财务报表分析与证劵价值评估 第3版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)彭曼著
- 出 版 社:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- 页数:721 页
1 Introduction to Investing and Valuation 2
2 Introduction to the Financial Statements 32
PART ONE Financial Statements and Valuation 72
3 How Financial Statements Are Used in Valuation 74
4 Cash Accounting,Accrual Accounting,and Discounted Cash Flow Valuation 118
5 Accrual Accounting and Valuation:Pricing BookValues 154
6 Accrual Accounting and Valuation:Pricing Earnings 198
PART TWO The Analysis of Financial Statements 234
7 Business Activities and Financial Statements 236
8 The Analysis of the Statement of Shareholders'Equity 262
9 The Analysis of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement 300
10 The Analysis of the Cash Flow Statement 346
11 The Analysis of Profitability 370
12 The Analysis of Growth and Sustainable Earnings 408
PART THREE Forecasting and Valuation Analysis 460
13 The Value of Operations and the Evaluation of Enterprise Price-to-Book Ratios and Price-Earnings Ratios 462
14 Simple Forecasting and Simple Valuation 510
15 Full-Information Forecasting,Valuation,and Business Strategy Analysis 546
PART FOUR Accounting Analysis and Valuation 590
16 Creating Accounting Value and Economic Value 592
17 Analysis of the Quality of Financial Statements 632
PART FIVE The Analysis of Risk 682
18 The Analysis of Equity Risk and the Cost of Capital 684
19 The Analysis of Credit Risk 720
APPENDIX A Summary of Formulas已删除 764
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