Philosophy of LawPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:25 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Joel Feinberg
- 出 版 社:Wadsworth Publishing
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9780495095057;0495095052
- 页数:968 页
PART ONE The Nature of Law 1
1 The Natural Law Tradition 8
1 SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS: Selections from On Law, Morality, and Politics 8
2 LON L.FULLER: Eight Ways to Fail to Make Law 13
3 MARK C.MURPHY: Natural Law Jurisprudence 17
4 JEREMY BENTHAM: Of Laws in General 36
5 LON L.FULLER: The Case of the Speluncean Explorers 37
2 Legal Positivism 55
6 JOHN AUSTIN: A Positivist Conception of Law 55
7 H.L.A.HART: Law as the Union of Primary and Secondary Rules 68
8 JULES L.COLEMAN: Negative and Positive Positivism 84
9 JOSEPH RAZ: Institutionalized Normative Systems 101
3 Legal Realism and Skepticism 117
10 JEROME FRANK: Legal Realism 117
11 O.W.HOLMES, JR.: The Path of the Law 120
12 K.N.LLEWELLYN: Ships and Shoes and Sealing Wax 126
4 Principles and Legal Interpretation 134
13 RONALD DWORKIN: Integrity in Law 134
14 ANTONIN SCALIA: Common-Law Courts in a Civil-Law System: The Role of United States Federal Courts in Interpreting the Constitution and Laws 151
15 RONALD DWORKIN: Comment 161
5 Critical Theory 170
16 JURGEN HABERMAS: Constitutional Democracy: A Paradoxical Union of Contradictory Principles? 170
17 CATHARINE A.MACKINNON: Difference and Dominance: On Sex Discrimination 180
6 International Law 192
18 H.L.A.HART: Is International Law Law? 192
19 UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, 2005: Roper v.Simmons 205
7 Is There a Moral Obligation to Obey the Law? 206
20 PLATO: Crito 206
21 M.B.E.SMITH: Is There a Prima Facie Obligation to Obey the Law? 214
22 MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.: Letter from Birmingham Jail 231
PART TWO The Political Morality of Law 241
8 Liberty 251
23 JOHN STUART MILL: The Liberal Argument from On Liberty 251
24 ARTHUR RIPSTEIN: Beyond the Harm Principle 263
25 GERALD DWORKIN: Paternalism 281
9 Equality 292
26 HARRY FRANKFURT: Equality as a Moral Ideal 292
27 JOSEPH RAZ: Equality 308
28 KIM LANE SCHEPPELE: The Reasonable Woman 322
29 COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND, 1981: State v.Rusk 327
30 SUPREME COURT OF NEW JERSEY, 1984: State v.Kelly 331
31 UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, 2003: Grutter v.Bollinger 336
10 Rights 347
32 JOEL FEINBERG: The Nature and Value of Rights 347
33 JULES L.COLEMAN AND JODY KRAUS: Rethinking the Theory of Legal Rights 357
34 H.L.A.HART: Are There Any Natural Rights? 368
11 Privacy 377
35 ROBERT H.BORK: The Right of Privacy: The Construction of a Constitutional Time Bomb 377
36 LESLIE GREEN: Sexuality, Authenticity, and Modernity 380
37 UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, 1973: Roe v.Wade 392
38 UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, 1992: Planned Parenthood of S.E.Pennsylvania v.Casey 397
39 UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, 2003: Lawrence v.Texas 401
12 Freedom of Expression 409
40 CATHARINE A.MACKINNON: Not a Moral Issue 409
41 UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, 1971: Cohen v.California 426
42 SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS, 1978: Village of Skokie v.National Socialist Party of America 430
43 UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, 1980: PruneYard Shopping Center et al.v.Robins et al. 434
