作为语篇的语言 对语言教学的启示PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Michael McCarthy&Ronald Carter著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7301068778
- 页数:230 页
1 Dividing the world of discourse 1
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Speech and writing 3
1.2 Frameworks for classifying spoken and written modes 9
1.3 Applying and refining frameworks 12
1.4 Monologue and dialogue 16
1.5 Text typologies 19
1.6 Genres 24
1.7 Conclusion 38
Reader activities 38
Notes on activities 43
Further reading 51
Note 53
2 Observing and exploiting patterns 54
2.0 Introduction 54
2.1 Common core patterns of clause relations 55
2.2 Teaching suggestions 58
2.3 Embedded patterns 62
2.4 Openings and closings 63
2.5 The developing discourse 66
2.6 Thematic development 70
2.7 Conclusion 77
Reader activities 77
Notes on activities 81
Further reading 86
3 Linking the levels:grammar,lexis and discourse 89
3.0 Introduction 89
3.1 Grammar and discourse management 89
3.2 Tense,aspect and voice 93
3.3 Modality 102
3.4 Patterns of vocabulary 104
3.5 Naturalness 117
Reader activities 124
Notes on activities 128
Further reading 130
4 Literature,culture and language as discourse 134
4.0 Introduction 134
4.1 Conversational analysis:pragmatics and style 136
4.2 Analysing narratives 140
4.3 Repetition and rhetoric 144
4.4 Situations across cultures 150
4.5 Text and ideology 155
4.6 Teaching literature with a small1 159
4.7 Discourse and cultural awareness:implications for the language learner 159
4.8 Teaching texts:curricular principles 166
4.9 Learning about language:some questions for discourse analysis 168
Further reading 169
5 Designing the discourse syllabus 172
5.0 Introduction 172
5.1 The notion of 'discourse competence' 172
5.2 Analysis and classification 175
5.3 Analysis as the precursor of tasks 180
5.4 Putting analysis into the learner context 184
5.5 Analysis and materials evaluation 194
5.6 Refining and realizing the syllabus 198
Reader activities 201
Notes on activities 205
Further reading 207
Bibliography 210
Index 229
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