The Cyclopedia Of Medicine Volume FivePDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:24 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:George Morris Piersol and Edward L.Bortz
- 出 版 社:F.A.Davis Company
- 出版年份:1932
- 页数:928 页
Edema 1
Ⅰ.Edema in General 1
Ⅱ.Edema in Special 4
1.Edema in Heart Disease 5
2.Edema in Kidney Disease 6
3.“Nephritis”as Edema of Kidney 7
4.Edema of Brain(Coma,Ure-mia,Diabetes) 9
5.Edema of Eye(Glaucoma) 11
Ⅲ.Treatment of Edema(Theoretical) 12
Ⅳ.Treatment of Edema(Practical) 13
1.Local Measures 14
2.Constitutional Measures 17
Ⅴ.Concluding Remarks 20
Elaterium and Elaterin 25
Preparations and Dose 25
Physiological Action 25
Poisoning by Elaterium 26
Treatment 26
Therapeutics 26
Electrotherapeutics 26
Sources of Heat 26
Hot Applicators 27
Baths 27
Radiation 28
Electric Current 29
Constant and Interrupted Currents of Low Frequency 36
Ⅰ.Constant or Galvanic Current 36
Ⅱ.Interrupted Currents of Low Frequency 42
Static Electricity 46
History 46
Static Machines 47
Methods Employed 48
Contraindications 51
Medical High Frequency Currents 51
Technics 51
Medical Diathermy 52
Therapeutics 55
Electrosurgery 64
1.Electrocautery 65
2.Surgical Ionization 65
3.Surgical Diathermy 66
Elephantiasis 77
Definition 77
Etiology 77
Pathology 77
Symptoms 78
Diagnosis 79
Prognosis 79
Treatment 79
Emetine 81
Preparations and Doce 82
Physiological Action 82
Therapeutics 82
Emphysema,Pulmonary 84
Definition 84
Pulmonary Vesicular Emphysema 86
Definition 86
Pathogenesis 86
Varieties or Types 88
Pathology 90
Signs and Symptoms 91
Diagnosis 98
Clinical Course and Sequelae 100
Treatment 101
Emphysema,Subcutaneous 105
Definition 105
Symptomatology 105
Treatment 105
Encephalitis,Epidemic 105
Synonyms 105
Definition 106
History and Epidemiology 106
Etiology 107
Pathology 108
Symptomatology 109
Acute Stage 110
Intermediate Stage 111
Chronic Stage 113
Differential Diagnosis 116
Treatment 118
Encephalitis Periaxialis Diffusa 121
Synonym 121
Definition 121
Symptoms 121
Varieties 122
Pathology 122
Differential Diagnosis 123
Treatment 123
Encephalogram,Interpretation of 124
Technic of Encephalography 124
A.Surgical Technic 124
B.X-ray Technic 125
Origin,Course,Distribution,and Absorption of Cerebrospinal Fluid 126
Encephalogram in the Normal 130
Encephalogram in the Abnormal 131
Ⅰ.Blocking of Fluid Pathways 131
Ⅱ.Dilatation of Fluid Spaces 136
Encephalomalacia 144
Definition 144
Etiology 144
Pathology 145
Differential Diagnosis 145
Prognosis 146
Treatment 146
Encephalomyelitis Disseminata 147
Definition 147
Etiology 147
Pathology 147
Symptomatology 147
Diagnosis 150
Treatment 151
Endocrine Glands 152
Correlation of Endocrine Glands 152
Primary and Secondary Diseases of 155
Conclusions 161
Innervation of Glands of Internal Secretion 162
Neuro-endocrinology 169
Thyroid 169
Parathyroids 170
Pituitary 171
Adrenals 172
Pancreas 174
Ovaries 174
Testes 174
Conclusion 175
Juvenile Endocrinopathies 176
Thyroid Gland 176
Thymus 194
Adrenal Glands 203
Role of Endocrines in Gynecology and Obstetrics 206
Menstruation,Normal and Abnormal 206
Treatment of Functional Sterility and Associated Menstrual Disorders 212
Endocrines in Pregnancy 214
