建筑手册 3 生态,可持续,城市未来 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:蓝青主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:华中科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787560960418
- 页数:498 页
Abalos + Sentkiewicz Arquitectos 8
Taipei Performing Arts Centre 8
Tour de La Chapelle, Paris 14
Asymptote 20
Penang Global City Center 20
Atelier Bow-Wow 24
Hanamidori Culture Center 24
Bjarke Ingels Group 30
Zira Island Masterplan 30
Bucholz Mcevoy Architects 46
Elmpark Green Urban Quarter 46
Westmeath County Buildings and Library 60
CJ Lim / Studio 8 Architects 66
Nordhavnen Smart-city 66
Guangming Sustainable Park 74
doppiomisto 78
Costeras 78
Ostia, New Waterfront of Rome 79
Meno è Più 80
Rimesse in gioco/Depositi di idee 82
Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter 86
Sport and Culture Centre 86
Community centre Herstedlund 90
Ecosistemaurbano 96
Eco-Boulevard Madrid 96
ECDM 108
Ratp Bus Centre 108
Collage Paris Social Housing 112
Residence Ladoumegue 116
Frpo Nolaster 118
Access and Services Building Madrid City of Justic 118
CWR Extension World Trade Organization, Geneva 124
Office Building Madrid 130
OS House 134
Helen & Hard 138
Paekestol Hytte 138
Basecamp 142
The Geopark 144
Hérault Arnod Architectes 148
Rossignol World Headquarters 148
Julien De Smedt Architects 156
Rimini Seascape 156
Jorge Ayala 164
Ecotransitional Urbanism 164
Networked Territories 168
John Wardle Architects 172
Jane Foss Russell Building, University of Sydney 172
Melbourne Grammar School 180
Kyneton House 186
Queensland Brain Institute 190
Hawke Building 194
KSV Krüger Schuberth Vandreike 198
Museum for Modern and Contemporary Art and Bridge over the Talvera Bolzano 198
Lar / Fernando Romero 204
Soumaya Museum 204
LOT-EK 210
New Jalisco Library 210
Puma City 212
Manuel Ocana 220
Santa Rita Geriatric Centre 220
Rota House 228
Martín Lejarraga Arquitecto 232
Municipal Library and Reading Park 232
Sky Village 244
Eco Ciudad Montecorvo Logrono 250
Gwang Gyo Power Centre 254
NL Architects 258
Silos Zeeburgereiland 258
Taipei Performing Arts Centre 259
Office dA 270
Macallen Building 270
Paisajes Emergentes 280
Aquatic Complex for Panamerican Games 280
Renovation of the “EL Campin Stadium” 286
Lagoon Park 290
Paul de Ruiter 294
Bijlmer Park Theatre 294
The Zuidkas 300
Atelier Phileas 302
Bondy School 302
Philippe Rahm Architectes 306
Interior Gulf Stream 306
Convective Museum 308
Plan01 310
Rennes Metropole Crematorium 310
Pugh + Scarpa 316
Step Up on Fifth 316
Solar Umbrella 322
Querkraft 328
ML Museum Liaunig 328
Rüdiger Lainer + Partner 336
Building With Verandas 336
Wirtschaftskammer N? 342
R&Sie(n) 346
Green Gorgon 346
RAU 354
De Woonplaats 354
Reiser + Umemoto 360
0-14 360
Shenzhen-T3 364
SeARCH 370
Tree-Top Observation Platform 370
Junior College 372
Shuhei Endo Architect 376
Slowtecture M 376
Guangzhou Culture Centre 380
Subarquitectura 386
Tram Stop in Alicante 386
360 House 396
Substance 400
Sports Ground for Majori Permary School 400
Dzintari Forest Park 406
Atelier Thomas Pucher 412
Headquarter for the Organization of the Islamic Conference 412
Museum of Natural History, Copenhagen 420
Korea Waterfalls 424
UN Studio 428
Ciudad del Motor 428
International Investment Square 434
Various Architects 438
Mobile Performance Venue 438
Vincent Callebaut 444
Lilypad, A Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees 444
Dragonfly, A Metabolic Farm for Urban Agriculture 452
X-TU 460
North Archives 460
X-Sea-Ty 464
Jeongok Prehistory Museum 468
Yazdani Studio ( Cannon Design) 476
Price Center East, University of California, San Diego 476
Ordos Concert Hall 484
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