Medical Information For Social WorkersPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:William Matthew Champion
- 出 版 社:The Williams & Wilkins Company
- 出版年份:1938
- 页数:529 页
INTRODUCTION.&William M.Champion,M.D 1
CHAPTERⅠ. The social worker's need for medical information.&William M.Champion,M.D 5
CHAPTERⅡ. Historical aspects of medicine from earliest times to present day American medicine.&William M.Champion,M.D 16
CHAPTERⅢ. How to select a physician.How the doctor gets a patient.How the doctor reaches a diagnosis.&William M.Champion,M.D 34
CHAPTERⅣ. Diseases of the cardiovascular system:the heart.&Gerald S.Shibley,M.D 47
CHAPTERⅤ. Diseases of the cardiovascular system:arteriosclerosis,hypertension,aortitis and aneurism.&Gerald S.Shibley,M.D 62
CHAPTERⅥ. Rheumatic fever.Arthritis:acute and chronic.&Gerald S.Shibley,M.D 71
CHAPTERⅦ. Diseases of the respiratory system:the common cold,bronchitis,pneumonia.&Gerald S.Shibley,M.D 80
CHAPTERⅧ. Allergic diseases:hay fever,asthma,urticaria,eczema.Peptic ulcer.Nephritis:acute,nephrosis,chronic.&Gerald S.Shibley,M.D 91
CHAPTERⅨ. Diseases of the endocrine glands.Disturbances of the thyroid gland.The pancreas:diabetes mellitus.The pituitary gland.The parathyroid glands.The gonads(sex glands).&Gerald S.Shibley,M.D 105
CHAPTERⅩ. Syphilis.&Gerald S.Shibley,M.D 125
CHAPTERⅪ. Tuberculosis.&Gerald S.Shibley,M.D 136
CHAPTERⅫ. Miscellaneous conditions.Anemia.Pernicious anemia.Affections of the blood vessels of the brain&Gerald S.Shibley,M.D 147
CHAPTERⅩⅢ. Pediatrics:definition.The newborn:physical development and hygiene.&William M.Champion,M.D 157
CHAPTERⅩⅣ. The first year:weight,length,functional development.Dentition.Breast feeding.Diet of nursing mother.Weaning.Artificial feeding:types of milk used.Feeding habits.&William M.Champion,M.D 166
CHAPTER ⅩⅤ. Development and diet of children of preschool and school age.Malnutriton.The adolescent.&William M.Champion,M.D 186
CHAPTERⅩⅥ. Nutritional disorders of infancy and childhood.Rickets.Spasmophilia.Scurvy.&William M.Champion,M.D 194
CHAPTERⅩⅦ. Rheumatic fever.Heart disease in children.Chorea.&William M.Champion,M.D 206
CHAPTERⅩⅧ. Miscellaneous conditions&William M.Champion,M.D 216
CHAPTERⅩⅨ. Infectious diseases.&William M.Champion,M.D 233
CHAPTER ⅩⅩ. Surgery:Inflammation.Indications for operation.Blood grouping.Blood transfusion.Asepsis.Antisepsis.Anesthesia.Anesthetics.&John W.Holloway,M.D 246
CHAPTERⅩⅪ. Traumatic surgery—accidents.Disfigurement of Scars.Lockjaw.Burns.Stiff joints.Fractures:skull,wrist,hip,leg.Amputation.Medicolegal aspects.&John W.Holloway,M.D 258
CHAPTERⅩⅫ. Cancer:carcinoma,sarcoma.Diagnosis.Treatment.Prognosis.Program for control.&John W.Holloway,M.D 272
CHAPTERⅩⅩⅢ. Gynecology—diseases of women.&Robert L.Faulkner,M.D 282
CHAPTER ⅩⅩⅣ. Gonorrhea.General considerations.Mode of infection.Treatment.&Herbert B.Wright,M.D 308
CHAPTERⅩⅩⅤ. Orthopedics.Crippling deformities,tuberculosis of hip,spine,osteomyelitis,infantile paralysis,spastic paralysis,obstetrical paralysis,rachitic deformity,other deformities.&Maxwell Harbin,M.D 347
CHAPTERⅩⅩⅥ. Otorhinolaryngology.&I.F.Weidlein,M.D 372
CHAPTER ⅩⅩⅦ. Ophthalmology:Sight saving and blindness.Care of the eyes at various ages.Anatomy of the eye.Refractive errors.Fitting of glasses.Squint.&M.PaulMotto,M.D 402
CHAPTERⅩⅩⅧ. Infectious and constitutional diseases of the eye.Eyes in contagious disease,sore eyes,trachoma,keratitis,ulcer of the eye,syphilis and the eye,glaucoma,cataract,optic neuritis.&M.Paul Motto,M.D 432
CHAPTERⅩⅩⅨ. Obstetrics.Physiology of pregnancy and prenatal care.Cessation of menstruation,morning sickness,fetal movements,enlargement of abdomen,medical care,diet,rest,recreation and clothes.&Floyd S.Mowry,M.D 461
CHAPTERⅩⅩⅩ. Obstetrics.&Floyd S.Mowry,M.D 473
APPENDIX Ⅰ.Exercises in Anatomy and Physiology 490
APPENDIX Ⅱ.Bibliography 499
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