- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:蒋斌,何翠萍主编
- 出 版 社:中央研究院民族学研究所
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:9576719615
- 页数:517 页
导论&何翠萍、蒋斌 1
主题演讲 31
Questions of Identity during the Ch’ing Dynasty&Wang Gungwu 31
论文 59
徘徊在汉与非汉之间:北川羌族的历史人类学研究&王明珂 59
闽西东山萧氏的宗族文化及其特质&杨彦杰 105
Rethinking Sinicization: Processes of Acculturation and Assimilation&John R.Shepherd 133
十八及十九世纪台湾福佬客家械斗&许文雄 151
A Minority among the Minorities: The Han Chinese in a Multiethnic Community in Southwest China&Chuan-kang Shih 205
Global Science, National Politics and Assimilationist Discourse in Modern China&Frank Dikotter 251
The Politics of Cultural Identities and Therapeutic Practices in Yunnan’s Lijiang Basin:Tracing out Naxi and State Narratives of Modernity in Socialist China&Sydney D.White 279
“Dissecting a Sparrow”: Ethnology,Locality, and the Study of the Jinxiu Yao&Ralph A.Litzinger 339
Derivative Discourses and Ethnic Resources:Theme Parks and Indigenous Politics in China&Dru C.Gladney 383
Ethnicizing Production and Consumption:The Miao, the Media, and the Market&Louisa Schein 437
The Best of All Worlds? Hybridity of Baba Identities in Singapore&Jurgen Rudolph 473
Chinese-Indigenous Relations in Sarawak:A Historical Perspective&Daniel Chew 503
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