Incretory Functions of Testes 217
Ⅰ.Introduction 217
Ⅱ.Sexual Differentiation and Testes 218
Ⅲ.Conclusions 259
Pluriglandular Syndromes 264
Introduction 264
Clinical Findings 271
Complications 275
History 275
Laboratory Findings 279
Group 1-b.Pituitary Dysfunction Following Earlier Overactivity with Thyroid Failure of Much Later Development 282
Group 3-a.Thyroid Failure with Ovarian Failure 283
Group 1-a.Pituitary Failure and Thyroid Failure 284
Group 1-b.Pituitary Dysfunction and Thyroid Failure 286
Group 5-a.Pancreatic Diabetes and Hypopituitarism with Tumor 287
Group 5-b.Pancreatic Diabetes and Thyroid Dysfunction with Exophthalmic Goiter 289
Conclusion 291
Endometriosis 291
Definition 291
Classification 291
Nomenclature 292
History 292
Etiology 294
Embryonic Theories 294
Serosal,Metaplasian and Heterotopic Theories 297
Mucosal Theories 298
Implantation 299
Transplantation 302
Metastatic 303
Summary of Theories 303
Pathology 304
Microscopic Pathology 305
Distribution and Incidence 306
Location 307
Endometriosis of Uterus 307
Endometriosis of Uterine Tubes 310
Endometriosis of Round Ligaments 312
Endometriosis of Ovary 313
Endometriosis of Intestine 317
Endometriosis of Bladder and Ureter 319
Endometriosis of Peritoneum 323
Endometriosis of Umbilicus 324
Endometriosis of Laparotomy Scars 324
Endometriosis and Pregnancy 326
Endometriosis and Malignancy 327
Diagnosis and Symptoms 328
Treatment 328
Endometritis 332
Introduction 332
Acute Endometritis 333
Classification 333
Puerperal Endometritis 336
Chronic Endometritis 341
Pathological Changes 342
Symptoms 342
Diagnosis 343
Prognosis 343
Treatment 343
Endoscopy 345
Laryngoscopy 345
Indirect 345
Direct 345
Bronchoscopy 348
Technic 349
Contraindications 350
Bronchoscopy for Foreign Body 352
Bronchoscopy for Disease 359
Esophagoscopy and Gastroscopy 368
Technic 369
Enemata 371
Technic 372
Nutrient Enemata 372
Technic 373
Enuresis in Children 373
Definition 373
Frequency 373
Etiology and Symptomatology 374
Pollakiuria 374
Enuresis as a Behavior Disorder 375
Differential Diagnosis 376
Management and Treatment 377
Ephedrine 378
Dose and Modes of Administration 378
Physiologic Action 378
Toxicology 379
Therapeutics 379
Phenylaminoethanol Sulphate 380
Epilepsy 381
Definition 381
Historical 381
Types 381
Description of Seizures 383
Aura 383
Grand Mal 383
Petit Mal 384
Psychological and Mental Aspects 385
Mental Aspects 385
Neurological Mechanisms 385
Prevalence 386
Age at Onset 387
Etiology 387
Heredity 388
Pathology 389
Brain 389
Outside the Nervous System 391
Gastrointestinal Tract 392
Respiration 392
Circulation 392
Endocrine Glands 392
Body Fluids 393
Physico-chemical Processes Modifying Seizures 393
Differential Diagnosis 395
Description of Attack 396
Examination 397
Prognosis 398
Prophylaxis 398
Genetics 398
Prevention of Contributing Causes 400
Preconvulsive Phenomena 400
Treatment 400
General Hygiene 401
Treatment during Attack 403
Mental Hygiene 404
Medication 405
Epistaxis 406
Definition 406
Blood Supply of Nose 407
Etiology 407
A.Trauma 407
B.Disease 408
C.Violent Exertion 408
D.Menstrual Suppression and Vicarious Menstruation 408
E.High Altitudes 408
