新概念英语 4 流利英语 附答案PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陆英士著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1985
- ISBN:7218006
- 页数:248 页
Introductory Test leading to Part 1 1
PART 1 3
UNIT ONE:Instructions to the Student 4
1 Finding Fossil Man&by ROBIN PLACE 5
2 Spare that Spider&by T.H.GILLESPIE 8
3 Matterhorn Man&by WALTER UNSWORTH 11
4 Seeing Hands&by ERIC DE MAUNY 14
5 No Room in the Ark&by ALAN MOOREHEAD 17
6 From'Out of the Air'&by FIELDEN HUGHES 20
7 The Sporting Spirit&by GEORGE ORWELL 23
8 Education&by W.O.LESTER SMITH 26
9 Curiosities of Animal Life&by MAURICE BURTON 29
10 Thoughts in the Wilderness&by J.B.PRIESTLEY 32
UNIT TWO:Instructions to the Student 36
11 Spies in Britain&by BERNARD NEWMAN 37
12 The Language of Hollywood&by JAMES T.FARRELL 40
13 Thames Waters&by ROGER PILKINGTON 43
14 How to Grow Old&by BERTRAND RUSSELL 46
15 The Consumer Society and the Law&by GORDON BARRIE AND AUBREY L.DIAMOND 49
16 The Search for the Earth's Minerals&by T.F.GASKELL 52
17 Learning to Live&by BEATRIX TUDOR-HART 55
18 The Social Function of Scienc&by J.D.BERNAL 58
19 English Social Differences&by T.H.PEAR 61
20 Man,the Unknown&by ALEXIS CARREL 64
UNIT THREE:Instructions to the Student 68
21 Science Makes Sense&by RITCHIE CALDER 69
22 Window in the Sea&by RALPH NADING HILL 72
23 The Stuff of Dreams&by CHRISTOPHER EVANS 75
24 Going Out for a Walk&by MAX BEERBOHM 78
25 The Snake&by JOHN CROMPTON 81
26 Virtue and a Fast Gun&by CARL FOREMAN 84
27 The Personality of Man&by G.N.M.TYRRELL 87
28 A Country man's Creed&by WILLIAM BEACH THOMAS 90
29 Pieces of Mind&by C.E.M.JOAD 93
30 Adventures of Ideas&by A.N.WHITEHEAD 96
Introductory Test leading to Part 2 99
PART 2 103
UNIT FOUR:Instructions to the Student 104
31 Non-auditory Effects of Noise&by D.E.BROADBENT 105
32 The Past Life of the Earth&by ERROL WHITE 108
33 The Raising of the'Vasa'&by ROY SAUNDERS 111
34 Patients and Doctors&by KENNETH WALKER 114
35 The Pegasus Book of Inventors&by EGON LARSEN 117
36 Exploring the Sea-floor&by T.F.GASKELL 120
37 On Telling the Truth&by HAROLD NICOLSON 123
38 The Sculptor Speaks&by HENRY MOORE 126
39 Galileo Reborn&by MICHAEL HOSKIN 129
40 Themes and Variations&by ALDOUS HUXLEY 132
UNIT FIVE:Instructions to the Student 136
41 The Origin of Things&by JULIUS E.LIPS 137
42 Journey Through Adolescence&by DORIS ODLUM 140
43 Our Developing World&by L.DUDLEY STAMP 143
44 The Backward Society&by RAYMOND FROST 146
45 The Process of Ageing&by ALEX COMFORT 149
46 The Menace of Urban Explosion&by BARBARA WARD 152
47 Plato Today&by R.H.S.CROSSMAN 155
48 What Every Writer Wants&by JOHN LE CARR? 158
49 Balloon Astronomy&by PATRICK MOORE 161
50 British Canals&by CHARLES HADFIELD 164
UNIT SIX:Instructions to the Student 168
51 Elephants&by RICHARD CARRINGTON 169
52 The Earth Beneath Us&by H.H.SWINNERTON 172
53 The Story of the French Foreign Legion&by EDGAR O'BALLANCE 175
54 Are There Strangers in Space?&by ANTHONY MICHAELIS 178
55 Patterns of Culture&by RUTH BENEDICT 181
56 The Age of Automation&by LEON BAGRIT 184
57 Of Men and Galaxies&by FRED HOYLE 187
58 Painting as a Pastime&by WINSTON CHURCHILL 190
59 The Great Escape&by NIGEL BUXTON 193
60 On Moral Courage&by COMPTON MACKENZIE 196
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