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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王恩铭编
  • 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787301166437
  • 页数:318 页

CHAPTEROne Out of the Past 2

Learning Objectives 2

1.1 The Birth of a New Nation 3

1.2 The Growth of the New Republic 8

1.3 The Civil War and the Reconstruction 16

1.4 Growth and Transformation 22

1.5 The Progressive Thrust 28

1.6 War,Prosperity,and Depression 33

1.7 World War II and Its Impact 39

1.8 Decades of Change:1960—1980 45

1.9 America at the Turn of the Century 51

Summary 58

Essay Questions 58

CHAPTERTwo The American Identity 62

Learning Objectives 62

2.1 The Anglo-Saxons 62

2.2 White Ethnic Americans 64

2.3 African Americans 66

2.4 Latinos/Hispanics 68

2.5 Asian Americans 70

2.6 Native Americans 72

Summary 74

Essay Questions 75

CHAPTERThree Religion in America 78

Learning Objectives 78

3.1 Religion in America:A Brief History 78

3.2 “In God We Trust” 80

3.3 Church,State and Politics 82

3.4 Popular Religion 85

3.5 Civil Religion and Beyond 86

Summary 88

Essay Questions 89

CHAPTERFour American Beliefs 92

Learning Objectives 92

4.1 Primary Beliefs of American Culture 92

4.2 Immigrant Beliefs 94

4.3 Frontier Beliefs 95

4.4 Religious and Moral Beliefs 97

4.5 Social Beliefs 100

4.6 Political Beliefs 102

4.7 Beliefs on Human Nature 105

Summary 107

Essay Questions 108

CHAPTERFive American Values and Assumptions 110

Learning Objectives 110

5.1 Individualism and Privacy 111

5.2 Equality 112

5.3 Informality 114

5.4 Achievement,Action,Work,and Materialism 115

5.5 Directness and Assertiveness 117

5.6 Cooperation and“Fair Play” 119

Summary 120

Essay Questions 121

CHAPTERSix Cultural Regions in America 124

Learning Objectives 124

6.1 New England 124

6.2 The South 126

6.3 The Midland 129

6.4 The Midwest 131

6.5 The Far West 133

Summary 136

Essay Questions 137

CHAPTERSeven Education in America 140

Learning Objectives 140

7.1 Initial Efforts in Promoting Education 140

7.2 Education as Philanthropy 143

7.3 The Birth of Public Schools 144

7.4 The Emergence of the Academies 146

7.5 Colleges:Private and Public 148

7.6 The Arrival of the University 150

7.7 Progressivism in Education 152

Summary 154

Essay Questions 155

CHAPTEREight The American Family 158

Learning Objectives 158

8.1 European Origins of the American Family 159

8.2 Separate Spheres and the Birth of the Modern American Family 160

8.3 Private Lives and Paradoxes of Perfection 163

8.4 The Contemporary American Family 165

8.5 Upper,Middle,and Working-Class Families 168

Summary 171

Essay Questions 172

CHAPTERNine Mass Media 174

Learning Objectives 174

9.1 Books 174

9.2 Newspapers 177

9.3 Magazines 179

9.4 Films 182

9.5 Radio and Sound Recording 185

9.6 Television 189

9.7 The Internet and the World Wide Web 192

Summary 195

Essay Questions 196

CHAPTERTen Popular Culture 200

Learning Objectives 200

10.1 Comic Art 200

10.2 Advertising 204

10.3 Automobile Culture 207

10.4 Dance 210

10.5 Music 213

10.6 Sports 216

Summary 219

Essay Questions 220

CHAPTEREleven Capitalist Economy and Business Civilization Learning Objectives 224

11.1 American Capitalism 225

11.2 The Cult of the Businessman 228

11.3 The Corporate Empire 231

11.4 Business and Its Satellites 234

11.5 Capital and Labor 238

Summary 241

Essay Questions 242

CHAPTERTwelve Social Services 246

Learning Objectives 246

12.1 American Values in Social Welfare 247

12.2 Social Services:A Brief History 250

12.3 Public Social Services 252

12.4 Health Care Services 255

12.5 Housing 258

Summary 260

Essay Questions 261

CHAPTERThirteen Law and Legal System 264

Learning Objectives 264

13.1 The Sources of the Law 265

13.2 The Federal Judicial System 267

13.3 The State Judicial System 269

13.4 The Criminal Court Process 271

13.5 The Civil Court Process 275

Summary 279

Essay Questions 279

CHAPTERFourteen American Women 282

Learning Objectives 282

14.1 Founding Mothers 282

14.2 Women in the New Republic 285

14.3 Women’s Rights Movement 287

14.4 The Cult of Domesticity and New Women 289

14.5 Housewifery and Domesticity 291

14.6 A New Wave of Feminism 293

14.7 Gains and Uncertainties 296

Summary 298

Essay Questions 299

CHAPTERFifteen Who Is an American? 302

Learning Objectives 302

15.1 The Puritan Thesis 303

15.2 The Frontier Thesis 305

15.3 The Melting-Pot Thesis 307

15.4 The Salad Bowl Thesis 310

15.5 Multiculturalism 313

Summary 315

Essay Questions 316

Bibliography 317