Pathology 409
Diagnosis 410
Treatment 410
Packing the Nose 411
Ergot 412
Preparations and Dose 413
Subcutaneously 414
Physiological Action 414
Circulation 414
Uterus 414
Muscular System 414
Elimination 414
Ergot Poisoning 414
Treatment of Ergot Poisoning 415
Therapeutics 415
Labor 415
Abortion 416
Prostatic Hypertrophy 416
Hemorrhage 416
Erigeron,or Fleabane 416
Preparations and Dose 416
Physiological Action 416
Therapeutics 416
Erysipelas 416
Synonym 416
Definition 416
Symptoms 417
Complications 417
Diagnosis 417
Prognosis 417
Treatment 417
Erythema 419
Definition 419
Etiology 419
Symptoms 420
Diagnosis 422
Treatment 422
Erythema Multiforme 422
Synonyms 422
Definition 422
Etiology 423
Pathology 423
Symptoms 423
Diagnosis 424
Prognosis 424
Treatment 424
Erythema Nodosum 424
Definition 424
Incidence 425
Etiology 425
Diagnosis 426
Prognosis 426
Treatment 426
Erythrol Tetranitrate 426
Preparations and Dose 426
Physiological Action 426
Therapeutics 426
Esophagectomy 426
Definition 426
General Considerations 427
Cervical Esophagectomy 427
Preliminary Treatment 427
Extent of Excision 427
Anesthesia 428
Operative Procedure 428
After-treatment 429
Reconstruction of Esophagus 430
Thoracic Esophagectomy 431
Retropleural Method 432
Transpleural Method 432
Torek's Transpleural Method 434
Torek's Extrapleural Method 439
Esophagectomy in Uppermost Part of Thorax 440
Danger from Injury to Vagi 440
Abdominal Esophagectomy 440
Combined Thoracic and Abdominal Esophagectomy 442
Results of Esophagectomy 444
Esophagus,Diseases of 445
Introduction 445
Anatomic and Physiologic Considerations 445
Deglutition 446
Secondary Swallowing Movements 447
Peristalsis of the Esophagus 447
Anomalies of Esophagus 447
Congenital Stricture 447
Congenital Diverticula 448
Congenital Webs 448
Symptomatology 448
Diagnosis 448
Prognosis 448
Treatment 449
Spontaneous Rupture of Esophagus 449
Trauma of Esophagus 449
Symptoms 450
Diagnosis 450
Prognosis 450
Treatment 450
Acute Esophagitis 450
Diagnosis 451
Prognosis 451
Prophylaxis 451
Treatment 451
Chronic Esophagitis 451
Definition 451
Etiology 451
Symptoms 452
Treatment 452
Erosions and Ulcers 452
Erosions 452
Ulcers 452
Peptic Ulcer 452
Stenosis of Esophagus,Cicatricial 455
Definition 455
Etiology 455
Pathology 456
Symptomatology 456
Diagnosis 456
Treatment 456
Functional Diseases of Esophagus 458
Definition 458
Paralysis of Deglutition 459
Incoordination of Cropharyngeal Pinchcock 461
Incoordination of Diaphragmatic Pinchcock 461
Diverticulum of Esophagus 464
Diverticulum of Thoracic Esophagus 465
Congenital Diverticulum of Thoracic Esophagus 466
Pulsion Diverticulum of Pharynx 467
Compression Stenosis 474
Etiology 474
Symptoms 474
Diagnosis 475
Treatment 475
Carcinoma and Sarcoma 476
Definition 476
Incidence 476
Etiology 476
Pathology 477
Symptomatology 478
Diagnosis 479
Prognosis 480
Prophylaxis 480
Treatment 481
Benign Growths 484
Etiology 484
Symptoms 484
Diagnosis 484
Treatment 484
Hysteria of Esophagus and Globus Hystericus 485
Angioneurotic Edema,Herpes,Urticaria,and Serum Disease 485
Diagnosis 485
Prognosis 486
Treatment 486
Foreign Body 486
Symptomatology and Diagnosis 486
Prognosis 497
Treatment 501
