ROBBINS 基础病理学 改编版 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:VinayKumar等著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学医学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787811164862
- 页数:472 页
Introduction to Pathology 1
What is Pathology? 1
How to Study Pathology? 1
Diagnostic and Research Techniques in Pathology 2
What Do Pathologists Do? 3
The History and Evolution of Pathology 4
Pathology in China 4
Chapter 1 Cell Injury,Cell Death,and Adaptations 7
Cellular Adaptations to Stress 7
Cell Injury and Cell Death 11
Cellular Aging 27
Chapter 2 Tissue Repair:Regeneration,Healing,and Fibrosis 29
The Regeneration 29
The Nature and Mechanisms of Action of Growth Factors 31
Extracellular Matrix and Cell-Matrix Interactions 33
Cell and Tissue Regeneration 35
Repair by Connective Tissue 36
Cutaneous Wound Healing 40
Fracture Healing 42
Pathologic Aspects of Repair 43
Chapter 3 Hemodynamic Disorders 47
Edema 47
Hyperemia and Congestion 49
Hemorrhage 49
Hemostasis and Thrombosis 51
Embolism 59
Infarction 62
Chapter 4 Acute and Chronic Inflammation 65
Overview of Inflammation 65
Acute Inflammation 70
Chronic Inflammation 78
The Possible Outcomes of Inflammation 83
The Significance of the Inflammatory Response 83
Chapter 5 Diseases of the Immune System 87
Autoimmune Diseases 87
Rejection of Transplants 96
Immune Deficiency Diseases 99
Chapter 6 Neoplasia 107
Definition and General Morphology 107
Differentiation and Anaplasia of Tumors 108
Growth and Spread of Tumors 109
Effects of Tumor on Host 114
Identification Between Benign and Malignant Tumors 115
Nomenclature and Classification of Tumors 115
Brief Introduction of Common Neoplasms 117
Carcinogenesis and Etiology of Neoplasia 120
Host Defense Against Tumors:Tumor Immunity 125
Chapter 7 Genetic,Environmental and Nutritional Diseases 129
Genetic Diseases 129
Mendelian Disorders(Diseases Caused by Single-Gene Defects) 130
Disorders with Multifactorial Inheritance 133
Cytogenetic Disorders 133
Environmental Diseases 136
Environmental Pollution and Occupational Exposures 136
Addictions and Associated Diseases 137
Injury by Physical Agents 141
Nutritional Diseases 143
Malnutrition 143
Protein-Energy Malnutrition(PEM) 143
Vitamin Deficiencies 144
Obesity 144
Chapter 8 Cardiovascular System 149
The Heart 149
Ischemic Heart Disease(IHD) 149
Hypertensive Heart Disease 156
Valvular Heart Disease 158
Cardiomyopathies 165
Pericardial Disease 169
The Blood Vessels 171
Arteriosclerosis 171
Atherosclerosis 171
Hypertensive Vascular Disease 177
Chapter 9 The Lung 183
Pulmonary Infections 184
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 192
Diseases of Vascular Origin 199
Diffuse Interstitial(Restrictive,Infiltrative)Lung Diseases 202
Tumors of Respiratory System 205
Chapter 10 The Gastrointestinal Tract 217
Esophagus 217
Esophagitis 217
Barrett Esophagus 218
Esophageal Carcinoma 218
Stomach 221
Gastritis 221
Gastric Ulceration 223
Gastric Tumors 226
Small and Large Intestines 228
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 228
Tumors of the Small and Large Intestines 234
Appendix 245
Acute Appendicitis 245
Tumors of the Appendix 246
Chapter 11 The Liver,Gallbladder,Biliary Tract,and Pancreas 249
The Liver 249
Patterns of Hepatic Injury 249
Viral Hepatitis 250
Autoimmune Hepatitis 253
Drug-induced Liver Disease 255
Alcoholic Liver Disease 256
Metabolic Liver Disease 257
Cirrhosis 259
Malignant Tumors of The Liver Origin 263
Disorders of the Gallbladder 265
Cholelithiasis(Gallstones) 265
Cholecystitis 267
Carcinoma of The Gallbladder 268
The Pancreas 268
Pancreatitis 268
Pancreatic Carcinoma 271
Chapter 12 The Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Systems 275
White Cell Disorders 275
Non-Neoplastic Disorders of White Cells 275
Neoplastic Proliferations of White Cells 279
Chapter 13 The Kidney and Its Collecting System 301
Clinical Manifestations of Renal Diseases 301
Glomerular Diseases 302
Diseases Affecting Tubules and Interstitium 316
Tumors 321
Chapter 14 The Male Genital System 327
Penis 327
Scrotum,Testis,and Epididymis 327
Prostate 329
Chapter 15 The Female Genital System and Breast 335
Cervix 335
Cervicitis 335
Tumors of the Cervix 336
Body of Uterus 340
Endometriosis 340
Endometrial Hyperplasia 341
Tumors of the Endometrium and Myometrium 341
Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases 344
Hydatidiform Mole:Complete and Partial 344
Invasive Mole 345
Choriocarcinoma 345
Placental Site Trophoblastic Tumor 346
Tumors of the Ovary 346
Surface Epithelial-Stromal Tumors 347
Germ Cell Tumors 349
Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors 351
Clinical Correlations for All Ovarian Tumors 353
Breast 355
Fibrocystic Changes 355
Tumors of the Breast 357
Male Breast 361
Chapter 16 The Endocrine System 365
Pituitary 366
Hypothalamus and Posterior Pituitary 366
Hyperpituitarism and Hypopituitarism 366
Pituitary Adenomas 367
Pituitary Carcinoma 368
Thyroid 369
Diffuse Nontoxic Goiter 369
Diffuse Toxic Goiter 370
Hypothyroidism 371
Thyroiditis 372
Neoplasms of the Thyroid 373
Adrenal Gland 376
Adrenocortical Hyperfunction(Hyperadrenalism) 376
Adrenal Insufficiency 378
Adrenal Neoplasms 378
Endocrine Pancreas 380
Diabetes Mellitus 380
Pancreatic Endocrine Neoplams 383
Chapter 17 The Musculoskeletal System 389
Bones 389
Osteoporosis 389
Pyogenic Osteomyelitis 392
Bone Tumors 393
Joints 400
Osteoarthritis 400
Gout 402
Chapter 18 The Nervous System 407
Patterns of Injury in the Nervous System 407
Infections of the Nervous System 410
Degenerative Diseases and Dementias 414
Tumors 417
Edema,Herniation,and Hydrocephalus 423
Cerebrovascular Diseases 425
Chapter 19 Pathology of Infectious Diseases 433
Agents of Bioterrorism 433
Transmission of Microbes 436
Immune Evasion by Microbes 436
How Microorganisms Cause Disease 437
Techniques for Diagnosing Infectious Agents 441
Tuberculosis 441
Typhoid 448
Bacterial Enterocolitis 448
Condylomas 450
Syphilis 451
Gonorrhea 454
Chapter 20 Parasitosis 459
Amoebiasis 459
Schistosomiasis 462
Clonorchiasis 465
Pulmonary Type Paragonimiasis 466
Filariasis 468
Echinococcosis 469
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