- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:0199693129
- 页数:436 页
Introduction: The Foundation of the Book 1
1. Different Approach to Representation 1
2. Framework for Advocacy: The Mediation Representation Triangle 8
3. Answers to Essential Representation Questions 12
4. Coverage of the Book 12
5. Three Special Features of the Book 14
Chapter 1: Negotiating in Mediations 17
1. Mediation as a Continuation of the Negotiation Process 17
2. Positional Approach—Key Features 19
3. Problem-Solving Approach—Key Features 41
4. Differences Between Positional and Problem-Solving Negotiations 70
5. Stages of Positional Negotiations (Roadmap) 71
6. Stages of Problem-Solving Negotiations (Roadmap) 75
7. Converting Positional Negotiator into Problem-Solver 79
8. Checklists: Positional and Problem-Solving Negotiations 83
Chapter 2: Familiarizing Yourself with Mediation 87
1. Mediation Definition 88
2. Stages of Mediation 89
3. Contributions of Mediators: Generally 97
4. Contributions of Mediators: Managing Orientation 99
5. Contributions of Mediators: View of Problem and Client Participation Orientations 106
6. Contributions of Mediators: Caucusing Orientations 107
7. Contributions of Mediators: Techniques 108
8. Contributions of Mediators: Controlling Mediation Stages 118
9. How Mediators Mediate Problem-Solving and Positional Processes 118
Chapter 3: CounsellingYour Client about Mediation 123
1. Professional Obligation 123
2. Client Interviewing Techniques 125
3. Process Interests Suitable for Meeting in Mediation 139
4. Process Interests Less Suitable for Meeting in Mediation 142
5. Disputes Ripe for Mediation 143
6. Presenting Mediation Option to Your Client 144
7. Checklist: Client Interview 146
Chapter 4: Negotiating an Agreement to Mediate 149
1. Procuring Agreement to Mediate 149
2. Negotiating Agreement to Mediate—Mediator Credentials 151
3. Negotiating Agreement to Mediate—Mediator Orientations 157
4. Negotiating Agreement to Mediate—Other Provisions 175
5. Selecting the Mediator—Questions for Candidate and References 179
6. Checklist: Negotiating Agreement to Mediate 182
Chapter 5: Preparing Your Case for Mediation 185
1. Prepare a Mediation Representation Plan: Overview 186
2. Negotiation Approach: Make Choice 187
3. Enlist Mediator Assistance: Overview,Manage Process,View of Problem,and Involve Client 189
4. Enlist Mediator Assistance: Caucusing 198
5. Enlist Mediator Assistance: Take Advantage of Techniques and Control of Stages 211
6. Representation Plan for the Three Is and Six Key Junctures in the Mediation Process 212
7. Prepare Public BATNA (Legal Case) and Learn Client’s Personal BATNA [Junctures 2-6] 223
8. Resolve Who Should Attend the Mediation Sessions[Junctures 4-6] 226
9. Divide Responsibilities between You and Your Client[Junctures 4-6] 231
10. Select Your Primary Audience in the Mediation [Junctures 4-6] 232
11. Prepare the Presentation of Your Legal Case [Junctures 2-6] 234
12. Prepare Preliminarily Your Complete Case Presentation,including Opening Statements [Junctures 4-6] 237
13. Consider Level of Confidentiality That You Need [Junctures 2-6] 254
14. Select the Mediator and Study the Mediation Rules [Juncture 1] 258
15. Prepare for Pre-Mediation Contacts with the Mediator[Junctures 2-3] 259
16. Prepare for Initial Information Exchange [Junctures 4-6] 262
17. Abide by Emerging Code of Conduct and Mediation Law[Junctures 2-6] 266
18. Engaging an Interpreter [Junctures 1-6] 272
19. Illustration—Comprehensive Representation Plan 273
20. Illustration—Representation Plan for a Cross-Cultural Mediation 282
21. Checklist: Preparing Mediation Representation Plan 287
Chapter 6: Preparing Your Client for Mediation 295
1. Explain the Mediation Process and Your Client’s Role 296
2. Explain How Your Role is Different than in Court 297
3. Reinterview Your Client about Interests,Impediments,and Options 297
4. Review Information Needs and Implications of Incomplete Disclosure 299
5. Review Strengths and Weaknesses of Legal Case (Public BATNA) 300
6. Probe for Your Client’s Personal Benefits and Costs of Litigating(Personal BATNA) 300
7. Finalize Mediation Representation Plan 301
8. Prepare Your Client to Answer Likely Question 301
9. Finalize Opening Statements 302
10. Checklist: Preparing Client 303
Chapter 7: Appearing in the Mediation: Pre-Mediation Conference,Mediation Session,and Post-Session 305
1. Pre-Mediation Conference 305
2. Mediation Session 307
3. Post-Session 335
4. Checklist: Mediation Appearances 344
Chapter 8: Breaking Impasses with Alternatives to Mediation (ATM) 347
1. Causes of Impasses: Needs Unmet in the Mediation 347
2. Alternatives to Mediation (ATM): A Glossary 354
Appendices 371
A. Decision-Tree Plus Analysis 373
B. Present Value Tables 382
C. Sample Mediator Retainer and Confidentiality Agreement 385
D. Sample Pre-Mediation Submission 387
E. Sample Opening Statements 390
F. Final-Offer Arbitration Rules 393
G. Sample Agreements to Mediate 395
H. Cultivating Information—Attentive and Proactive Listening 399
I. Cultural Differences 406
J. List of Useful Web Links by Category 423
Index 427
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