Estruation 510
Definition 510
Physiologic Investigations 511
Phenomena of Estrus Cycle 511
Estrus Cycle of Rat 511
Ovulation and Its Phenomena 512
Correlation of Various Phenomena of Estrus 512
Estrus Cycle of Rabbit 514
Menstruation of Primates 514
Female Sex Hormones Concerned with Estruation 515
Anterior Lobe of Hypophysis 515
Hormones Produced by Ovary 515
Luteal Hormone 515
Ether(Sulphuric Ether) 516
Preparations and Doses 517
Ethyl Aminobenzoate 517
Preparations and Dose 517
Physiological Action 517
Therapeutics 517
Ethyl Bromide 518
Preparations and Dose 518
Physiological Action and Untoward Effects 518
Therapeutics 518
Ethyl Chloride 518
Dose and Physiological Action 518
Poisoning by Ethyl Chloride 519
Treatment of Ethyl Chloride Poisoning 519
Therapeutics 519
Local Anesthesia 519
Neuralgia 520
Ethyl Hydrocupreine or Optochin 520
Dose and Administration 520
Physiological Action 520
Untoward Effects 520
Therapeutics 520
Ethylene 521
Preparation and Properties 521
Physiological Action and Untoward Effects 521
Therapeutics 522
Eucaine Hydrochloride 524
Preparations and Dose 524
Physiological Action 524
Poisoning by Eucaine 525
Treatment of Eucaine Poisoning 525
Therapeutics 525
Eucalyptus 526
Preparations and Dose 526
Physiological Action 526
Poisoning by Eucalyptus 526
Treatment of Poisoning by Eucalyptus 526
Therapeutics 526
Gastrointestinal Disorders 527
Bronchial Disorders 527
Genitourinary Disorders 527
Nervous Disorders 527
Euphthalmine Hydrochloride 527
Preparations and Dose 527
Physiological Action 527
Therapeutics 527
Europhen 527
Dose and Physiological Action 527
Therapeutics 527
Wounds 528
Cutaneous Disorders 528
Venereal Disorders 528
Nasal Disorders 528
Exalgin 528
Dose 528
Physiological Action 528
Exalgin Poisoning 528
Treatment of Exalgin Poisoning 529
Therapeutics 529
Exanthema Subitum 529
Age Incidence and Communicability 530
Symptomatology 530
Diagnosis 531
Prognosis 531
Treatment 531
Exercise,Therapeutic 531
Passive Exercise or Relaxed Movement 532
Active Exercise 533
Exercises for Various Joints 536
Management of Sprain and Shoulder Joint 536
Exercises in Fractures of Leg 539
Foot Exercises 541
Indications for Exercises 543
In Convalescence 543
In Chronic Arthritis 543
In Chronic Constipation 544
In Diabetes 544
In Heart Disease 544
In Pulmonary Tuberculosis 545
In After-treatment of Hemiplegia 545
In Tabes Dorsalis 546
In Spinal Deformities 548
In Infantile Paralysis and Peripheral Nerve Injuries 549
In Obstetric Paralysis 550
In Dysmenorrhea 551
In Pregnancy 551
In Puerperium 551
In Mental Cases 551
Active Exercise versus Mechanical Vibrators 552
Hydrogymnastics 553
Introduction 553
Principles of Hydrogymnastics 554
Muscle Reeducation 557
Construction and Care of Equipment 562
Exercises Used in Hydrogymnastics 564
Treatment Schedule 565
Therapeutic Application 566
Eyeball 568
Sclera and Cornea 568
Pathological Considerations of the Cornea 569
Uveal Tract 570
Iris 570
Ciliary Body 571
Choroid 571
Uveal Tract,Pathological Considerations of 572
Retina 573
Pathological Considerations 574
Optic Nerve 575
Pathological Considerations 576
Vitreous 576
Pathological Considerations 577
Lens 577
