graphical Analysis in the Two-Factor Problem 530
14.5 Three-Factor Experiments 535
14.6 Model Ⅱ and Ⅲ Factorial Experiments 545
14.7 Choice of Sample Size 549
Review Exercises 552
15.1 Introduction 555
15 2k Factorial Experiments and Fractions 555
15.2 Analysis of Variance and the Calculation of Effects 556
15.3 Nonreplicated 2k Factorial Experiment 560
15.4 Injection Molding Case Study 561
15.5 Factorial Experiments in Incomplete Blocks 567
15.6 Partial Confounding 572
15.7 Factorial Experiments in a Regression Setting 575
15.8 The Orthogonal Design 579
15.9 Fractional Factorial Experiments 582
15.10 Analysis of Fractional Factorial Experiments 585
15.11 Higher Fractions and Screening Designs 589
15.12 Construction of Resolution Ⅲ and Ⅳ Designs with 8,16,and 32 Design Points 590
15.13 Other Two-Level Resolution Ⅲ Designs;The Plackett-Burman Designs 591
15.14 Taguchi's Robust Parameter Design 592
Review Exercises 598
16 Nonparametric Statistics 600
16.1 Nonparametric Tests 600
16.2 Sign Test 601
16.3 Signed-Rank Test 605
16.4 Rank-Sum Test 610
16.5 Kruskal-Wallis Test 613
16.6 Runs Test 616
16.7 Tolerance Limits 619
16.8 Rank Correlation Coefficient 620
Review Exercises 624
17 Statistical Quality Control 625
17.1 Introduction 625
17.2 Nature of the Control Limits 627
17.3 Purposes of the Control Chart 627
17.4 Control Charts for Variables 628
17.5 Control Charts for Attributes 643
17.6 Cusum Control Charts 649
Review Exercises 653
Bibliography 656
Appendix:Statistical Tables and Proofs 659
Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises 715
Index 726
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