44 JOEL FEINBERG: Offensive Nuisances 438
13 Terrorism and Torture 456
45 MATTHEW NOAH SMITH: The Moral Significance of Terrorism 456
46 JOHN YOO AND ROBERT J.DELAHUNTY: Application of Treaties and Laws to al Qaeda and Taliban Detainees 471
47 UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, 2006: Hamdan v.Rumsfeld 479
48 ALAN M.DERSHOWITZ: Should the Ticking Bomb Terrorist Be Tortured?: A Case Study in How a Democracy Should Make Tragic Choices 497
49 JEREMY WALDRON: Torture and Positive Law: Jurisprudence for the White House 509
PART THREE Philosophy and the Law 531
14 General Principles of Responsibility 545
50 H.L.A.HART AND A.M.HONORE: Causation and Responsibility 545
51 JOEL FEINBERG: Action and Responsibility 558
52 TONY HONORE: Responsibility and Luck: The Moral Basis of Strict Liability 574
15 Punishment and Responsibility 590
53 SANFORD H.KADISH AND STEPHEN J.SCHULHOFER: The Case of Lady Eldon’s French Lace: A Hypothetical Decision on a Hypothetical State of Facts 590
54 DAVID LEWIS: The Punishment That Leaves Something to Chance 595
55 JOHN GARDNER: The Gist of Excuses 604
56 NEW YORK COURT OF APPEALS, 1962: People v.Young 615
57 NEW JERSEY SUPREME COURT, 1963: State v.Guido 618
58 HOUSE OF LORDS, 1843: The M’Naghten Rules 620
59 AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE: The Insanity Defense 621
60 JOEL FEINBERG: The Classic Debate 624
61 JOEL FEINBERG: The Expressive Function of Punishment 629
62 HERBERT MORRIS: Persons and Punishment 641
63 JEFFRIE MURPHY: Forgiveness and Resentment 655
64 STEPHEN NATHANSON: Should We Execute Those Who Deserve to Die? 665
65 UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, 1972: Furman v.Georgia 674
16 Torts and Compensation 685
66 JOHN GARDNER: Obligations and Outcomes in the Law of Torts 685
67 STEPHEN R.PERRY: Loss, Agency, and Responsibility for Outcomes:Three Conceptions of Corrective Justice 706
68 JULES COLEMAN AND ARTHUR RIPSTEIN: Mischief and Misfortune: Annual McGill Lecture in Jurisprudence and Public Policy 722
69 SEANA VALENTINE SHIFFRIN: Wrongful Life, Procreative Responsibility, and the Significance of Harm 745
70 NEW YORK COURT OF APPEALS, 1928: Palsgraf v.The Long Island Railroad Co. 767
71 SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA, IN BANK, 1948: Summers v.Tice 774
72 SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 1980: Sindell v.Abbott Laboratories 778
73 SUPREME COURT OF MINNESOTA, 1905: Mohr v.Williams 795
74 COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK, 1978: Becker v.Schwartz 799
17 Contract 809
75 ANTHONY T.KRONMAN: Contract Law and Distributive Justice 809
76 CHARLES FRIED: From Contract as Promise 829
77 RANDY E.BARNETT: Should the “Intention to Create Legal Relations” Be a Criterion of Enforceability? 850
78 RICHARD CRASWELL: Contract Law, Default Rules, and the Philosophy of Promising 856
79 SEANA VALENTINE SHIFFRIN: Paternalism, Unconscionability Doctrine, and Accommodation 873
80 SUPREME COURT OF NEW JERSEY, 109 N.J.396, 537 A.2D 1227(1987): In RE Baby M 892
18 Property 902
83 A.M.HONORE: Ownership 902
84 JOHN LOCKE: From “Of Property” 923
85 DAVID HUME: From A Treatise of Human Nature 930
86 JEREMY WALDRON: Two Worries about Mixing One’s Labour 941
87 ROBERT H.LOWIE: Incorporeal Property in Primitive Society 946
89 UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, 1980: Diamond v.Chakrabarty 960
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