外语教学法 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:茹克叶·穆罕默德,安静,张庆华编
- 出 版 社:北京:知识产权出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787513010900
- 页数:230 页
Chapter One Theories on Language Teaching 1
1.1 Theories on Language Teaching 1
1.2 Krashen's Theory on Language Acquisition 5
1.3 Role of Mother Tongue in Second Language Acquisition 10
1.4 Conclusion 13
Chapter Two Brief History of Language Teaching 14
2.1 The Influence of Greek Education 14
2.2 Struggle between Traditional and Progressive Approaches 15
2.3 The Figures Who Influenced Language Teaching 16
2.4 The Relationship between English and Other Languages 23
2.5 Conclusion 26
Chapter Three Classroom Management 27
3.1 Classroom Management 27
3.2 Teachers'Role 31
3.3 Lesson Planning 35
3.4 Class Atmosphere 36
3.5 Large EFL Classes 37
3.6 Conclusion 44
Chapter Four Listening and Speaking Instruction 45
4.1 Introduction to Listening 45
4.2 Principles of Listening Teaching 47
4.3 Listening Instruction in the Classroom 50
4.4 An Example of Listening Instruction 53
4.5 Introduction to Speaking 55
4.6 Principles for Teaching Speaking 57
4.7 Classroom Activities 59
4.8 Examples of Speaking Activities 61
4.9 Conclusion 63
Chapter Five Reading Instruction 64
5.1 Introduction to Reading 64
5.2 Principles of Reading Instruction 69
5.3 Reading Instruction in the Classroom 74
5.4 An Example of Reading Instruction 74
5.5 Conclusion 76
Chapter Six Writing Instruction 77
6.1 Introduction to Writing 77
6.2 Principles of Writing Instruction 80
6.3 Writing Instruction in the Classroom 84
6.4 An Example of Writing Instruction 86
6.5 Conclusion 90
Chapter Seven Pronunciation Teaching 91
7.1 Introduction to English Pronunciation Teaching and Learning 91
7.2 Types of Pronunciation Errors in China 97
7.3 Tentative Explanations for Students'Pronunciation Errors 99
7.4 Several Ways to Teach Pronunciation 103
7.5 Suggestions for English Pronunciation Teaching and Learning 104
7.6 The Future of Pronunciation Teaching 107
7.7 Conclusion 108
Chapter Eight Vocabulary Teaching and Learning 109
8.1 Introduction:Vocabulary Teaching and Learning in Its Current State 109
8.2 What Needs to Be Taught and Learned 110
8.3 How Should Vocabulary Teaching and Learning Occur 114
8.4 Conclusion 125
Chapter Nine Grammar Teaching 126
9.1 The Role of Grammar in Language Teaching 127
9.2 What Can Learners Learn about Grammar 128
9.3 What Can Teachers Teach about Grammar 130
9.4 Conclusion 141
Chapter Ten Integrating Skills 142
10.1 Why Should the Skills Need to Be Integrated 142
10.2 Basic Forms of Integrating Skills 144
10.3 Integration-Oriented Language Teaching Approaches 145
10.4 Conclusion 157
Chapter Eleven Observation of Teacher Talk 158
11.1 Definition of Teacher Talk 158
11.2 Types of the IRF Model 160
11.3 Analysis of Teacher Talk 161
11.4 Questioning and Its Pragmatic Function 166
11.5 Evaluating and Its Pragmatic Function 168
11.6 Teacher's Voice 170
11.7 Conclusion 171
Chapter Twelve Foreign Language Teacher Education 172
12.1 Conceptual Foundation of Foreign Language Teacher Education 172
12.2 An Important Paradigm in Teacher Development—Critical Reflection 176
12.3 Some Current Approaches to Professional Development for Foreign Language Teachers 177
12.4 Activities and Procedures for Teacher Preparation of Classes 184
12.5 Teacher Supervision 185
12.6 Conclusion 186
Chapter Thirteen History of Foreign Language Teaching at Home and Abroad 187
13.1 Historical Development of Foreign Language Teaching in China 187
13.2 Language Teaching at Present 193
13.3 Overall Developmental History of Foreign Language Teaching in the World 195
13.4 Conclusion 198
Chapter Fourteen Main Genres of Language Teaching Methods 199
14.1 Main Language Teaching Methods 200
14.2 Conclusion 216
References 217
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