Pathological Considerations 577
Anterior Chamber 578
Posterior Chamber 578
Aqueous 578
Pathological Considerations 578
Nerve Supply of Eye 579
Blood Supply of Eye 579
Eyelids,Diseases of 580
Injuries 580
1.Bruises and Abrasions 580
2.Cuts and Lacerations 580
3.Burns 581
Inflammation of Eyelids 581
Abscess(Phlegmon) 581
Perifolliculitis(Hordeolum;Stye) 582
Anomalies 582
Congenital 582
Acquired 582
Blepharitis Ulcerosa 584
Dermatosis of Eyelids 585
Eczema 585
Acne Rosacea 585
Lupus Erythematosus 585
Lupus Vulgaris 586
Leprosy 586
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus 586
Xanthoma 586
Molluscum Contagiosum 586
Blastomycosis 587
Sporotrichosis of Lids 587
Chalazion or Meibomian Cyst 587
Edema of Eyelids 588
Blepharochalasis of Lid 588
Solid Edema 588
Blepharoptosis 588
Epithelial Tumors 589
Papillomas 589
Epithelioma 589
Molluscum Fibrosum of von Recklinghausen 590
Eyes,Diseases of 590
Injuries of 590
Direct Trauma,Injuries by 590
Eye Injuries Produced by Indirect Trauma 597
Injuries from Light,Electricity and Heat 597
Complications of Eye Injuries 598
Intraocular Foreign Bodies 600
General Considerations 600
Tolerance 601
Diagnostic Factors and Diagnostic Procedures 603
Localization 604
Diagnosis of Diseases of Eye by Slit Lamp(Biomicroscopy) 616
Slit Lamp Microscopes 616
Fasting,a Study in 626
Definition 626
Therapeutic Effects 627
Prolonged Fasts 627
Scientific Observations 627
Physiological Effect 628
War Edema 629
Duration of Life under Starvation 629
Effect of Age upon Body Weight Loss 630
Effect of External Temperature 631
Water Deprivation 631
Gastrointestinal Tract in Fasting 632
Gastric Contractions and Hunger 632
Gastric Secretion 632
Changes in Gall-bladder 633
Protein Metabolism Changes during Fasting 633
Total Nitrogen Excretion 634
Stored Protein 635
Stored Fat 636
Fat Withdrawal from Diet 636
Blood Fat 636
Blood Cholesterol in Fasting 637
Weight Changes of Organs of Body 638
Fasting and Carbohydrate Tolerance 638
Effect of Forced Fluids 639
Effect of Repeated Fasts 640
Blood Picture Changes 641
Cell Count 641
Regenerative Power of Various Substances 642
Body Surface Area and Heat Production 642
Respiratory Quotient 643
Ketosis of Starvation 647
Variations in Different Species 647
Acid-base Metabolism during Fasting 647
Fasting and Epilepsy 648
Excretion in Fasting Acidosis 650
Creatin and Creatinine 651
Uric Acid 653
Urea and Urea Nitrogen 654
Ammonia 654
Chlorine 655
Phosphorus 655
Sulphur 655
Calcium 656
Magnesium 657
Sodium and Potassium 657
Feces 662
Fatigue 663
Introduction 663
Feeling of Fatigue 663
Causes of Fatigue 664
Physical Exertion 664
Nutrition 665
Inadequate Sleep 667
Light 667
Noise and Vibration 667
Ventilation 668
Psychogenic Fatigue 668
Occupational Fatigue 669
Endocrinological Factors 670
Summary 670
Fats(Lipides),Chemistry of 670
Simple Lipides 671
Fats 671
Waxes 673
Compound Lipides 674
Phospholipides 674
Lecithin 674
Cephalin or Kephalin 675
Sphingomyelin 675
Glycolipides 676
Derived Lipides 676
Fatty Acids 676
Sterols 678
Physiological Importance of Lipides 679
Fecal Impaction 680
Symptoms 680
Diagnosis 681
Therapeutics 681
Feces,Chemistry of 681
Fecal Components 682
