- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9004220690
- 页数:341 页
Introduction. Welcome to Global Governance 2.0 1
The Argument in Brief 2
The Book's Organization 4
1 An Enormous Archipelago of Self-Contained Subjectivities 11
Introduction 11
A. Risk Societies, or How Uncertainty Paves the Path to Global Governance 12
B. Subjectivation in Risk Society 18
C. Governance in the Context of Extreme Uncertainty 27
D. International Law Constitutes Global Subjects 30
E. Fragmented Law Constitutes Fragmented Subjects 36
F. Beyond Citizenship 43
G. Defining Global Governance and Limiting the Scope 47
H. Conclusion 52
2 In Search of International Homo Economicus 53
Introduction 53
A. The Expansion of International Economic Law 54
B. Risk Society and International Economic Law 55
C. Subjectivation in International Economic Law 60
1. The Genealogy of International Homo Economicus:The Uneasy Relation between Public International Law and Economics 62
a. L&E's Extreme Makeover One: Methodological Individualism and Rational Choice 65
b. L&E's Extreme Makeover Two: Law as a Means to an End 70
D. Homo Economicus in Practice: The Case of International Investment Law 76
1. The Architecture of Investment Arbitration as Global Governance 78
2. Case 1: Indirect Expropriation as an Instance of Subjectivation in Investment Arbitration 84
3. Case 2. Fair and Equitable Treatment as an Instance of Subjectivation in Investment Arbitration 88
E. Conclusion 92
3 Empty Souls: Subjectivation in International Human Rights Law 93
Introduction 93
A. The Expansion of Human Rights Law 94
B. Risk Society and Human Rights Law 96
C. The Individualism of Human Rights Law 99
D. The Subjectivation Process in Human Rights Law,Phase One: Agency and Dignity 105
1. Human Dignity and International Law 106
2. Dignity and Subjectivation in Human Rights Law 110
3. Institutions and the Paradox of Human Rights Instrumentalism 113
E. The Subjectivation Process in Human Rights Law, Phase Two: Bureaucratization and Expertise as Technologies of Subjectivation 116
1. The Deferral Move 118
2. Bureaucratization of Human Rights Law 119
F. Conclusion 123
PART Ⅱ 127
4 Communal Subjects: Subjectivation in Global Law 127
Introduction 127
A. Backlash! Global Constitutionalism and Global Administrative Law as a Reaction to Fragmentation 128
1. A Matter of (Legal) Faith 132
2. Risk Society and Global Transformation through Law 136
3. A Hole in the Soul: The Need for Legitimacy 138
B. Unintended Consequences: The Birth of the Communal Subject 140
1. A Working Concept of Legitimacy 142
2. "Legitimacy among Nations" 143
3. Legitimacy through Subjectivation 146
4. "Community" as a Requirement for Subjectivation 147
5. The Communal Subject 152
C. Diverging Notion of "Community" and Subjectivation 154
1. Subjectivation in a Community of Institutions 156
2. Subjectivation in a Community of Values 157
3. Subjectivation in a Community of Interests 158
4. What Community? Whose Subjectivation? 160
D. Further Steps: Subjectivation through Participation in Global Governance 161
Methodological Intermezzo: Participation as a Technology of Subjectivation in Global Law 163
A. Sense and Methodology 163
B. Unpacking Participation as an Analytical Unit 166
C. Legitimacy as the Ultimate Justification of Participation 169
D. End of the Intermezzo 172
5 Participation and Subjectivation by Global Judicial Bodies 173
Introduction 173
A. Communal Subjectivation at the International Court of Justice 175
B. Communal Subjectivation in Foreign Investment Arbitration 176
1. NAFTA 177
a. An Introduction to NAFTA 177
b. Breaking the Ground with Methanex 179
2. ICSID 185
a. An Introduction to ICSID 185
b. "Water, Water, Everywhere, and not a Drop to Drink" 188
3. Subjectivation through Participation in Investment Arbitration Tribunals 198
C. Communal Subjectivation in Dispute Settlement at the World Trade Organization 200
1. An Introduction to Participation in Dispute Settlement at the World Trade Organization 201
2. Communal Subjectivation and Participation at the WTO 206
3. Privatizing the Community? Developing Countries and the Communal Subject 210
4. Beyond procedure: The Community Argument and Substantive Reasoning at the WTO 214
D. Conclusion 218
6 Participation and Subjectivation by Global Non-Judicial Bodies 220
Introduction 220
A. Subjectivation and Participation before Intergovernmental Organizations: The NGO Experience 222
1. The "Advisory Status" Model 223
2. The "Observer" Model 226
3. The "Consultation and Cooperation" Model 231
4. Lessons from the International Organizations Experience 234
B. Subjectivation and Participation before the European Union 236
1. Individuals and Civil Society before EC Courts 238
a. Action of Annulment 239
b. Other Actions 245
c. Non-Party Intervention 247
2. Individuals and Civil Society before Non-Judicial Organs of the EU 248
3. Do We Want the World to Become Europe? Participation and a Particular Kind of Subjectivation 254
C. Subjectivation and Participation before Regulatory Networks 256
1. An Introduction to Regulatory Networks 257
2. Subjectivation and Participation at the International Competition Network 262
a. An Introduction to the International Competition Network 262
b. Lack of Subjectivation at the ICN 263
3. Subjectivation and Participation at the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 264
a. An Introduction to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 265
Ⅰ. Closing the Gaps in Banking Supervision 266
Ⅱ. Capital Adequacy 267
b. Incipient Practices of Subjectivation at the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 269
4. Regulatory Networks as a Laboratory of Future Subjectivation Practices 276
D. Conclusion 277
7 Subjectivation and Expertise as a Technology of Global Governance 279
Introduction 279
A. Reconnecting Humanity with Global Governance 280
1. Ethics and the Risk Society 283
2. Subjectivation as Ethical Incoherence 284
3. Subjectivation as Exclusion 287
4. Reconnecting Humanity 288
B. Agency in Subjectivation, Revisited 290
1. Substantive Constitutionalism, Relabeled 291
2. Beyond the Human Self 293
C. How to Start Thinking about Expertise in Global Governance? 297
1. Expertise as a Relation 298
2. Systemic Agency 302
3. Three Consequences 303
D. Conclusion 305
No Citizens here: By Way of Conclusion 307
Bibliography 311
Index 335
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