The Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand A Socio-Ethnological ReportPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Gordon Young
- 出 版 社:The Siam Society
- 出版年份:1962
- 页数:92 页
《The Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand A Socio-Ethnological Report》目录
The Akha (E-Kaw) 1
The Lahu Nyi and Lahu Na (Mussuh) 9
The Lahu Shehleh 20
The Lahu Shi 24
The Lisu 28
The Meo 36
The Yao 45
The Lawa 50
The Kha Mu 57
The Htin and Kha Haw 61
The Yumbri or Phi Tong Luang 65
The Skaw Karen 69
The P'Wo Karen 75
The B'Ghwe Karen 78
The Taungthu 82
The Haw 83
Tables 85
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