Examination of Stool 682
Chemical Composition of Feces 683
Fecal Bacteria 683
Nitrogenous Substances 684
Lipides 685
Fecal Enzymes 688
Mineral Constituents 688
Hydrogen Ion Concentration and Acid-base Balance 690
Blood in Feces 691
Summary 691
Ferments 692
Filariasis 698
Definition 698
Geographical Distribution 698
Filariasis Associated with Filaria(Wuchereria)Bancroft 698
General Description 698
The Parasites 699
Pathology 700
Clinical Manifestations 702
Diagnosis 704
Prophylaxis 704
Treatment 704
Fistul? 705
Definition 705
Etiology 705
Varieties 705
Types 705
Salivary Fistul? 705
Tracheal Fistul? 705
Esophageal Fistul? 705
Lymph Fistul? or Lymphorrhagia 705
Aerial Fistul? 705
Preauricular Fistul? 705
Branchial Fistul? 706
Thyroglossal Fistul? 706
Bronchial Fistul? 706
Biliobronchial Fistul? 706
Biliary Fistul? 706
Gastric Fistul? 707
Duodenal Fistul? 707
Gastrojejunocolic Fistul? 707
Sigmoidovesical Fistul? 707
Postoperative Fecal Fistul? 708
External Intestinal Fistul? 709
Internal Intestinal Fistul? 709
Umbilical Fistul? 709
Ureteral Fistul? 709
Urinary Tract and Vaginal Fistul? 710
Vesicocervical Fistul? 710
Anal Fistul? 711
Perianal Urinary Fistul? 712
Flatulence 713
Definition 713
Etiology 713
Treatment 713
Focal Infection 714
Definition 715
Sites of Occurrence 715
Causation 716
Bacteriology 716
Modes of Entrance of Bacteria into Primary Focus 717
Source 717
Pathways of Dissemination 717
Pathology 718
Diagnosis 721
History of Primary Focus 721
Symptoms 722
Subjective Symptoms of Chronic Primary Foci 723
Objective Symptoms 723
Systemic Diseases which Have Their Origin in Foci of Infection 725
Treatment 725
Prophylaxis 726
Elimination of Focus 726
Food Poisoning 731
Introduction 731
Poisoning Due to Infection 732
Diagnosis 733
Symptoms 734
Treatment 734
Poisoning Due to Toxins 735
Milk Poisoning 735
Mushroom Poisoning 735
Grain and Vegetable Poisoning 737
Fish Poisoning 737
Foods and Dietetics 739
General Considerations 739
Adequate Diet Requirements 741
Energy Requirement 741
Protein Requirement 743
Mineral Requirement 743
Other Mineral Elements 747
Vitamine Requirement 748
Food Products 751
Foods of Animal Origin 751
Foods of Vegetable Origin 754
Fruits 757
Nuts 758
Molasses,Syrups and Honey 758
Beverages 758
Dietetics 758
Diet in Disease 762
Diseases in which Diet is of Paramount Importance 763
Diseases in which Diets Are of Varying Importance 763
Special Types of Diets 763
High Roughage Diets 763
Smooth Diet 764
High Fat Diets 764
Obesity Diet 764
High Caloric Diets 765
Base-forming Diets 765
Diets of High and Low Protein Content 766
Water Requirements 767
Low Purin Diets 767
Food Analysis 768
1.Sampling 768
2.Moisture 768
3.Ash 768
4.Protein 768
5.Fat 769
6.Carbohydrate 769
7.Vitamines 770
Foods,Irradiation of 782
Foods Suitable for Irradiation 785
Practical Aspects 787
Foodstuffs,Specific Dynamic Action of 789
Introduction 789
Methods of Study 789
Effect of Protein 790
Effect of Fat 791
Effect of Carbohydrate 792
Effect of Combinations of Protein,Fat and Carbohydrate 792
Factors Influencing Specific Dynamic Effect 793
External Temperature 793
Exercise 793
Nature and Amount of Ingested Substance 793
