计划生育生殖生物学国家重点实验室简况及论文集 2000PDF电子书下载
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- 作 者:中国科学院动物研究所,计划生育生殖生物学国家重点实验室
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:322 页
The P53/Retinoblastoma-mediated repression of testicular orphan receptor-2 in the rhesus monkey with cryptorchidism 1
小鼠附睾头精子获得与卵子质膜融合能力的物质基础研究 105
M16添加牛磺酸和EDTA支持昆明白小鼠体外受精并发育至囊胚 112
Expression of urokinase,plasminogen activator inhibitors and urokinase receptor in pregnant rhesus monkey uterus during early placentation 114
Effect of 32/67 kDa laminin-binding protein antibody on mouse embryo implantation 124
Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2,-9,and -14,tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase-1,and matrix proteins in human placenta during the first trimester 130
Effects of leukaemia inhibitory factor on embryo implantation in the mouse 137
Localization and possible role of membrane type metalloproteinase and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase-1 in early stages of placentation 144
Localization and possible role of plasminogen activators and inhibitors in early stages of placentation 154
Induction of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and -2 activity in mouse blastocyst by fibronectin-integrin interaction 166
Role of αVβ3 integrin in embryo implantation in the mouse 176
阿片肽对人早期胎盘基质金属蛋白酶-2和-9的调节作用 188
层粘连蛋白、纤粘连蛋白及IV型胶原抗血清对小鼠胚泡着床的影响 195
In situ hybridization and immunofluorescent localization of tPA,uPA,PAI-1 and PAI-2 in human and rhesus monkey placentae 200
人早孕子宫蜕膜催乳素分泌的调节 209
黄体中期给予米非司酮对生殖激素和子宫内膜的影响 213
米非司酮对子宫内膜整合素亚单位α4和β3表达的影响 216
Microsatellite DNA analysis proves nucleus of interspecies reconstructed blastocyst coming from that of donor giant panda 221
Reduction of choline acetyltransferase activities in APP770 transgenic mice 227
Selective loss of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in APP770 transgenic mice 235
几种克服昆明小鼠2-细胞胚胎发育阻滞的培养液研究 238
小鼠子宫增重法检测国产三氯杀螨醇的雌激素生物活性 245
克隆与大熊猫 249
Expression and regulation of mRNAs for insulin-like growth factor(LGF-I),IGF-binding protin-2,and LH receptor in the process of follicular atresia 25
动物克隆四次浪潮与展望 251
人胎盘滋养层细胞形态分化的特征、结构基础及调节 259
子宫—胎盘血管紧张素及其受体 270
动物转基因技术的新进展 275
如何利用国际互联网络获得最新科研资料 278
胚胎植入中白细胞介素-1的信号转导及其生理作用 282
胚胎植入及其细胞因子调节研究进展 288
哺乳动物克隆的原理与途径 293
细胞周期的空间调控 298
睾丸生殖细胞的凋亡及其调控 300
动物细胞培养 306
Immortalization of normal human placenta-origin cytotrophoblast cell line(NPC)by regeneration of telomerase activity 308
显微授精与动物克隆的研究及进展 319
Expression and regulation of mRNAs for insulin-like growth factor-I receptor and LH receptor in corpora lutea 39
Expression and regulation of orphan receptor TR2 mRNA in germ cells of cryptorchid testis in rat and rhesus monkey 53
Localization of orphan receptor TR3 mRNA in early developmental follicles in rat 65
Expression of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein and its regulation by interferon-gamma in rat corpus luteum 75
Effect of EGF on initiation of primordial follicle growth in ovary of newborn rat 8
甾体激素合成快速调节蛋白mRNA在卵泡发育和闭锁过程的表达 87
血管紧张素Ⅱ在小鼠卵巢上的定位与分布 94
In vitro fertilisation of mouse oocytes reconstructed by transfer of metaphase Ⅱ chromosomes results in live births 99
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