Rate of Absorption 793
Previous Diet 794
State of Nutrition 794
Interpretation 794
Specific Dynamic Action in Disease 795
Ⅰ.Diseases of Metabolism 795
Ⅱ.Diseases of Endocrine Glands 796
Ⅲ.Infectious Diseases 797
Summary 797
Formic Aldehyde,or Formaldehyde 798
Preparations 799
Physiological Action 799
Poisoning by Formic Aldehyde 799
Treatment of Formaldehyde Poisoning 799
Uses in Disinfection 799
Therapeutic Uses 800
Gynecological Disorders 800
General Surgery 800
Cutaneous Disorders 801
Fourth Disease 801
Symptoms 801
Diagnosis 802
Treatment 803
Fractures 803
Definition 803
Etiology 803
Predisposing Causes 803
Pathology 803
Classification 803
Pathologic Changes 805
Bullet Wounds 806
Repair of Fractures 806
Regeneration of Bone 807
Repair of Compound Fractures 807
Symptoms 807
Deformity 807
Abnormal Mobility 808
Crepitus 808
Loss of Function 808
Pain 808
Auscultation and Percussion 808
Clinical Picture 809
Diagnosis 809
X-ray Examination 809
Differential Diagnosis 809
A.Sprain 809
B.Dislocation 810
C.Contusion 810
Prognosis 810
Treatment 811
Varieties 813
Position 815
Operative Treatment 816
Splints 817
After-treatment 817
Compound Fractures 818
Pseudoarthrosis,or Delayed or Nonunion 820
Special Fractures 821
Fractures of Skull 821
Fracture of Nasal Bones 831
Fracture of Zygomatic(Malar)and Maxillary Bones 831
Fracture of Mandible(Lower Jaw) 832
Fracture of Hyoid Bone,Larynx and Trachea 833
Fracture of Sternum 833
Fractures of Ribs 833
Fracture of Costal Cartilages 833
Fractures of Clavicle 833
Fractures of Scapula 836
Fractures of Humerus 837
Fractures of Carpus 847
Fractures of Phalanges 848
Fractures of Pelvis 848
Fractures of Femur 849
Fractures of Foot 862
Treatment of Fractures by Closed Method 863
Mechanical Principles Employed 863
Anesthesia 864
Use of X-rays 865
Hoke Plaster-traction Apparatus 865
Fractures of Hand and Fingers 870
Fractures of Shafts of Radius 871
Fractures of Shafts of Radius and Ulna 871
Fractures of Humerus 871
Fractures of Clavicle 878
Fractures of Pelvis 879
Fractures of Acetabulum 879
Fractures of Neck of Femur 879
Fractures of Shaft of Femur 882
Fractures of Patella 883
Fractures of Head of Tibia 883
Fractures of Shafts of Tibia and Fibula 884
Fractures of Tibia and Fibula at Ankle 886
Compressed and Comminuted Fractures of Calcaneus 887
Operative Treatment of Fractures 887
Introduction 887
Training,Armamentarium,etc 890
Anesthesia 891
Delayed Union and Nonunion 892
Bone Grafts 892
Prevention and Treatment of Infection 892
Physio-mechanical Electrotherapy 894
End Functional Results 894
Operative Procedures 894
Ununited Fractures 903
Treatment 903
Fullness,Sense of 926
Stomach Fullness 926
Etiology 926
Diagnosis 926
Intestinal Fullness 926
Etiology 926
Fullness of Undetermined Origin 927
Diagnosis 927
Treatment of Sense of Fullness 927
Galactose 927
Gambir 927
Preparations and Doses 927
Physiological Action and Therapeutics 928
Gangosa 928
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- 《企业的社会责任 通过公益事业拓展更多的商业机会 doing the most good for your company and your cause》菲利普·科特勒(Philip Kotler),南希·李(Nancy Lee)著;姜文波等译 2006
- 《CWQM实践法 全公司品质管理》钟朝嵩著 2010
- 《美国无形资产会计制度的历史演变 1900年至2010年(日文)》付丹丹著 2017